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Cluster-Based Catalysts for Asymmetric Synthesis.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Asymmetrisk syntes för framställning av optiskt rena substanser är av stort intresse, inte bara för forskningsändamål utan även för praktiska tillämpningar inom flera olika branscher. Dagligen stöter man på produkter som har sitt ursprung i asymmetrisk syntes; allt från dofter, smakämnen och livräddande läkemedel till nya praktiska plaster med skräddarsydda egenskaper. In this work, the synthesis and characterisation of new low-valence transition metal carbonyl clusters, and an investigation into their viability to act as catalysts/catalyst precursors in asymmetric synthesis, are described. Carbonyl clusters based on ruthenium and osmium have been tested as (pre)catalysts for asymmetric hydrogenation of alpha-unsaturated carboxylic acids, and cobalt carbonyl clu

Sven Norberg's contribution to legal education in Sweden

Sven Norberg has had a successful career in European development, which has been multi-faceted, active and very productive. This contribution, however, focuses on the equally impressive and parallel career, which Sven Norberg has pursued: his contributions to academic life and his activities in reforming Swedish legal education. These side activities could easily be regarded as merely incidental,

Efficient Pruning of Search Trees in LQR Control of Switched Linear Systems

This paper considers off-line optimization of a switching sequence fora given finite set of linear control systems and joint optimization ofcontrol laws. A linear quadratic full information criterion isoptimized and dynamic programming is used to find the optimalswitching sequence and control laws. The main result is a method for efficient pruning of the search tree to avoid combinatoric explosion

Small biotopes: Landscape and management effects on pollinators

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vårt behov av att öka matproduktionen för en växande global befolkning, har sedan mitten av nittonhundratalet drivit jordbrukets utveckling. Det traditionella, småskaliga jordbrukslandskapet med sitt lapptäcke av betesmarker, ängar och åkrar, har över tid ersatts av ett mer produktionsinriktat landskap. Åkrar har slagits ihop för att skapa större odlingsenheter, där nyaThe intensification of agriculture during the second half of the twentieth century, has caused sever declines of farmland biodiversity, where loss of semi-natural habitats is one of the major drivers. To halt further loss of habitat and biodiversity, agri-environmental schemes (AES) are used to compensate farmers to use methods less harmful to the environment. In this thesis, I have investigated t

pH-dependent oxidation of Cytochrome b559 is different in the different S-states

We have studied the state of Cyt b559 and the Mn cluster by EPR and optical spectroscopy in the different S-states between pH 4.0-10.0. In these experiments, the pH was changed after the OEC turnover to the appropriate S-state (at pH 6.0) by 0-3 saturating flashes. Furthermore, the state of Cyt b559 after a subsequent flash given after the pH modification was also investigated. The results show th

Kommuners trafikstrategier och användning av hållbarhetsindikatorer

Within the framework of HASTA, a systematic study was conducted about Swedish municipalities’ traffic strategies and use of sustainability indicators to follow up the work on a sustainable transport system. This report analyzes the work of the municipalities with a traffic strategy in order to examine if the municipalities use sustainability indicators or not. Furthermore, the report analyzes in w

Disentangling the complexities of vertebrate sex allocation: a role for squamate reptiles?

Sex allocation is an important field in evolutionary biology, both historically and currently. However, while sex allocation theory has successfully predicted sex ratio bias in some taxa, most notably parasitic wasps, vertebrates are notorious for their poor fit to theoretical models. We argue that this arises from the use of very complex model systems to test relatively simple theoretical models.

Kung Fotboll: Den svenska fotbollens kulturhistoria från 1800-talets slut till 1950

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar den svenska fotbollens kulturhistoria från 1800-talets slut fram till år 1950. Det är berättelsen om hur spelet gradvis etableras, överkommer en mängd inre och yttre problem och konflikter, för att träda in i sin guldålder under 1940-talet. Mer konkret följs hur fotbollens medelklassdominerade maktelit försökte kontrollera skeendet inom en sport pThis thesis concerns Swedish football´s cultural history from the end of the nineteenth century to 1950. It is the story of how the game was gradually established, and overcame a great number of internal and external problems and conflicts, before entering its sporting and cultural golden age during the 1940s. I demonstrate how this game´s middle-class dominated power elite tried to control the de