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Your search for "*" yielded 529010 hits

Genetic networks dictating early lymphoid lineage decision events

Differentiation from hematopoietic stem cells to mature blood cells of different lineages is a continuous process that requires the coordinated activity of several stage and lineage specific transcription factors. These factors act in a transcriptional hierarchy and also in a combinatorial manner to establish the expression of the genes that comprise a specific differentiation program. The progres

A possible age-metallicity relation in the Galactic thick disk?

A sample of 229 nearby thick disk stars has been used to investigate theexistence of an age-metallicity relation (AMR) in the Galactic thickdisk. The results indicate that that there is indeed an age-metallicityrelation present in the thick disk. By dividing the stellar sample intosub-groups, separated by 0.1 dex in metallicity, we show that the medianage decreases by about 5-7 Gyr when going from

On the phase-noise and phase-error performances of multiphase LC CMOS VCOs

This paper presents an analysis of phase noise in multiphase LC oscillators, and measurement results for several CMOS quadrature-voltage-controlled-oscillators (QVCOs) working in the 2-GHz frequency range. The phase noise data for a so-called BS-QVCO (-140 dBc/Hz or less at 3 MHz frequency offset from the carrier, for a power consumption of 20.8 mW and a figure-of-merit of 184 dBc/Hz) show that ph

High-spin studies of the neutron deficient nuclei In-103, In-105, In-107, and In-109

High-spin states of the isotopes In-103,In-105,In-107,In-109 have been investigated using in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopic methods. Results from three different experiments are presented. Targets of Fe-54, Cr-50, and Mo-92 were bombarded by a 270 and 261 MeV Ni-58 beam and by a 95 MeV F-19 beam, respectively. Reaction channel separation was achieved with a charged-particle detector array and in the

Phenotypic expression of the complete type of X-linked congenital stationary night blindness in patients with different mutations in the NYX gene

Purpose: To describe the clinical phenotype of the complete type of X-linked congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB1) with different types of mutations in the NYX gene. Methods: The clinical and genetic data from 18 male patients with eight different mutations from two ophthalmological institutes were reviewed. The variability in refractive error, reduced visual acuity and full-field electror

Analysis of the effects of outdoor and accelerated ageing on the optical properties of reflector materials for solar energy applications

Lifetime tests of solar reflector materials are eligible prior to application, to prove the stability of the optical properties. In this work, six reflector materials were aged outdoors and in a climatic test chamber. The surfaces of the samples were inspected using profilometry and optical microscopy. The total and specular reflectance spectra were measured using spectrophotometry and the weighte

Pharmacological treatment of osteopenia induced by gastrectomy or ovariectomy in young female rats

Background Both gastrectomy (GX) and ovariectomy (OVX) induce osteopenia in man and experimental animals. The present study addresses the question - can alendronate, estrogen or parathyroid hormone (PTH) be used to treat established GX- or OVX -evoked osteopenia? Methods Rats were GX-, OVX- or SHAM-operated 8 weeks before starting the treatment with drugs. Each group was then treated for 8 weeks

Excited States in 103Sn: Neutron Single-particle Energies with Respect to 100Sn

Gamma-ray lines from Sn-103 have been identified for the first time using EUROBALL and ancillary detectors. The level scheme of Sn-103 has been established by means of particle-gated gamma gamma coincidences. The energy spacing between the g(7/2) and d(5/2) neutron single-particle orbitals is determined from the excited states in Sn-103.