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About MAD4Can-DOC

General informationThe MAD4Can doctoral program aims at recruiting creative researchers with clear ambitions to become tomorrow’s leader in bringing solutions to cancer patients and physicians through novel basic discoveries, clinical implementation and commercialization of inventions. Together, they will be an integral and important part of the MAD for Cancer scientific program and our committed - 2025-03-11

Open calls

Open calls within the MAD4Can-DOC programme.The aim of this call is to find candidates to fill the positions of early stage researcher within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie CO-FUND Action.We are offering:8 PhD projects announced in this call (please see below) and selections will be made on competitive basisThe PhD positions correspond to 4 years of research studies, extent 100%.All projects are provi - 2025-03-11

Career development

Depending on your faculty of employment there are different mandatory and optional courses:Faculty of Engineering of Medicine of Social Sciences - 2025-03-11

PhD studies in Sweden

Useful information about being a PhD student at Lund University Preparations and accommodation: Work at Lund University: - 2025-03-11


Associate Professor Sara Eksara [dot] ek [at] immun [dot] lth [dot] se Professor Carl Borrebaeckcarl [dot] borrebaeck [at] immun [dot] lth [dot] se Research coordinatorUlrika Andreassonulrika [dot] andreasson [at] immun [dot] lth [dot] se - 2025-03-11

Make a Difference for Cancer

MAD for Cancer A multifocal research program CREATE Health Not for the next generation, but for today's Medicon Village -hosting many small life science companies as well as researchers from Lund University. Medicon Village has become a hot spot for cancer scientists, and many prinicipal investigators have chosen to re-locate to Medicon Village. - 2025-03-11