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GEOMAGIA50.v3: 2. A new paleomagnetic database for lake and marine sediments

Background: GEOMAGIA50.v3 for sediments is a comprehensive online database providing access to published paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, and chronological data obtained from lake and marine sediments deposited over the past 50 ka. Its objective is to catalogue data that will improve our understanding of changes in the geomagnetic field, physical environments, and climate. Findings: GEOMAGIA50.v3 for

Synovial fluid analysis of two groups of proteoglycan epitopes distinguishes early and late cartilage lesions.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether fragmentation of proteoglycans in arthritis results in domains that have different levels of release from cartilage at different stages of the disease.METHODS: Two regions of the proteoglycan, the hyaluronan-binding region and the glycosaminoglycan-rich region of the core protein, were measured, by immunoassay, in knee joint synovial fluids of patients with rheuma

Scientific MALT and STAFF meetings - past, present, and future

The scientific STAFF and MALT meetings were created around the turn of the century for scientists engaged in enhancing the role of the 12-lead ECG for detection and quantification of involved myocardium in patients with acute coronary syndrome. These meetings were initially focused on computer processing of data from two single-center databases. The STAFF database was collected in the mid-nineties

Combining the parabolic synthesis methodology with second-degree interpolation

The Parabolic Synthesis methodology is an approximation methodology for implementing unary functions, such as trigonometric functions, logarithms and square root, as well as binary functions, such as division, in hardware. Unary functions are extensively used in baseband for wireless/wireline communication, computer graphics, digital signal processing, robotics, astrophysics, fluid physics, games

Human echolocation : Acoustic gaze for burst trains and continuous noise

This study explored the ability of blind and sighted listeners to detect reflections, "echoes", of burst trains or continuous noise. Echo detection was compared by presenting 5 ms bursts, rates from 1 to 64 bursts, with a continuous white noise, all during 500 ms. Sounds were recorded in an ordinary room through an artificial binaural head, the loudspeaker 1 m behind it. The reflecting object was

Consequences of pressure-instigated spin crossover in RFeO3 perovskites; a volume collapse with no symmetry modification

High-pressure X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer, and Raman studies in the antiferromagnetic insulators RFeO3 orthorhombic perovskites (R = Pr, Eu, Lu) disclose an unusual phenomena of a reversible first-order isostructural phase transition around 50 GPa concurring with an abrupt ∼ 5% volume decrease. It is shown experimentally that this transformation concurs with, and is driven by, a high-to-low-spin

Stora emissioner från avjämningsmassor vid kompatibilitetstest

I samband med en större kompatibilitetstest av golvmaterial och betong vid LTH Byggnadsmaterial konstaterades stora egenemissioner från avjämningsmassor. Odören av rutten fisk spred sig två våningar upp i laboratoriet på LTH och fanns kvar ca 1 vecka. Emissionerna från avjämningsmassa trängde dock ej igenom de provade mattorna och hade således ingen inverkan på inneluften.