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International Organizations and the Global Environment

The organisational network of global environmental governance (GEG) mirrors the complexity of the planet's manifold and overlapping ecosystems. Bursting onto the international stage in the 1970s, environmental issues began to be addressed by a series of new international organisations, most of them affiliated with the United Nations. Some of them, such as the United Nations Environment Programme (

DSS 2.0 – Supporting Decision Making With New Technologies

Advances in technology have resulted in new and advanced methods to support decision-making. For example, artificial intelligence has enabled people to make better decisions through the use of Intelligent Decision Support Systems (DSS). Emerging research in DSS demonstrates that decision makers can operate in a more timely manner using real-time data, more accurately due to data mining and 'big da

Subjective Well-Being in Swedish Women

The present thesis concerns middle-aged women’s subjective well-being (SWB). The interest is focused on the importance of childhood factors, social circumstances, and personality for middle-aged women’s general SWB. Data were taken from the longitudinal research program Individual Development and Adaptation (IDA, Magnusson & Bergman, 2000) and concerned a sample of about 300 women. The main an

Glycaemic and satiating properties of potato products

Objective: To investigate glycaemic and satiating properties of potato products in healthy subjects using energy-equivalent or carbohydrate-equivalent test meals, respectively. Subjects and setting: Thirteen healthy subjects volunteered for the first study, and 14 for the second. The tests were performed at Applied Nutrition and Food Chemistry, Lund University, Sweden. Experimental design and te

Influence of treatment-induced changes in tussue absorption on treatment volume during interstitial photodynamic therapy

Abstract in German Bei der interstitiellen photodynamischen Therapie dicker Hautläsionen hat sich herausgestellt, dass Veränderungen in der Gewebelichttransmission erzeugt werden, was eine unmittelbare Folge der Schwankungen des Gesamtblutvolumens und der Sauerstoffsättigung ist. Zur Simulation der Energiedichte- und der Gesamtlichtdosisverteilung im Zielgewebe wurde in zwei Fällen eine Finite-EleInterstitial photodynamic therapy on thick skin lesions has been shown to induce changes in tissue light transmission as a direct consequence of variations in total blood volume and oxygen saturation. A finite element method was used in order to simulate the fluence rate distribution and total light dose throughout the target tissue for two cases. The first case constitutes a pre-treatment model w

Friction and Damage Accumulation, Formation, Morphology and Transport of Dust from Fibre Handling

The mechanical stress build up in fibre handling, the dynamical frictional phenomena between fibres and curves surfaces and formation of dust have been studied. Typical are stick slip behaviour and threshold stress levels for formation of dust. The emissions of dust can be limited by electrostatic charging. The measured coefficients of friction of the fibres depend on the mechanical properties, mi

Roller på livets och historiens scen. Drottning Kristinas bilder av sig själv

Det tänkande som ligger under Kristinas självframställning - livet är ett skådespel - beskrivs, samt de genrebundna mönster för Kristinas jag som hon utnyttjar påvisas i Krisinas text, bl a Plutarkos biografi över Alexander den store, den kvinnliga helgonbiografin. Dessa kan knytas till Kristinas manliga klädsel, hennes transvestism samt till hennes bild av sitt offer(abdikationen)som ett hjältedå

Net-charge fluctuations in relativistic heavy-ion interactions

Different measures of net-charge fluctuations in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion interactions, namely, v(Q), v(R), Γ and νdyn, are discussed and compared. Their behaviors are confronted in the context of different experimental scenarios. It is found that the νdyn observable exhibits most of the experimentally desirable features. The v(Q) and Γ observables are also appropriate although proper care must