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Control-Quality Driven Design of Cyber-Physical Systems with Robustness Guarantees

Many cyber-physical systems comprise several control applications sharing communication and computation resources. The design of such systems requires special attention due to the complex timing behavior that can lead to poor control quality or even instability. The two main requirements of control applications are: (1) robustness and, in particular, stability and (2) high control quality. Althoug

Novel forms of Paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 2 (PITX2): Generation by alternative translation initiation and mRNA splicing

Background: Members of the Paired-like homeodomain transcription factor ( PITX) gene family, particularly PITX1 and PITX2, play important roles in normal development and in differentiated cell functions. Three major isoforms of PITX2 were previously reported to be produced through both alternative mRNA splicing (PITX2A and PITX2B) and alternative promoter usage (PITX2C). The proteins derived from

Metabolic risk factors for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma: a prospective study of 580 000 subjects within the Me-Can project

Background: Obesity is associated with an increased risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) and a decreased risk of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). However, little is known about the risk of EAC and ESCC related to other metabolic risk factors. We aimed to examine the risk of EAC and ESCC in relation to metabolic risk factors, separately and combined in a prospective cohort study. Metho

Adhesive and signaling mechanisms in abdominal sepsis

Sepsis is a major cause of mortality in intensive care units despite decades of scientific efforts. The lung is recognized as the most sensitive and critical organ affected by the hyper-inflammatory response in septic patients. Immune cell dysfunction develops in later phases of sepsis making patients susceptible to infections. The aim of this dissertation was to reveal pro- and anti-inflammatory

Contributions to the knowledge of Caloplaca in the Nordic countries

The genus Caloplaca in the Nordic countries is currently under revision and this work has resulted in a number of new records for the Nordic countries or provinces within the countries. These records are presented here. Caloplaca arnoldii subsp. arnoldii is reported new to Sweden, C. conciliascens new to Norway and Sweden, C. castellana new to Finland, C. hungarica new to Norway and Sweden, C. isi

Design and technical construction of a tactile display for sensory feedback in a hand prosthesis system

Background: The users of today's commercial prosthetic hands are not given any conscious sensory feedback. To overcome this deficiency in prosthetic hands we have recently proposed a sensory feedback system utilising a "tactile display" on the remaining amputation residual limb acting as man-machine interface. Our system uses the recorded pressure in a hand prosthesis and feeds back this pressure

A conjugate gradient algorithm for the astrometric core solution of Gaia

Context. The ESA space astrometry mission Gaia, planned to be launched in 2013, has been designed to make angular measurements on a global scale with micro-arcsecond accuracy. A key component of the data processing for Gaia is the astrometric core solution, which must implement an efficient and accurate numerical algorithm to solve the resulting, extremely large least-squares problem. The Astromet

Identification of a Catalytic Exosite for Complement Component C4 on the Serine Protease Domain of C1s

The classical pathway of complement is crucial to the immune system, but it also contributes to inflammatory diseases when dys-regulated. Binding of the C1 complex to ligands activates the pathway by inducing autoactivation of associated C1r, after which C1r activates C1s. C1s cleaves complement component C4 and then C2 to cause full activation of the system. The interaction between C1s and C4 inv

A Bio-Economic Model of Community Incentives for Wildlife Management Under CAMPFIRE

This paper formulates a bio-economic model to analyze community incentives for wildlife management under benefit-sharing programs like the Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources (CAMPFIRE) in Zimbabwe. Three agents influence the wildlife stock: a parks agency determines hunting quotas, outside poachers hunt illegally, and a local community may choose to protect wildlife by di

DSM performance on practical DSL systems based on estimated crosstalk channel information

This paper investigates practical aspects associated to the adoption of dynamic spectrum management (DSM) in existing digital subscriber lines (DSL) access networks. A standard-compliant crosstalk estimation method is utilized in order to retrieve the crosstalk channel information needed by, e.g., a DSM level 2 system. A DSM application framework was developed to help testing DSM in practice and i

Investigating practice variation in a changing primary care. A multilevel perspective on The Skaraborg Primary Care Database

Popular Abstract in Swedish ”Practice variation” I den kliniska vardagen ser man ofta slående variationer i handläggningsrutiner mellan läkare och vårdcentraler utan att detta kan förklaras av skillnader i sjuklighet hos patienterna. Dessa oförklarade skillnader benämns ”practice variation” och beror på lokalt förankrade rutiner ofta etablerade sedan länge. De är sällan vetenskapligt underbyggda uBackground and Aims: Differences in the clinical care of patients have been explained through the concept of practice variation, that is, the occurrence of established local medical procedures that varies between geographic areas. The primary measures introduced to eliminate undesirable differences in medical care are the introduction of medical guidelines and economical incentives that rewards th

Diet selection in birds: trade-off between energetic content and digestibility of seeds

Partial preferences may occur due to differences in profitability and encounter probability between food types within a patch. In the expanding specialist diet strategy, a forager goes from being partially selective on the preferred, most profitable food, to being opportunistic, after the preferred food has been depleted to a certain critical level. We studied the diet selection strategies of bird

Identifying development blocks - A new methodology Implemented on Swedish industry 1900–1974

The paper specifies a quantitative methodology for exploring development blocks. The concept of 'development block' was a major contribution to the historical analysis of industrial transformation by the late Erik Dahmen, but development blocks have mainly been analyzed by qualitative methods and indirect indicators and not statistically identified. In this paper, development blocks are identified

Exploring multiple spaces and practices : a note on the use of ethnography in LIS-research

Introduction. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in ethnographic research within the field of library and Information studies. Although ethnography has been used by information researchers for studying a wide variety of phenomena, discussions concerning methodological developments and directions, as well as ethnography’s wider applicability within the field are rare. Our intent is

Developments in optics and performance at BL13-XALOC, the macromolecular crystallography beamline at the Alba Synchrotron

BL13-XALOC is currently the only macromolecular crystallography beamline at the 3 GeV ALBA synchrotron near Barcelona, Spain. The optics design is based on an in-vacuum undulator, a Si(111) channel-cut crystal monochromator and a pair of KB mirrors. It allows three main operation modes: a focused configuration, where both mirrors can focus the beam at the sample position to 52 mu m x 5.5 mu m FWHM