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Climate Peace - The New Liberal Peace

In this paper, climate peace-related intervention by the United Nations Country Team in South Sudan is investigated. The case is approached through a decolonised intervention perspective based on Meera Sabaratnam’s theory in “Decolonized Intervention: International Statebuilding in Mozambique”. The reflexive interpretation method described by Alvesson and Sköldberg is used to approach the question

Permanently Suspended: Den deliberativa demokratin och sociala medier

Både forskare och samhällsdebattörer har börjat likna dagens sociala medier vid traditionella Public Spheres, den offentliga yta där folket möts för att diskutera politik. Inne i Public Sphere efterlyser författare som Jürgen Habermas och James Fischkin en så kallad deliberativ debatt, en samhällsdebatt präglad av deltagande, förståelse och konstruktivitet. Befintlig forskning placerar hitills ett

En Stad i Rörelse - En studie över kollektivtrafikutbud och implementering av mobilitetstjänster i Brunnshög

Travel is a crucial part of our lives and the way we travel is constantly changing. The current state of day-to-day travel in Sweden is studied with a case study on a new neighborhood, renowned for its innovation and sustainable approach, that is under development in the city of Lund in southern Sweden. Implementation of public transit, mobility-as-a-service and contemporary infrastructure pla

Failure of the Ban on Plastic Shopping Bags: Finding Supportive Policy Measures to Address Excessive Plastic Shopping Bag Consumption. A Case of Thimphu, Bhutan

Having implemented a ban on plastic shopping bags with three other reinforcements of the ban over the span of two decades, Bhutan still faces the issue of plastic shopping bag overconsumption and waste, where the ban policy has been proven ineffective. Issues of plastic shopping bag consumption in Bhutan are discussed to understand the plastic shopping waste situation in the country, and different

Use of Barley in Development of a Functional Product with Low Glycaemic Index

Diet is considered one of the key factors contributing to an increased risk of developing diabetes type 2. The rising prevalence of this condition is alarming and highlights the urgent need for effective nutrition-based strategies to alleviate an impending health crisis. As reoccurring hyperglycaemic episodes have been linked to an increased risk of becoming a diabetic, there is an opportunity for

Studier av framkomlighet i en korsning - genom VISSIM simuleringar

Det här examensarbetet handlar om att undersöka hur framkomligheten ser ut i korsningen Karlsrovägen-Västrevångleden i Halmstad kommun. Det är en trevägskorsning utan någon signalreglering och, cykel- och gångtrafiken är separerad från biltrafiken. Innan fokus läggs på själva korsningen presenteras kunskap om hur man går tillväga för att undersöka framkomlighet och trafiksäkerhet samt innebördenThis thesis is about investigating what the passability looks like at the crossing Karlsrovägen-Västrevångleden in Halmstad municipality. It is a three-way intersection without any signal control and, bicycle and pedestrian traffic is separated from car traffic. Before focusing on the crossing itself, information is presented on how to proceed to investigate passability and traffic safety, as wel

Complementing Expected Shortfall with Directly Observable Risk Variables

This paper uses daily MSCI Sweden Index data to create one day out ES estimates on the $97.5\%$ percentile level for a SEK 100 portfolio. Thereafter the variables (i) the Riksbank's policy rate, (ii) the Riksbank's balance sheet, (iii) the cyclicality of GDP, and (iv) animal spirits are introduced and compared with ES. As the variables are thought to affect financial markets, they are eva

Riktade ränteavdragsregler de lege ferenda - En undersökning av de riktade ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna i ljuset av Lexel-målet och hur de kan utformas för att inte strida mot EU-rätten

Syftet med förevarande uppsats har varit att undersöka om 2019 års riktade ränteavdragsbegränsningsregler kan anses strida mot den EU-rättsliga etableringsfriheten genom att applicera de resonemang som EU-domstolen utvecklar i sitt förhandsavgörande till Lexel-målet. Vidare har syftet även varit att genom ett perspektiv de lege ferenda undersöka hur en riktad ränteavdragsregel kan utformas för attThe purpose of this thesis has been to investigate whether the 2019 interest deduction restriction rules can be considered incompatible with the freedom of establishment by applying the reasoning of the European Court of Justice developed in its preliminary ruling to the Lexel case. Furthermore, the purpose has also been to examine how an interest deduction restriction rule can be designed to be c

