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Perdeuteration, crystallization, data collection and comparison of five neutron diffraction data sets of complexes of human galectin-3C

Galectin-3 is an important protein in molecular signalling events involving carbohydrate recognition, and an understanding of the hydrogen-bonding patterns in the carbohydrate-binding site of its C-terminal domain (galectin-3C) is important for the development of new potent inhibitors. The authors are studying these patterns using neutron crystallography. Here, the production of perdeuterated huma


Album with Nordic Affect. Works by Hlynur Aðils Vilmarsson, Úlfur Hansson and Valgeir Sigurðsson. Recorded at Greenhouse Studios, Reykjavík Iceland. Sound engineers Valgeir Sigurðsson and Paul Evans. Editing of Þýð by Úlfur Hansson: Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir, Úlfur Hansson and Valgeir Sigurðsson. Final mix and master Valgeir Sigurðsson. Released by Sono Luminus.

Prevalence and predictive importance of anemia in Swedish nursing home residents - A longitudinal study

Background: Anemia is common in elderly people and especially in nursing home residents. Few studies have been performed on the consequences of anemia in a nursing home population. This study explored the prevalence of anemia in nursing homes in Sweden, including risk factors and mortality associated with anemia or hemoglobin (Hb) decline. Methods: Three hundred ninety patients from 12 nursing hom

Kinetics and Mechanism for Reversible Chloride Transfer between Mercury(II) and Square-Planar Platinum(II) Chloro Ammine, Aqua, and Sulfoxide Complexes. Stabilities, Spectra, and Reactivities of Transient Metal-Metal Bonded Platinum-Mercury Adducts

The Hg2+aq- and HgCl+aq-assisted aquations of [PtCl4]2- (1), [PtCl3(H2O)]- (2), cis-[PtCl2(H2O)2] (3), trans-[PtCl2(H2O)2] (4), [PtCl(H2O)3]+ (5), [PtCl3Me2SO]- (6), trans-[PtCl2(H2O)Me2SO] (7), cis-[PtCl(H2O)2Me2SO]+ (8), trans-[PtCl(H2O)2Me2SO]+ (9), trans-[PtCl2(NH3)2] (10), and cis-[PtCl2(NH3)2] (11) have been studied at 25.0 °C in a 1.00 M HClO4 medium buffered with chloride, using stopped-fl

Lessons learned from successful value stream mapping (VSM)

To improve, it’s crucial to see! Vital characteristics of Lean are visualisation and transparency, i.e. allowing everyone to see all what occurs in production. A common tool for this purpose is Value Stream Mapping (VSM). Due to varying flows, performing a successful VSM in construction confers additional challenges. In this paper, lessons learned from successful VSM studies in construction are prTo improve, it’s crucial to see! Vital characteristics of Lean are visualisation and transparency, i.e. allowing everyone to see all what occurs in production. A common tool for this purpose is Value Stream Mapping (VSM). Due to varying flows, performing a successful VSM in construction confers additional challenges. In this paper, lessons learned from successful VSM studies in construction are pr

Decoupling and ordering of multilayer graphene on C-face 3C-SiC(111)

We show experimentally that few layer graphene (FLG) grown on the carbon terminated surface (C-face) of 3C-SiC(111) is composed of decoupled graphene sheets. Landau level spectroscopy on FLG graphene is performed using the infrared optical Hall effect. We find that Landau level transitions in the FLG exhibit polarization preserving selection rules and the transition energies obey a square-root dep

In-Field System-Health Monitoring Based on IEEE 1687

Efficient handling of faults during operation is highly dependent on the interval (latency) from the time embedded instruments detect errors to the time when the fault manager localizes the errors. Detection and localization latencies are dependent on the network connecting fault-monitoring instruments to the fault manager. The network can be dedicated to fault-monitoring data, or used for functio

The Role of the State in Employment and Welfare Regulation: Sweden in the European Context

This article examines the changing role of the Swedish state in employmentand welfare regulation in an environment that has become more market driven,commodified, and Europeanized. It begins with a theoretical reflection on the role of the state in capitalist development and a review of the recent debate on the spatiality of state regulation: the state as employer, redistributor, and arbiter, and

Sustainable Purchasing in Food Retailing : Interorganizational Relationship Management to Green Product Supply

Stakeholders’ demands for product sustainability redefine the focus of corporate purchasing strategies from the traditional concern with financial performance to considerations of ‘triple bottom line’ viability. This adds to the complexity of managing interorganizational relationships and poses a question regarding corporate ability to effectively leverage suppliers over environmental and social p

Reporting bicycle accidents to police in the COST TU1101 survey data base: Cross-country comparisons and associated factors

Police crash reports are often the main source for official data in many countries. However, police sampling and data are known to be subject to bias, making the countermeasures adopted according to them possibly inefficient. In the case of bicycle crashes, this bias is most acute and it probably varies across countries, with some of them being more prone to reporting accidents to police than othe

Stray-field NMR diffusion q-space diffraction imaging of monodisperse coarsening foams

The technique of stray field diffusion NMR is adapted to study the diffusion properties of water in monodisperse wet foams. We show for the first time, that the technique is capable of observing q-space diffusion diffraction peaks in monodisperse aqueous foams with initial bubble sizes in the range of 50-85 μm. The position of the peak maximum can be correlated simply to the bubble size in the foa

Extraction-Based Regression Test Selection

Frequent regression testing is a core activity in agile software development, but large test suites can lead to long test running times, hampering agility. By safe RTS (Regression Test Selection) techniques, a subset of the tests can be identified that cover all tests that can change result since the last run. To pay off in practice, the RTS overhead must be low. Most existing RTS techniques are b

A breakpoint map of recurrent chromosomal rearrangements in human neoplasia

Cytogenetic studies over the past few decades have revealed clonal chromosomal aberrations in almost 27,000 human neoplasms. Many of these neoplasia-associated chromosomal abnormalities have been characterised at the molecular level, revealing previously unknown genes that are closely associated with the tumorigenic process. Information on chromosome changes in neoplasia is growing rapidly, making

The GHG-CCI project of ESA's climate change initiative : Data products and application

The goal of the GHG-CCI project ( of ESA's Climate Change Initiative (CCI) is to generate global atmospheric satellite-derived carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) data sets as needed to improve our understanding of the regional sources and sinks of these important greenhouse gases (GHG). Here we present an overview about the latest data set called Climate Research Da

Reaction Mechanism for Olefin Exchange at Chloro Ethene Complexes of Platinum(II)

Synopsis In methanol solutions of Zeise's salt, the parent complex [PtCl3(C2H4)]- as well as its solvolysis product, trans-[PtCl2(C2H4)(MeOH)], exchange rapidly with free ethene. The olefin exchange process, which is largely entropy controlled, involves the substitution labile site trans to the coordinated ethene. Abstract Complex equilibria in methanol/chloroform/dichloromethane solutions contain