Selma Lagerlöf : Banbrytande författare blev nationalikon
Artikel om Selma Lagerlöf på grund av 100-årsjubiléet av hennes inträde i Svenska Akademin. Exposé över hennes liv och viktiga verk.
Artikel om Selma Lagerlöf på grund av 100-årsjubiléet av hennes inträde i Svenska Akademin. Exposé över hennes liv och viktiga verk.
Background: Chronic noninfectious, nonallergic rhinitis (NINAR) is a complex syndrome with a principally unknown pathophysiology. New technology has made it possible to examine differentially expressed genes and according to network theory, genes connected by their function that might have key roles in the disease. Methods: Connectivity analysis was used to identify NINAR key genes. mRNA was extra
The paper focuses on the location dynamics and spatial distribution of talent by workplace to provide evidence of the multiplicity of economic geographies of city regions. City regions are not just homogenous growth machines but complex urban landscapes. The economic growth and revitalisation of the city region and the rise of the knowledge economy, including the growth of advanced business servic
This study investigated the role of the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin in Escherichia coli O157:H7 infection and subsequent renal damage. Mouse and human cathelicidin, CRAMP and LL-37, respectively, killed E. coli O157:H7 in vitro. Intestines from healthy wild-type (129/SvJ) and cathelicidin-knock-out (Camp(-/-)) mice were investigated, showing that cathelicidin-deficient mice had a thinner co
Longer periods of drought and droughts of higher intensity are expected to become increasingly frequent with future climate change. This has implications for the microbially mediated turnover of soil organic matter (SOM), which will feedback to the global C cycle. In this study, we addressed the microbial dynamics underlying the pulse of respiration following rewetting of dry soil, and how the dro
Consider the transmission of complex-valued symbols over N parallell channels in additive white Gaussian noise. It is well known that linear precoding of the complex-valued data improves system performance (e. g. symbol error rate, information rate, MMSE, etc.) at a cost of increased decoding complexity at the receiver. This work constructs precoders that are constrained to have a decoding complex
Strong and independent associations between plasma concentration of cystatin C and risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) suggests causal involvement of cystatin C.
A mathematical model, based on branching processes, is proposed to interpret BrdUrd DNA FCM-derived data. Our main interest is in determining the distribution of the G2 phase duration. Two different model classes involving different assumptions on the distribution of the G2 phase duration are considered. Different assumptions of the G2 phase duration result in very similar distributions of the S p
We report the observation at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider of suppression of back-to-back correlations in the direct photon+jet channel in Au+Au relative to p+p collisions. Two-particle correlations of direct photon triggers with associated hadrons are obtained by statistical subtraction of the decay photon-hadron (gamma-h) background. The initial momentum of the away-side parton is tightly
Background: Relapse of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection after liver transplantation (LT) is universal. Tolerance for treatment with pegylated-interferon (peg-IFN) and ribavirin (RBV) is suboptimal and withdrawals due to adverse events frequent. We sought to improve tolerance for treatment to improve outcome. Methods: We used concentration-guided RBV dosing to achieve an intended 10 mu mol/L conce
Popular Abstract in Swedish Prostatacancer är idag den vanligast diagnostiserade cancerformen i Sverige. De flesta nya fallen som upptäcks är lokaliserade till prostatan och kan i hög utsträckning botas med antingen operation eller strålbehandling. För en del män har dock prostatacancern hunnit sprida sig redan vid diagnos och då är chansen till bot mycket liten. Vid utbredd spridning, så kallad mProstate cancer is one of the most common malignancies. Its treatment is highly dependent on the presence or absence of metastases. The available invasive and non-invasive modalities for detecting metastases are imperfect. Positron-emission tomography fused with computed tomography (PET/CT) is a non-invasive method for detecting metastases that is presently evaluated for prostate cancer. Fluoride
En analys av kvinnors myndighetsansökningar i Sverige under 1800-talet.
The association of Helicobacter pylori with gastroduodenal diseases is well established. The mode of transmission of the organism is still unclear, although the faecal-oral route has been proposed. H. pylori has been detected in gastric antrum, dental plaques, faeces and water. In the light of these studies we attempted to detect H. pylori in antral biopsies, dental plaques, and stool specimens of
Hypoxia, a growing worldwide problem, has been intermittently present in the modern Baltic Sea since its formation ca. 8000 cal. yr BP. However, both the spatial extent and intensity of hypoxia have increased with anthropogenic eutrophication due to nutrient inputs. Physical processes, which control stratification and the renewal of oxygen in bottom waters, are important constraints on the formati
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine if gendered differences in risk perception automatically mean that women and men rank the hazards of their community differently, focusing any risk reduction measures on the priority risks of only part of the population. Design/methodology/approach - The study applies survey research through structured personal interviews in three municipalities in
There is an urgent need for biomarkers to enable early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). It has recently been shown that a variant within the clusterin gene is associated with increased risk of AD and plasma levels of clusterin have been found to be associated with the risk of AD. We, therefore, investigated the diagnostic value of clusterin by quantifying clusterin using an ELISA in plasma f
Cnidarians are often used as model animals in studies of eye and photopigment evolution. Most cnidarians display photosensitivity at some point in their life-cycle ranging from extraocular photoreception to image formation in camera-type eyes. The available information strongly suggests that some cnidarians even possess multiple photosystems. The evidence is strongest within Cubomedusae where all
The number of applications sharing the same embedded device is increasing dramatically. Very efficient mechanisms (resource managers) for assigning the CPU time to all demanding applications are needed. Unfortunately, existing optimization-based resource managers consume too much resource themselves. In this paper, we address the problem of distributed convergence to fair allocation of CPU resourc
Popular Abstract in Swedish Under 1700- och 1800-talet omvandlades det svenska jordbruket som en del av en euro¬peisk utveckling som uppvisar övergripande likheter. De genomgripande förändringarna och deras betydelse för den långsiktiga samhällsutvecklingen motiverar att man talar om en agrar revolution. Trots övergripande likheter rymde emellertid den agrara revolutionen såväl regio-nala som lokaThe great transformation of Swedish agriculture in the 18th and 19th centuries was part of a European-wide development sharing similar characteristics. While researchers agree that extensive agro-technological, social and institutional changes took place, opinions differ with regards to the causes, spread, timing and sequence of events. Through a systematic study of agricultural production, land u