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Workshop Participants

This event is organised in the context of the MW-Gaia COST Action   Lennart Lindegren,   Lund Observatory,   Dinner Erik Høg,   Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen,   Dinner David Hobbs, Lund Observatory,   Dinner Paul McMillan, Lund Observatory Daisuke Kawata,   MSSL, UCL,   Dinner Simon Albrecht,   Aarhus University,   Dinner Daniel Hestroffer,   Paris Observatory,   Dinner Santi Roca-Fàbrega,   Lu - 2025-02-01

Science and technology roadmap for μas studies of the Milky Way

Lund : 18-20 Jul 2023   Lund Observatory invites scientists to join the MW-Gaia 2023 meeting: Register for the MW-Gaia 2023 meeting This workshop that will be held in Lund, Sweden, on the 18th and 20th of July 2023. This workshop will present the Action's science roadmap/case for sub-μas astrometry in delivering the next advances in our understanding of the Milky Way. The Action will influence the - 2025-02-01

Workshop Programme

This event is organised in the context of the MW-Gaia COST Action. Program (confirmed speakers) July 18 13:00-14:30 Session 1: Next generation astrometry in the context of Voyage 2050 (Intro. & Chair D. Hobbs) David Hobbs, Lund Observatory: The GaiaNIR Mission  Lund_2023_Hobbs.pdf Daisuke Kawata, Mullard Space Science Laboratory: The JASMINE Mission  JASMINE.pdf Fabien Malbet, University of Grenob - 2025-02-01

Gymnasiearbete innom astronomi/astrofysik

Vi här på Lunds universitet är nyfikna att veta hur det gick sen för dig och ditt gymnasiearbete. Vi skulle därför uppskatta om du kunde svara på några frågor för oss:   I samband med ditt önskemål om att göra ett gymnasiearbete innom astronomi/astrofysik fick du kontakt med astronom(er) vid Lunds Universitet. Markera de punkter som du tycker stämmer om den hjälp du fick med formandet och/eller ut - 2025-02-01

BECC annual report 2022/2023

Navigate your way to the different chapters of our annual report by clicking the table of content below, or by using the menu. Table of Contents Research Umbrella - Finding Solutions to the Combined Consequences of Land-use and Climate Change on Biodiversity and Ecosystem ServicesBECC in NumbersMembers 2023Faculties and departments 2023Publication 2022External funding 2022/2023GRAND CHALLENGE: Eff - 2025-02-01

Research Umbrella

Finding Solutions to the Combined Consequences of Land-use and Climate Change on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services During the 13 years BECC has existed as a research environment, it has been under constant development to meet the aims to perform excellent science, be at the forefront of establishing new research directions, and make significant societal impact. We are a research environment that - 2025-02-01

BECC in Numbers

Members 2023Lund UniversityUniversity of GothenburgBECC Principal Investigators (PI:s): 109BECC Principal Investigators (PI:s): 29BECC Researchers: 69BECC Researchers: 19Doctoral Students: 69Doctoral Students: 18Research Coordinators: 3 Research Administrator: 1 Communications Officers: 2  External funding 2022/2023Number of new projects granted by most common funders in 2022/2023.Formas29Vetenska - 2025-02-01

GRAND CHALLENGE: Effective and Meaningful Biodiversity Conservation Strategies Across Scales

Scratching the Surface In the Spotlight: Bringing Biodiversity to Policy and Society   Maj Rundlöf about Biodiversity under Global Change: Policy Councils and moreOne of the main aims of BECC is to bring state-of-the-art science into policy processes to support evidence-based decision-making regarding biodiversity and ecosystem services in a changing climate. As a member of the Swedish Climate Pol - 2025-02-01

GRAND CHALLENGE: the Carbon Cycle Response to Anthropogenic and Biophysical Drivers

– Scratching the Surface In the Spotlight: Fundamental Research for Keeping Carbon in the GroundBECC’s role in fostering successful young researchersSoils store more carbon than the atmosphere and living biomass together, making carbon compounds entering or leaving the soil carbon storage system of considerable importance for greenhouse effect mitigation. As a result, soil microbial ecology and ch - 2025-02-01

GRAND CHALLENGE: Integrating Different Values of Ecosystem Services into Policies and Management

– Scratching the Surface Cecilia Akselsson and Yann Clough on Ecosystem Services under Global Change In the Spotlight: Using Nature-based Solutions for Climate AdaptationUrban areas are and will be severely hit by the effects of climate change where the specific impacts on each city will depend on the actual changes in climate experienced. Sudden effects include extreme weather events such as floo - 2025-02-01

Enhancing Societal Relevance and Mutual Learning

Networks of Researchers and Societal ActorsLU Land – unique networking opportunity for researchers and stakeholdersStarting off as a thematic collaboration initiative initiated by Professor Henrik Smith at CEC and the Department of Biology, financed by LU to contribute to land-use for a sustainable future, LU Land has grown to become a well-known platform connecting academia and stakeholders mainl - 2025-02-01

ClimBEco Graduate Research School

A major mission of BECC, has been to, together with MERGE, initiate and being deeply involved in operating and financing the interdisciplinary research school ClimBEco. For BECC, ClimBEco ensures that new generations of BECC-associated PhD students acquire both general skills and the specific skills needed to, in interdisciplinary settings, tackle our identified challenges.ClimBEco is a two-year g - 2025-02-01

Fostering Policy Competence: BECC Grand Seminars

BECC Grand Seminars constitute a place where different perspectives of a topic, often related to current policy development or of other societal relevance, are brought up and discussed. That is, the seminars link either research and policy development or different research fields. In 2022-2023 the seminars focused on the IPCC AR6 new reports, the CBD COP15 and on environmental policy development a - 2025-02-01

Partnering with Climate Researchers: Swedish Climate Symposium

As an effort to connect researchers at Swedish universities and authorities, MERGE and BECC proposed a national conference on climate research to be conducted in collaboration with the Bolin Centre for Environmental Research of Stockholm University and the Swedish Meteorological Institute (SMHI). A grand opening with the presence of her Royal Highness the Crown Princess of Sweden, a plenary with I - 2025-02-01


Project GrantsAnne Bjorkman for receiving an ERC starting grant: ERC-grants - gu.seMilda Pucetaite for receiving an ERC starting grant: Milda Pucetaite on receiving the ERC-grant - Runemark for receiving an ERC consolidator grant: Två biologer får 20 miljoner var från Europeiska forskningsrådet - Johansson for being nominated by the Swedish Research Council as - 2025-02-01


BECC boardHenrik Smith – CoordinatorProfessor, Department of Biology/Centre for Environmental and Climate Science, Lund UniversityHenrik Smith in Lund University research portalMats Björkman – Coordinator GothenburgSenior Lecturer, Department of Biology & Environmental Sciences, University of GothenburgMats Björkman's profile at University of GothenburgAnna Maria Jönsson – Deputy CoordinatorProfes - 2025-02-01

Registration for the Grand seminar: How does the progress of implementing the Framework accelerate? @COP16

Name Email adress Organisation if you belong to a SRA such as BECC or MERGE please fill this out as well Participation on site This is preferred for the best experience zoom Food preferences or allergies (vegetarian food is default) Questions or comments Leave this field blank - 2025-02-01