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Berättelser om det förändrade läraruppdraget 1970-2010

Sedan grundskolan kommunaliserades 1989-1990 har kra-vet på dokumentation ökat för varje år. Jag ville veta hur verksamma lärare upplever de nya kraven i läraruppdraget och huruvida det sker på bekostnad av andra arbetsuppgif-ter. Den arbetsuppgift som jag i första hand tänker på är skolans viktigaste uppdrag, nämligen att förmedla och pro-blematisera kunskap i dialog med eleverna samt att väcka l

Improving the Haldex Way Tier model – using the lean philosophy to achieve business excellence

Background: Increasing cost effectiveness and productivity are key issues for Haldex. These improvements are obtained through Haldex Way, the overall management and process improvement framework. Haldex Way‟s deployment, progression and assessment are based on a five level Tier model, the concern with Haldex Way Tier model is that its evolution has been inconsistent and the Tier levels have been a

Hedging Foreign Exchange Risk - An Evaluation of the Optimal Hedge Ratio Determined by VaR

The purpose of this study is to examine the optimal hedge ratio for the currency exposure of foreign investments. The optimal hedge ratio is determined after evaluating our portfolios from the three perspectives; ex-ante, ex-post and profit/loss. The ex-ante perspective is examined by the usage of historical simulation to calculate VaR on 11 portfolio pairs. Each pair consists of a portfolio with

Att se helheten - en studie av en psykosenhet inom psykiatrisk öppenvård

Abstract Author: Ylva Nilsson Title: A study of a psychosis unit within open psychiatric care from a holistic-view perspective. Supervisor: Frans Oddner Assessor: Anna Angelin The purpose of this study is to examine a new method of working with patients with a mental disability according to a holistic-view perspective. The aim is to find out how the employees at one psychosis unit at a Swedish h

Labor Productivity Convergence Dynamics within the Euro Zone: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination

Twelve years ago, eleven European countries voluntarily abandoned their home currencies and joined the Euro. The founding fathers of the Euro believed that creation of the common currency would strengthen integration among the members and catalyze economic convergence progress within the common currency area. This study examines this issue in detail. I focus on labor productivity convergence and s

Control package och strategi - dess samverkan i stora svenska aktiebolag

Titel: Control package och strategi – dess samverkan i stora svenska aktiebolag Seminariedatum: 2011-01-14 Kurs: FEKP01 Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete magisternivå, 15 hp Författare: Erik Axelsson, Andreas Eklund, Eric Larsson Handledare: Johan Dergård, Rolf Larsson Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka relationen mellan utformningen av svenska aktiebolags control package och dess tillämpade strategi. Me

Open Innovation in SMEs - Exploring the wind turbine industry

Title: Open Innovation in SMEs – Exploring the wind turbine industry Seminar date: 2011-14-01 Course: Master thesis in Business Administration, Major in Strategy. 15 University Credit Points (15 ECTS). Authors: David Hartman, Emil Renold Advisor: Dr. Sigvald J. Harryson Key words: Open Innovation, SME, Wind turbine industry, Collaboration, Research and Development (R&D) Purpose: Given the lack

Kropp & Knopp - En diskursanalys av två aktörers konstruktioner av transsexualism inom ramen för en statlig utredning

Authors: Lisa Grönlund and Jenny Jalvelius Title: Body & Mind – A discourse analysis of two participants’ constructions of transsexualism within the frame of a public investigation [translated title] Supervisor: Mats Hilte Assessor: Anna Meeuwisse Lately transsexualism and transsexuals have received increased attention in media and in the field of research and we have aimed to contribute t

The Use of Different Genres in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight

This essay analyzes the novel Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. The aim of the essay is to show how the writer uses different genres, such as love story, fairy tale and gothic, and how this combination is what lies behind Twilight's immense popularity.

The Prospects for Biogas Systems in Rural China: Incentives, Barriers and Potentials

Due to the multiple benefits of biogas systems, the Chinese Government has made great efforts to promote the development of biogas systems in rural China, especially household biogas plants and medium and large scale biogas plants to treat manure and waste water from intensive livestock and poultry farms. This thesis conducts a comprehensive literature review to understand the current situation of

Towards A Green Economy: Exploring the Political Feasibility of Carbon Tax Policy in Ireland

The thesis research aims to enrich us with knowledge about the concept of a green economy in a time of financial crisis and climate change, with the carbon tax as a policy instrument to achieve the green economy. The political feasibility of a carbon tax is one of the key policy evaluation criteria, to identify a correlation between the green economy and the carbon tax and what critical design ele

Spanneröar och spannervägar

I det här magisterarbetet undersöks om det är möjligt att på ett effektivt sätt dela upp en graf i spanneröar, dvs. öar som uppfyller spanneregenskapen som består i att avståndet mellan två noder via grafens bågar inte får vara för stort i förhållande till det euklidiska avståndet mellan noderna. Att hitta en uppdelning som skapar så få kontaktpunkter mellan öarna som möjligt eftersöks. Ett antal In this Master Thesis the possibility to efficiently divide a graph into spanner islands is examined. Spanner islands are islands of the graph that fulfill the spanner condition, that the distance between two nodes via the edges in the graph cannot be too far, regulated by the stretch constant, compared to the Euclidian distance between them. In the resulting division the least number of nodes con

Provokativ Marknadsföring

Provokativ marknadsföring kan positivt påverka attityder gentemot annonser och varumärken samt generera positiva emotioner. Beroende på utvärderingens grad av komplexitet kan dessa emotioner påverka attityderna. Bakomliggande organisation påverkar sannolikt inte attityder gentemot en provokativ annons.

Tarab - Arabisk klassisk sång: dess hantverk och uttryck

Denna studie syftar till att ge inblick i tre sångpedagogers synsätt, åsikter samt erfarenheter kring ämnet arabisk klassisk sång och dess hantverk. Studien baseras huvudsakligen på intervjuer med sångpedagoger bosatta i Amman (Jordanien) samt observationer av sånglektioner, vilka fungerar som komplement till intervjuerna. Vidare har jag valt att skapa ett gediget bakgrunds- och teorikapitel för aThis study aims to provide insight into three singing teachers’ views, opinions and experiences on the subject of classic Arabic singing and its craftsmanship. The study is based primarily on interviews with voice teachers living in Amman (Jordan), and the observation of singing lessons, which are complementary to the interviews. Moreover, I have chosen to create a solid background and theory chap

Evaluating Value Added Tax in Morocco

Following trade liberalisation and the resulting loss in government revenues from trade tariffs, governments need to find other sources of revenue to compensate for this loss. Many developing countries have set their hopes on value added tax (VAT). This was also the case for Morocco when it introduced VAT in 1986. Over the years it has become evident that the Moroccan VAT is not sufficiently simpl

Integritet, sociala medier och arbetsrättsliga sanktioner

Uppsatsen behandlar gällande rätt rörande arbetstagarens integritet och kravet på dennes lojalitet inom svensk arbetsrätt. Rätten som den ser ut idag ställs mot de nya problem som uppkommit efter Internet och så kallade sociala mediers intåg på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Integritetsfrågor har länge varit intressant på den svenska arbetsmarknaden och har influerats av arbetet inom den europeiskThe thesis deals with the current Swedish legislation concerning the employee’s right to personal integrity and the need for his loyalty in the Swedish labour law. Modern day law is faced with the new problems that arose after the inmarsch of Internet and the so called social media into the Swedish labour market. The matter of integrity in the Swedish labour market has been of great interest for