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Your search for "*" yielded 532229 hits

The responsibility to protect - A foundation for making exceptions to the general prohibition on the use of force?

In 2001, the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) published a report on the so called doctrine of the responsibility to protect (R2P). According to the ICISS, the R2P implies a subsidiary responsibility on the international community through the United Nations (UN) to protect populations from gross human rights violations if states responsible for those population

Föräldrars syn på barnets vårdtid inom intensivvård: En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Under 2019 vårdades 3400 barn inom intensivvård i Sverige. Barnets vårdtid inom intensivvård är en stressande och påfrestande tid för hela familjen. Tidigare forskning uppmärksammar föräldrarnas svårigheter att finna sin roll i omvårdnaden samt vikten av delaktighet. Syfte: Att beskriva föräldrars erfarenheter av barnets vårdtid inom intensivvård. Metod: Litteraturstudie med analys av ti

Phenomenology of a Three Higgs Doublet Model with a U(1)xZ2 flavour symmetry

We have studied the main features and the phenomenological consistency of a family-nonuniversal Three Higgs Doublet Model (3HDM) with a softly broken U(1)xZ2 family symmetry that enforces the flavour hierarchies in the Standard Model (SM) while implementing a tree-level Flavour Changing Neutral Current (FCNC) suppression in a Branco-Grimus-Lavoura way. Furthermore, the alignment limit is imposed i

Digitala verktyg som en möjlighet för butiker att utöka sitt värdeerbjudande - En studie på konsumenters värdeskapande i möbel- och heminredningsbutiker

Syftet med denna studien är att bidra med en ökad förståelse kring hur möbel- och heminredningsbutiker kan använda sig av digitala verktyg för att underlätta konsumenters värdeskapande. Detta har studerats genom att undersöka vad konsumenter har för förväntningar på digitala verktyg samt hur digitala verktyg kan underlätta konsumenters skapande av värde. Detta har gjorts med en bakgrund i att tekn

Evaluation of a heated inlet to reduce humidity induced error in low-cost particulate matter sensors

The number of low-cost particulate matter (PM) sensors available on the market has increased in recent years. They are affordable, compact and require no maintenance which means they easily can be deployed and utilized for real-time air monitoring. However, the accuracy of low-cost PM sensors has been reported to vary depending on several factors. This thesis aims to investigate and reduce errors

Museet för mossor och lavar

Fulufjället, Dalarna. Projektet handlar om att designa ett museum där platsens olika kontexter i natur, vind, snö och ljus ligger i huvudfokus för utförandet, med utgångspunkten att vara obemannat och ta hand om besökaren på bästa möjliga sätt.

Quinoline carbohydrate derivatives as galectin-8 inhibitors - From galactose to galactal

Galectins are an old fifteen-member protein family. Every galectin has one or two highly conserved carbohydrate recognition domains (CRDs) through which it binds their mutual ligand galactose. They are involved in various pathways such as signaling, autophagy and immune response. However, they also contribute to pathological functions including fibrosis, metastasis, cardiovascular diseases and dia

On the Effectiveness of Handcrafted and Learned Features in Automated Essay Scoring

När man talar om framtiden finns det ett begrepp som dyker upp i nästan varje diskussion: "articiell intelligens". Vår fascination kring framtidens potentiellt självtänkande robotar speglas i hur mycket det diskuteras i alla yrkesgrupper just nu, oavsett om ämnet är koldioxidutsläpp, självkörande bilar eller automatiska inköpslistor. Men hur långt har egentligen maskininlärning kommit idThe task of Automated Essay Scoring (AES) has been active for more than half a century, starting with handcrafting statistical features used for linear regression, and currently being improved by the latest advancements in machine learning and natural language processing. Most current research uses some form of character or word embeddings to represent the essays rather than statistical features,

An Optimized Hardware Implementation of Grain-128AEAD

With the Internet of Things era being here, more devices than ever are connected to the Internet, making the need for higher security greater. One important aspect of security to consider is encryption, which protects data from being read by unauthorized parties. Integrating cryptographic algorithms can be done in many ways and is usually dependent on restrictions of the area, speed, and power whe

Fama, French och Carhart - kan någon ge oss en förklaring?

