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Your search for "*" yielded 533512 hits

Accumulation and separation of membrane-bound proteins using hydrodynamic forces

The separation of molecules residing in the cell membrane remains a largely unsolved problem in the fields of bioscience and biotechnology. We demonstrate how hydrodynamic forces can be used to both accumulate and separate membrane-bound proteins in their native state. A supported lipid bilayer (SLB) was formed inside a microfluidic channel with the two proteins streptavidin (SA) and cholera toxin

One-year results of the SCANDIV randomized clinical trial of laparoscopic lavage versus primary resection for acute perforated diverticulitis

Background: Recent randomized trials demonstrated that laparoscopic lavage compared with resection for Hinchey III perforated diverticulitis was associated with similar mortality, less stoma formation but a higher rate of early reintervention. The aim of this study was to compare 1-year outcomes in patients who participated in the randomized Scandinavian Diverticulitis (SCANDIV) trial. Methods: Be

Low risk for hip fracture and high risk for hip arthroplasty due to osteoarthritis among Swedish farmers

Summary: We aimed to study the risk of hip fracture and risk of hip arthroplasty among farmers in Sweden. Our results indicate that farming, representing an occupation with high physical activity, in men is associated with a lower risk of hip fracture but an increased risk of hip arthroplasty. Introduction: The risks of hip fracture and hip arthroplasty are influenced by factors including socioeco

Understanding Group Polarization with Bipolar Argumentation Frameworks

Group polarization occurs when an initial attitude or belief of individuals becomes more radical after group discussion. Polarization often leads subgroups towards opposite directions. Since the 1960s this effect has been observed and repeatedly confirmed in lab experiments by social psychologists. Persuasive Arguments Theory (PAT) emerged as the most convincing explanation for this phenomenon. Th

Nuclear medicine : Physics and instrumentation special feature review article: SPECT/CT: An update on technological developments and clinical applications

Functional nuclear medicine imaging with single-photon emission CT (SPECT) in combination with anatomical CT has been commercially available since the beginning of this century. The combination of the two modalities has improved both the sensitivity and specificity of many clinical applications and CT in conjunction with SPECT that allows for spatial overlay of the SPECT data on good anatomy image

Unraveling platform strategies : A review from an organizational ambidexterity perspective

Platform strategies, which highlight the interdependence in and evolution of business ecosystems, are increasingly relevant for sustainable business models in the digital era. So far, platform research has existed as a fragmented body of insights from different fields, but an integrated theoretical perspective can lead to a more coherent understanding of the research overall. Organizational ambide

Longitudinal shortening remains the principal component of left ventricular pumping in patients with chronic myocardial infarction even when the absolute atrioventricular plane displacement is decreased

Background: The majority (60%) of left ventricular (LV) stroke volume (SV) is generated by longitudinal shortening causing apical atrioventricular plane displacement (AVPD) in systole. The remaining SV is caused by radial inward motion of the epicardium both in the septal and the lateral wall. We aimed to determine if these longitudinal, septal and lateral contributions to LVSV are changed in pati

Thermo-mechanical stress and fatigue damage analysis on multi-stage high pressure reducing valve

A multi-stage high pressure reducing valve (MSHPRV) is proposed. It can achieve a multi-stage pressure reducing way. Valve failure mainly occurs under high pressure and high temperature conditions, thus it is necessary to investigate the strength of MSHPRV under those complex conditions. In this paper, the mathematical model of MSHPRV is established and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method is

Nut intake and 5-year changes in body weight and obesity risk in adults : results from the EPIC-PANACEA study

Purpose: There is inconsistent evidence regarding the relationship between higher intake of nuts, being an energy-dense food, and weight gain. We investigated the relationship between nut intake and changes in weight over 5 years. Methods: This study includes 373,293 men and women, 25–70 years old, recruited between 1992 and 2000 from 10 European countries in the European Prospective Investigation

Managing the Not-Yet: The Architectural Project Under Semiocapitalism

Under conditions of semiocapitalism – wherein signs, rather than goods or even services, are the main output of abstract production – the architectural “project” has become the primary technology for organizing architectural labor. The project, we argue, also acts as a capture device capable of linking economic production and the production of subjectivity, facilitating both the reproduction of (a

Morphometrics and taxonomy of Erigeron acris sensu lato

Morphometric multivariate analysis has been performed based on 23 characters observed on 113 herbariumspecimens from throughout Fennoscandia. This demonstrates that four taxa can be recognised withinErigeron acris L. sensu lato, viz. E. acris L. subsp. acris, E. acris subsp. decoloratus (H. Lindb.) Hiitonen,E. acris subsp. droebachiensis (O. F. Müll.) Arcang. and E. acris subsp. politus (Fr.) H. L

Clinical characteristics of asymptomatic left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and its association with self-rated health and N-terminal B-type natriuretic peptide : a cross-sectional study

AIMS: Left ventricular hypertrophy, obesity, hypertension, and N-terminal B-type natriuretic peptide (Nt-proBNP) predict left ventricular diastolic dysfunction with preserved systolic function (DD-PSF). Self-rated health (SRH) is shown to be associated with chronic diseases, but the association of SRH with DD-PSF is unclear. In light of the clinical implications of DD-PSF, the following goals are

Agonistic targeting of TLR1/TLR2 induces p38 MAPK-dependent apoptosis and NFκB-dependent differentiation of AML cells

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is associated with poor survival, and there is a strong need to identify disease vulnerabilities that might reveal new treatment opportunities. Here, we found that Toll-like receptor 1 (TLR1) and TLR2 are upregulated on primary AML CD34+CD38-cells relative to corresponding normal bone marrow cells. Activating the TLR1/TLR2 complex by the agonist Pam3CSK4 inMLL-AF9-driv

Genome-Wide Interactions with Dairy Intake for Body Mass Index in Adults of European Descent

Scope: Body weight responds variably to the intake of dairy foods. Genetic variation may contribute to inter-individual variability in associations between body weight and dairy consumption. Methods and results: A genome-wide interaction study to discover genetic variants that account for variation in BMI in the context of low-fat, high-fat and total dairy intake in cross-sectional analysis was co

Crystal plasticity modeling of microstructure influence on fatigue crack initiation in extruded Al6082-T6 with surface irregularities

The influence of surface roughness and microstructure heterogeneities in the vicinity of macroscopic stress concentrations are investigated by crystal plasticity simulations. It is shown that in the extruded Al6082-T6 alloy under consideration, twin grain boundaries and other highly misoriented grain interfaces, which constitute significant barriers to plastic slip, provide internal domains in the

A classical density functional theory for the asymmetric restricted primitive model of ionic liquids

A new three-parameter (valency, ion size, and charge asymmetry) model, the asymmetric restricted primitive model (ARPM) of ionic liquids, has recently been proposed. Given that ionic liquids generally are composed of monovalent species, the ARPM effectively reduces to a two-parameter model. Monte Carlo (MC) simulations have demonstrated that the ARPM is able to reproduce key properties of room tem