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Your search for "*" yielded 531157 hits

Arbetskraftsinvandring -en problemorienterad studie av SAP: s hanterand av arbetskraftsinvandringsfrågan

The aim with this paper is to investigate how the Social Democratic Party (SAP) deals with the question of economic migrants, or more specifically how the problem is represented by the Social Democratic Party, and how this representation has developed over time. The SAP's theory became recently contested by a competing theory that was caused by the predicted future demographic development in S

Politicians - Slaves Under the Invisible Hand? A Study of the Power of the Economy within the European Union

This paper examines the impact of the economy on the political. The aim is to show that integration, in particular integration within the European Union has led to economization which has enabled a progression of the power of the economy to an extent where independent political decisions are made impossible. The development is explained through the theoretical framework of neo-functionalism, in an

Vilka liberaliseringseffekter har brödupproren och situationen i Jordanien fått och varför? - en sammandrabbning mellan ekonomi och kultur

Denna uppsats utreder samspelet mellan politisk kultur och politisk ekonomi i Jordaniens politiska liberaliseringsprocess genom en litteraturstudie förankrad i kulturspecifik forskning. Det teoretiska huvudsyftet är att pröva Michael Ross teori om förhållandet mellan beskattning relativt offentlig service och politisk liberalisering, på en djupare nivå. Högre beskattning relativt offentlig service

Diplomati med klyvbar kärna - en kvalitativ studie av den ryska diplomatins grundval

Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the basis of Russian diplomacy, and by doing that develop the analytical instruments available, in order to improve the comprehension between the parties in negotiations. Descriptions of the national characteristics of Soviet and Russian diplomacy are made by an analysis of memoairs and other examinations of their negotiating behaviour. To ensure

Humana svenskar och främlingsfientliga danskar? - en studie i svensk medierepresentation av dansk migrationspolitik

The aim of this thesis is to study how Denmark and the Danish people has been represented in the Swedish press and which images of them that appears. For this purpose I make use of discourse analysis and discourse theory. By analysing three cases were the debate about the Danish migration policy has been scrutinized in Swedish newspapers I seek to discover different ways of looking at the world. T

Copenhagen Consensus - om det logiskt etiska sambandet mellan beslutsetik, värdeideal och etisk tradition.

Uppsatsen utgår från en egen modell för att analysera det etiskt logiska sambandet mellan den normativa studien Copenhagen Consensus värdeideal, beslutsetik och etiska tradition. Modellen visar god överensstämmelse i metod och genomföran-dedelen av projektet, men visar inkonsekvens med avseende på den etiska tradi-tionen. Utifrån denna empiriska slutsats tar uppsatsen ett normativt grepp och kri-t

En riktig kvinna En studie om traditionell kvinnlig genusidentitet, vad som befäster den samt kvinnans roll inom staten och nationen

This thesis is an attempt to understand how the traditional female gender identity is constructed and what kind of structures that are maintaining it. I also study how this identity is reflected in young women's conception of themselves and in their views upon whether they should sign in to the military service or not. The theoretical framework that I use mainly consists of theories about gen

Exil hederskultur-ett narrativ

Drawing on a broad theoretical framework that includes theories about globalisation and honourculture, this thesis aim is to demonstrate that globalisation and honourculture, constitute a conceptual network, i.e a structural relational matrix in which concepts are embedded. Being part of conceptual network, these concepts are related to each other ontologically. The idea of conceptual network, and

Bosnien - ett fall av statsbyggande under utländsk intervention

Uppsatsen behandlar Bosnien som ett fall av statsbyggande under utländsk intervention. Det är nu 10 år sedan Dayton-avtalet undertecknades, ett avtal som inte bara syftade till att få ett slut på den blodiga konflikten utan även till att bygga upp den nya staten Bosnien-Hercegovina samt dess institutioner. Under det gångna decenniet har vi dock fått bevittna ytterligare två fall inom samma kategor

Primed for Peace? Reflections on Theoretical Explanations for use of economic power in a New World Order

The paper concerns the study of the relationship between international relations and the use of economic sanctions in the immediate post-cold war period. Interdependence, Neo-Realism and Democratic Theory are investigated from the perspective of answering the change in policy in western democracies. I second theoretical cut is given on the post-9/11 world order as a glimpse to what may come in th

Att lifta en policy Om den offentliga upphandlingen och ett nytt statsvetenskapligt begrepp

In the present case, the conception of policy hitchhiking gets evaluated in terms of its implications for democracy. This task is executed through the accomplishment of a case study of the use of social- and environmental clauses in the Swedish competitive tendering. A useful definition of policy hitchhiking, including different types of actors, is created. Through the defining of democracy and

Vi och våra andra Om konstruktionen av de andra i svenska läromedel. En diskursanalys av fem samhällskunskapsböcker för högstadiet.