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida två olika investeringsstrategier, Magic Formula och Momentumstrategin, kan generera abnormal avkastning på den europeiska aktiemarknaden utifrån fyra tillgångsprissättningsmodeller mellan juli 2000 och juli 2018. Uppsatsens bisyfte är att undersöka hur investeringsstrategierna utvecklas i förhållande till marknadsportföljen. Metod: Metoden som Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to examine if two investment strategies, Magic Formula and Momentum strategy, are capable of generating an abnormal return on the european stock market according to four asset pricing models during the time period between July 2000 and July 2018. A secondary purpose is to investigate the investment strategies’ performance in relation to the market portfolio. M

Sveriges nya vägskyddssystem - En jämförande studie med fokus på gränssnitt och felindikering i Alex-produkten och dagens system

Dagens vägskyddsanläggningar är baserade på gammal reläteknik och är byggda på liknande sätt som på 1940-talet. År 2014 påbörjades projekt-Alex av Trafikverket med mål att byta ut dagens vägskyddsanläggningar mot en mer modern och driftsäker anläggning. Detta genom att uppdatera tekniken i vägskyddsanläggningarna till ett databaserat system som ska standardiseras och inte vara så anläggningsspecifToday's level crossing security systems are based on old relay-based technology and have been constructed in the same way since the 1940s. In 2014, Project-Alex was initiated by Trafikverket to replace the current level crossing security systems with a more modern and reliable system. It is done by updating the technology in the level crossing security systems to a computer-based system that i

Investing in Future Generations: Global Cocoa Price shocks and their impact upon School Attendance and Child Employment Rates in Ghana, 1987-1991

This paper looks into the responses of cocoa farming households to a negative shock in the global cocoa price with regards to how they invest into the future of their children. The specific child outcomes of focus are child employment rates, school attendance, and household expenditure on schooling and related activities. A differences-in-differences approach is used in line with previous literatu

An investigation of the nano-size extracellular vesicles by the colloidal characterization of EVs and EVs fluids

Extracellulära vesiklar (EV) är membranbundna vesiklar som utsöndras från de flesta celler och släpps ut i biologiska vätskor. De är 30 - 5000 nm i diameter stora och innehåller biologiska molekyler som RNA, lipider och proteiner. De spelar en nyckelroll för kommunikationen mellan cellerna, så kallad, intercellulär kommunikation. EV är ett utmärkt medel för långdistans kommunikation mellan celler.The aim of this thesis was to reveal how nano-sized extracellular vesicles (EVs) isolated from human breast milk and Aascaris suum, parasitic worm incubation media interacts with hydrophilic, hydrophobic and DOPC surfaces and colloidally characterize EVs and EV fluids by determining their hydrodynamic radius and zeta potential. Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) was used to determine the size and zet

Extending the shelf-life of fruits and vegetables in retail stores - Assessment of an innovative controlled atmosphere solution

Fruits and vegetables (F&V) waste in retail stores linked to consumer dissatisfaction has led to an increased interest in new preservation solutions to extend the shelf-life of fresh produce. In this study, the potential of controlled atmosphere (CA) combined with optimal temperature and relative humidity (RH) to extend the shelf-life of fruits and vegetables (F&V) in retail stores for shoReducing fruits & vegetables waste in retail stores with an innovative preservation solution Storing fruits and vegetables under controlled atmosphere and optimal temperature and humidity conditions could help improving consumer satisfaction and visual quality of fruits and vegetables in retail stores. The impact of an innovative solution on the shelf-life of fruits and vegetables and its env

The Forecasting of Daily Stock Returns with Sentiment Analysis and Google Trends

Previous research has shown a link between investor sentiment and stock market movement, as well as the correlation of search engine queries and market volatility. This research aims to extend these findings by predicting the exact firm-level daily return of Apple and Amazon. The daily returns are predicted with an artificial neural network model. In theory, this model is able to learn similarly t

“This is a wound of the soul” – examining experiences of lay therapy as trauma treatment in northern Uganda

Bakgrund: Denna studie utforskar klienter, terapeuter och handledares erfarenheter av lekmannaterapi som traumabehandling i norra Uganda. Deltagarnas erfarenheter av vad som anses vara viktigt gällande implementering, planering och kontext utforskas tillsammans med vilka möjligheter och begränsningar deltagarna ser gällande detta behandlingsupplägg. Metod: 14 semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördBackground: This study explored the experiences of clients, therapists and supervisors in regards to lay therapy as trauma treatment in Northern Uganda. The participants’ experiences of what is important in the implementation, planning and context for such treatment setup to be successful, as well as the potentials and limitations are explored. Method: A total of 14 semi-structured interviews were