Depiction of psychopathy in Swedish mass media - A qualitative content analysis regarding the Swedish mass media outlet Aftonbladet’s depiction of people with psychopathy

The purpose of this study was to explore how Swedish mass media depicts people with psychopathy through the use of the following questions: How are people with psychopathy depicted in the media outlet Aftonbladet? What perception of people with psychopathy does this imply? This was done using an inductive approach accompanied by qualitative content analysis. Purposive criterion sampling and induct

When performance-based financial rewarding fails: A case study of SFI Bonus policy introduction and abolishment

This study investigates the implementation failure of the pay-per-performance SFI Bonus scheme implemented in the adult language education in Sweden. The study builds on the synthesis of a top-down and bottom-up approach by employing the 'ambiguity and conflict' model for carrying out the investigation. The key theme of this paper is that the level of ambiguity and conflict surrounding the

The rise and fall of Confucius Institutes: A comparative narrative analysis of closures of Confucius Institutes in Scandinavia and in the US

China has used different tools to expand their economic, political, and cultural influence in the world. One example is the establishment of Confucius Institutes, a phenomenon often viewed as a “soft power instrument” of China. In recent years, several of these Confucius Institutes have closed down in the West. This thesis explores public legitimations for closing institutes in the US and in two S

Porträtteringen av Greta Thunberg i media

Klimatet har blivit en av dagens största frågor på den politiska agendan. Detta har lett till att nya typer aktivister har tillkommit. En av dessa klassas även som kändis – den ”vanliga” kändisen. Denna kändisen är känd på grund av sitt stora engagemang och sin stora följarskara men är tillsynes en vanlig människa och tillhör inte de som vanligtvis tillhör kändisar – artister, skådespelare, atlete

Environmental protests- Should I stay or should I go? Reasons for not going

Abstract Devastating climate change, polluted oceans and biodiversity loss make up only a few of the issues facing the planet in the current man made environmental crisis. Many efforts have been made, but often failed in an attempt to mitigate the crisis. Many social scientists suggest that environmental movements have the potential of promoting change. In Spite of the impressive size of recent en

En Diskursanalys av Miljö- och Klimatmålen i Agenda 2030: Utifrån kritisk politisk ekologi

Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is employed to analyse ecological discourses in the Sustainable Development Goals. The paper seeks to answer the question whether or not the United Nation has succeeded in formulating the environmental and climate related goals in Agenda 2030 given their ambitions to create an including and transparent policy document that could be implemented at all levels of soc

Brexit and the Border - A critical discourse analysis of the European Research Group’s position on the Irish border issue

This thesis investigates how the discourse of the Eurosceptic European Research Group (ERG) relating to the Irish border issue in the Brexit negotiations is constructed. The purpose is to analyse an English nationalist and populist discourse which seemingly does not make sense. This is done using Norman Fairclough’s version of critical discourse analysis. The ERG is in the paper defined as English

The Influence of Professionals on Prison Populations

Countries differ in the volumes of their prison population. This does not seem to simply be a result of differences in levels of crime, as prison populations does not appear to correspond with available indicators of crime, neither within nor between countries. Thus, other explanatory models should be available. Previously, the importance of economic, political, and cultural aspects has been studi

Rising Seas and Rising Tensions – Exploring the Failure to Implement Flooding Regulations in a Swedish Municipality

Rising sea levels and continuous coastal development increase vulnerability to flooding in southern Sweden. National regulations try to increase local consideration of flooding in urban planning, but so far implementation is limited. The aim of this thesis is to understand the lack of implementation and explore how and why implementation failed in a Swedish municipality. In order to study the case

Från dominanten till tonikan – En kvalitativ intervjustudie om gymnasieelevers motivation till gehörs- och musiklära

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur gymnasieelever upplever sin motivation till GeMu, hur deras motivation och tro på sin egen förmåga samspelar, samt hur deras värdering av deras ämneskunskaper påverkar deras motivation till ämnet. Studien genomfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sammanlagt sex elever från en gymnasieskola i södra Sverige. Intervjuerna berörde elevernas motivation tThe purpose of this study is to investigate how upper secondary school students experience their motivation to develop their musical ear and knowledge of music theory. But also, how their motivation and belief in their own ability interacts, as well as how their appreciation of their musical ear and knowledge of music theory affects their motivation to develop the concerned abilities. The study wa