The purpose of this study is to examine to what extent the senior level Swedish school can be viewed as supporting, or counteracting, a colonial discourse that legitimizes global and national injustices. The study is executed through a discourse analysis of five textbooks in social science for senior level Swedish schools. Using elements from Foucault and Edward Said a theoretical framework is co

Att skriva sig språkligt medveten eller bli språkligt medveten för att erövra skriftspråket : Språklig medvetenhet hos sexåringar i montessoriskola och i förskoleklass

In Montessori pre-schools early reading and writing is an important feature. By tracing sandpaper letters with their fingers and voicing the sound simultaneously the children connect phonemes to graphemes and normally learn to write between the ages of four and five. 24 sixyear old children who attended Montessori pre-school and 26 six-year old children who had not attended Montessori school were

Time to Polish the Pearl of Africa - Institutional Design and Conflict Management in Uganda

Democratization of plural societies is an oft-cited source of identity-based conflict. It has come to a point where concepts such as transition and stability sometimes are polarized by scholars and politicians and this is the case in Uganda. This study challenges the notion that elections must underpin identity-based conflicts and presents a more optimistic view on the role of democratic instituti

Broar, länkar, gränser. Kultur, makt och marginalisering i diskursen om linkworkers/brobyggare

Abstract: The aim of this study is to critically analyse the discourse of linkworkers, a integration project in a ?multicultural? school in Malmö. In the project, four persons with different ethnic / cultural background where employed to work as a link between the school and the parents, and between the Swedish culture and the children's and the parent's ?original? culture. My material co

Vad driver socialdemokraterna? - En fallstudie av motiven bakom århundradets skattereform

In 1988 the Swedish Social Democratic Party decided to reform the tax system. In this essay I analyse the motives behind their acting on a basis of the party strategic theories of Przeworski and Sjöblom. The reform commonly referred to as the tax reform of the century, was although they considered that it was a high risk project pursued together with the Liberal Party. The new tax system implicate

"A bloody phenomenon cannot be explained by a bloodless theory." Studie av varför konflikten i Darfur utvecklats mot folkmord.

Denna uppsats inleder med att visa hur orsakerna bakom Darfurkonflikten till stor del ligger på strukturell nivå, det vill säga att socioekonomiska och politiska faktorer varit avgörande konfliktutlösare. Uppsatsens utgångspunkt är dock att ovan nämnda strukturella konfliktorsaker ej fullt ut kan förklara varför konflikten fått en så våldsam utveckling som folkmord och etnisk rensning. Utifrån et

Delegationsdemokrati - En studie av Hyresgästföreningens förhandlingsdelegationer

The aim of this essay is, with reference to a close study on the negotiation delegations of the Tenant Association, to examine the principals of democracy in relation to distribution of power and participation, efficiency and professionalism. This is done with the intention to understand the Tenant Association's view on its own commission as negotiator, according to democracy. The investigatio

EU - en nyliberal hegemoni? En studie av den nyliberala diskursen i Fördrag om upprättandet av en konstitution för Europa

The fact that we apprehend certain phenomena as more convenient than others generate questions about what constitute and decide what we think of as normal and appropriate. The aim of this thesis is to explore the immense conception of power and authority through a narrower approach that focuses on the EU. With this in mind I examine the penetration of the neo-liberal ideology in the Treaty establ

Att börja från noll. En studie i storstadssatsningens försök att öka det politiska deltagandet hos Malmös invandrare

This thesis title starting from zero alludes to storstadssatsningen's democratic work being accomplished among immigrants in Malmö. My thesis examines which types of political participation storstadssatsningen were trying to increase. The goal was to turn the immigrants into political participants, but in many of the projects the democratic work had to focus on building a ground for democratic