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Your search for "*" yielded 532329 hits

From an information consumer to an information author : a new approach to business intelligence

Self-Service Business Intelligence (SSBI) enables business users, such as executives, managers, analysts, and knowledge workers to build reports on a need-basis to support their decisions and actions toward business success. This suggests that business users are empowered not only to consume information but also to author it. Yet, research on SSBI is mainly concentrated at the industrial level, an

Course of Grip Force Impairment in Patients With Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Over the First Five Years After Diagnosis

Objective: Objective measures of function are important in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The objective of this study was to investigate grip strength in patients with early RA. Methods: An inception cohort of 225 patients with early RA was followed in accordance with a structured protocol. Average and peak grip force values of the dominant hand (measured using a Grippit device [AB Detektor]) were eva

Polarisation vision : overcoming challenges of working with a property of light we barely see

In recent years, the study of polarisation vision in animals has seen numerous breakthroughs, not just in terms of what is known about the function of this sensory ability, but also in the experimental methods by which polarisation can be controlled, presented and measured. Once thought to be limited to only a few animal species, polarisation sensitivity is now known to be widespread across many t

Impact of operation conditions, foulant adsorption, and chemical cleaning on the nanomechanical properties of ultrafiltration hollow fiber membranes

This study analyzed the change in nanomechanical properties of ultrafiltration hollow fiber membranes harvested from pilot-scale units after twelve months of operation. Quantitative Nanomechanical Mapping technique was used to distinguish between adhesion, dissipation, deformation, and modulus while simultaneously generating a topographic image of membranes. Nanomechanical maps of virgin membranes

Evaluating stance-annotated sentences from the Brexit Blog Corpus: A quantitative linguistic analysis

This paper offers a formally driven quantitative analysis of stance-annotated sentences in the Brexit Blog Corpus (BBC). Our goal is to identify features that determine the formal profiles of six stance categories (CONTRARIETY, HYPOTHETICALITY, NECESSITY, PREDICTION, SOURCE OF KNOWLEDGE and UNCERTAINTY) in a subset of the BBC. The study has two parts: firstly, it examines a large number of formal

Measurement of the production cross section of three isolated photons in pp collisions at s=8 TeV using the ATLAS detector

A measurement of the production of three isolated photons in proton–proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy s=8 TeV is reported. The results are based on an integrated luminosity of 20.2 fb−1 collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The differential cross sections are measured as functions of the transverse energy of each photon, the difference in azimuthal angle and in pseudorapidity be

Accurate and Efficient Evaluation of Characteristic Modes

A new method to improve the accuracy and efficiency of CM decomposition for perfectly conducting bodies is presented. The method uses the expansion of the Green dyadic in spherical vector waves. This expansion is utilized in the MoM solution of the EFIE to factorize the real part of the impedance matrix. The factorization is then employed in the computation of CM, which improves the accuracy as we

Digital Predistortion for Hybrid MIMO Transmitters

This article investigates digital predistortion (DPD) linearization of hybrid beamforming large-scale antenna transmitters. We propose a novel DPD processing and learning technique for an antenna sub-array, which utilizes a combined signal of the individual power amplifier (PA) outputs in conjunction with a decorrelation-based learning rule. In effect, the proposed approach results in minimizing t

How a terror attack affects right-wing authoritarianism, social dominance orientation, and their relationship to torture attitudes

Self‐reported level of right‐wing authoritarianism (RWA), the two facets of social dominance orientation (SDO‐Dominance and SDO‐Egalitarianism) and pro‐torture attitudes were measured both in the immediate aftermath (terror salience, N = 152) of the terror attacks in Paris and Brussels and when terrorism was not salient (non‐salience, N = 140). Results showed that RWA and pro‐torture attitudes, bu

A value mapping tool for sustainable business modelling

Purpose: Although business models that deliver sustainability are increasingly popular in the literature, few tools that assist in sustainable business modelling have been identified. This paper investigates how businesses might create balanced social, environmental and economic value through integrating sustainability more fully into the core of their business. A value mapping tool is developed t

Understanding environmental performance variation in manufacturing companies

Purpose: Sustainability is an area of increasing interest for industry and its stakeholders, and some companies now aspire to address sustainability issues (e.g. carbon emissions) at strategic and operational levels. As companies are exploring the issues, they attempt to embed sustainability in their planning and management systems. It is at this point that the domains of environmental concern and

Embedding sustainability in business modelling through multi-stakeholder value innovation

This paper investigates how businesses might create balanced social, environmental and economic value through integrating sustainability more fully into the core of their business. For this purpose a more systematic approach to business model innovation for sustainability is required. A novel value mapping tool is proposed to help firms create value propositions better suited for sustainability. T

From refining sugar to growing tomatoes : Industrial ecology and business model evolution

This article seeks to advance the understanding of the relationship between industrial ecology (IE) and business model innovation for sustainability as a means and driver of new value creation and competitive advantage by expanding the understanding of industrial symbiosis (IS) and internal symbiosis. This is explored through the case study of British Sugar, which, at the time of writing, is the U

Evaluation of Different Turbocharger Configurations for a Heavy-Duty Partially Premixed Combustion Engine

The engine concept partially premixed combustion (PPC) has proved higher gross indicated efficiency compared to conventional diesel combustion engines. The relatively simple implementation of the concept is an advantage, however, high gas exchange losses has made its use challenging in multi-cylinder heavy duty engines. With high rates of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) to dilute the charge and he

Incommensurability and vagueness in spectrum arguments : options for saving transitivity of betterness

The spectrum argument purports to show that the better-than relation is not transitive, and consequently that orthodox value theory is built on dubious foundations. The argument works by constructing a sequence of increasingly less painful but more drawn-out experiences, such that each experience in the spectrum is worse than the previous one, yet the final experience is better than the experience