The way they where, or a book for Roland Moberg.
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The purpose of this research was to investigate e-business and e-supply strategies in Scottish small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The paper reviews academic literature and recent survey reports on the degree of e-business adoption in the UK and Republic of Ireland. The qualitative methodology undertaken is described, findings are discussed and implications from this study for e-business s
Mobile phones become smaller but include more advanced functions for every new generation. This paradox is possible since reduced transistor size and increased integration of digital building blocks free space for new functions. Unfortunately, not all components are easily integrated or scaled, such as the antenna, since its performance is dependent on the size. Shrinking mobile phone size results
The twin hook has been developed as an alternative to the conventional lag screw to be combined with a barrelled side-plate in the treatment of trochanteric hip fractures. With two oppositely directed apical hooks introduced into the subchondral bone of the femoral head, the twin hook provides different stabilising properties to the lag screw. The femoral head purchase of the twin hook and the lag
Formaldehyde (CH2O) is an important intermediate species in combustion processes and it can through laser-induced fluorescence measurements be used for instantaneous flame front detection. The present study has focussed on the use of the third harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser at 355 nm as excitation wavelength for formaldehyde, and different dimethyl ether (C2H6O) flames were used as sources of formalde
To compare the clinical and microbiological efficacy of azithromycin in curing chlamydial infections in women with that of lymecycline, and with a view of the possibility of minimizing the problem of compliance by means of single-dose administration, 146 women with culture-positive Chlamydia trachomatis infections were randomly assigned to treatment with a 1 g bolus dose of azithromycin or a 10-da
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The aim of this study is to examine the two novels Le Rouge et le Noir and La Chartreuse de Parme in the light of the theory of 'triangular desire', elaborated by René Girard in Mensonge romantique et vérité romanesque (1961). According to this theory, desire in Stendhal's novels – that is desire in a very general sense – is not spontaneous, but derived from a third part, that Girard labels the 'm
Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) is a special form of diabetes that is clinically similar to type 2 diabetes but with positivity for pancreatic autoantibodies. The frequency of LADA patients among all patients diagnosed as type 2 varies between 6-50% in various populations. The frequency is higher in younger age groups. It is clear, however, that the frequency of autoimmune diabetes amo
According to a previous study, 8% of all children in Dalby primary care district were chronically ill. The impact of the illness on the children's well-being was investigated using parental questionnaires. No difference in socio-demographic variables was found between responders (70%) and non-responders. The study comprised 98 index and 168 control children. Comfort and well-being in school and pr
In a 24-year sub-sample taken from a 42-year period of study (1950-1991), hip fracture incidence was analysed from a defined catchment area within one hospital. During this time, 8,256 hip fractures occurred in a generated risk population of 1,915,571 person-years. Crude incidence increased three-fold in women and five-fold in men. In men, the age-specific increase was twice as large as the age dr
Popular Abstract in SwedishGester betraktas ofta populärt som det mest typiska sättet för språkinlärare att lösa kommunikativa problem. Trots det har gester sällan studerats inom ramen för teorier som rör bruket eller inlärningen av andraspråk. Den här studien avser att redogöra för hur andraspråksinlärare använder spontana eller koverbala gester som kommunikationsstrategier. Gester klassificeras Gesture is always mentioned in descriptions of compensatory behaviour in second language discourse, yet it has never been adequately integrated into any theory of Communication Strategies (CSs). This study suggests a method for achieving such an integration. By combining a cognitive theory of speech-associated gestures with a process-oriented framework for CSs, gesture and speech can be seen as re
The pathogenesis of cerebral ischaemia after subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) still remains elusive. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether specific protein kinas C (PKC) inhibition in rats could alter the transcriptional SAH induced Endothelin (ET) type B and 5-hydroxytryptamine type 1B (5-HT1B) receptor upregulation and prevent the associated cerebral blood flow (CBF) reduction. T
The present thesis mainly focuses on the numerical simulation of the turbulent flow field and acoustics developed in different industrial applications. The study covers a large range of Mach numbers, starting from incompressible regimes and ending with a fully compressible flow. In the first part of the thesis, several computations of an incompressible flow, are performed in order to study the be