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Substrate-Independent Magnetic Bistability in Monolayers of the Single-Molecule Magnet Dy2ScN@C80 on Metals and Insulators

Magnetic hysteresis is demonstrated for monolayers of the single-molecule magnet (SMM) Dy2ScN@C80 deposited on Au(111), Ag(100), and MgO|Ag(100) surfaces by vacuum sublimation. The topography and electronic structure of Dy2ScN@C80 adsorbed on Au(111) were studied by STM. X-ray magnetic CD studies show that the Dy2ScN@C80 monolayers exhibit similarly broad magnetic hysteresis independent on the sub

Simultaneous laser-driven x-ray and two-photon fluorescence imaging of atomizing sprays

In this Letter, we report for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, the possibility of visualizing an atomizing spray by simultaneously recording x-ray absorption and two-photon laser-induced fluorescence imaging. This unique illumination/detection scheme is made possible due to the use of soft x rays emitted from a laser-driven x-ray source. An 800 mJ laser pulse of 38 fs duration is used

Over-Indebtedness and Problem Gambling in a General Population Sample of Online Gamblers

Background: Online gambling has increased in recent years, including online casino games and live sports betting which constitute rapid gambling activities with significant potential for gambling-related harm. There is a paucity of research examining whether specific gambling patterns are related to problem gambling and over-indebtedness, when controlling for psychological distress, gender, and ot

Maximum entropy principle and coherent harmonic generation using a single-pass free-electron laser

Single-pass free-electron lasers constitute an example of systems with long-range interactions. The light-particle interplay leading to the power growth and successive relaxation towards a quasi-stationary state is governed by the Vlasov equation. A maximum entropy principle inspired to Lynden-Bell's theory of "violent relaxation" for the Vlasov equation can be invoked to analytically characterize

Self-induced harmonic generation in a storage-ring free-electron laser

Coherent radiation from a relativistic electron beam is a valuable way to overcome the present limitations of conventional lasers and synchrotron radiation light sources. The typical scheme has electrons, directly from a linac, in a single-pass interaction with a laser pulse in the presence of a static undulator magnetic field. We demonstrate that a storage-ring free-electron laser can also achiev

They (Don’t) Need Us : Functional Indispensability Impacts Perceptions of Representativeness and Commitment When Lower-Status Groups Go Through an Intergroup Merger

Intergroup changes occur often between subgroups who are asymmetric in status (e.g., size, power, prestige), with important consequences for social identification, especially among the members of lower-status groups. Mergers offer an example of such changes, when subgroups (merger partners) merge into a common, superordinate group (post-merger group). Lower-status subgroups frequently perceive the

Complex evolution of photoluminescence during phase segregation of MAPb(I1-xBrx)3 mixed halide perovskite

Under illumination, the photoluminescence of a mixed-halide perovskite such as MAPb(I1-xBrx)3 is known to undergo a significant intensity enhancement while spectrally shifting to lower energies. The evolution of low energy photoluminescence is attributed to the formation of iodide rich domains due to phase segregation. This process is detrimental for optoelectronic devices however the mechanism is

Introducing reinforcement learning to the energy system design process

Design optimization of distributed energy systems has become an interest of a wider group of researchers due the capability of these systems to integrate non-dispatchable renewable energy technologies such as solar PV and wind. White box models, using linear and mixed integer linear programing techniques, are often used in their design. However, the increased complexity of energy flow (especially

Inconsistencies in repeated refugee status decisions

Consistency in civil servant decisions is paramount to upholding judicial equality for citizens and individuals seeking safety through governmental intervention. We investigated refugee status decisions made by a sample of civil servants at the Swedish Migration Agency. We hypothesized, based on the emotional demands such decisions bring with them, that participants would exhibit a compassion fade

Standardisation of nailfold capillaroscopy for the assessment of patients with Raynaud's phenomenon and systemic sclerosis

Capillaroscopy is a non-invasive and safe tool which allows the evaluation of the morphology of the microcirculation. Since its recent incorporation in the 2013 American College of Rheumatology (ACR)/European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) classification criteria for systemic sclerosis together with its assessed role to monitor disease progression, capillaroscopy became a ‘mainstream’ investiga

Negation in San Juan Quiahije Chatino Sign Language : The Integration and Adaptation of Conventional Gestures

Sign languages do not arise from thin air: rather, they emerge in communities where conventions are already in place for using gesture. Little research has considered how these conventions are retained and/or adapted as gestures are integrated into emerging sign language lexicons. Here we describe a set of five gestures that are used to convey negative meanings by both speakers and signers in a si