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Your search for "*" yielded 125135 hits

Esther González-Padilla

PhD in Public Health since 2022, MD, Scientific Manager in Medical Science at the Novo Nordisk Foundation My name is Esther González-Padilla. I moved to Sweden after finishing my medical degree from the Canary Islands (Spain). The Öresund Region was particularly attractive to me as it is known to be a strong Life Sciences Hub. The possibility to access digitalised medical records and to learn in E - 2025-03-13

Keivan Javanshiri

PhD in Neuropathology since 2023, MD, Resident Physician My name is Keivan Javanshiri. I went to med school in Lund and started my journey as a PhD student through Master’s thesis at med school in 2018. In 2023, I defended my Doctoral thesis on risk factors for dementia, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, but also on heart disease with a specific kind of dementia, Lewy body dementia.I am now a res - 2025-03-13

André Johansson

PhD student in Health Sciences, RN My name is André Johansson and I am a nurse. I have worked in the emergency room since 2011, and have been doing my postgraduate research studies since 2021. My research is about priority triage in the emergency room, and partly also about artificial intelligence in relation to that.As a clinical nurse, I have participated in revising the decision-making support - 2025-03-13

Sanjay Thompson

PhD Epidemiological Criminology since 2024, Educational Counsellor at Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College I am Sanjay Thompson and I defended my Doctoral thesis in epidemiological criminology in early 2024. I am currently working as an educational counsellor at a college. I also have a podcast called Wise Grad.There were many things I enjoyed during my postgraduate research studies. I can be b - 2025-03-13

Magdalena Madej

PhD student in RNA and Stem Cell Biology My name is Magdalena Madej. I did my Bachelor's in biotechnology, followed by Master’s in molecular biotech. I studied as an Erasmus student for half a year in Munich. I also did a couple of internships in Germany during my studies. Currently, I’m waiting for a paper to be published, so I can defend my doctoral thesis.I have learned a lot. I have learned th - 2025-03-13

Elsa Palmkvist

PhD student in Paediatrics, MD, Resident Physician My name is Elsa Palmkvist. I went to med school in Lund, I graduated from there in 2020 and in 2021, I became a doctoral student. I did my medical internship in Kristianstad, and in 2024, I started my position as resident physician at the paediatric clinic at Skåne University Hospital.My research is about type 1 diabetes. The focus is to find out, - 2025-03-13

During and after your exchange studies

During your exchange studiesInternational Buddy GroupStudents at the Faculty of Medicine run a mentoring programme for all international students. The buddy group organises social activities throughout the academic year, providing a perfect opportunity for you to get know other students at the faculty.Sign up for our mentor group by sending an email at internationalbuddygroup [at] gmail [dot] com - 2025-03-13

Faculty Office

The Faculty Office is responsible for preparing matters for the Faculty Board and the faculty management and ensuring that decisions are implemented. The Faculty Office also provides service, information and advice to departments, programme boards and other units within the faculty. Head of the Faculty OfficeMattias BrattströmMattias [dot] Brattstrom [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Mattias[dot]Brattst - 2025-03-13

Inga Marie Nilsson

Research into blood coagulation mechanisms won international acclaim The Medical clinic, Malmö General Hospital, May 11, 1956.The room on the internal medicine ward in Malmö is filled with people in white coats. Lying in their midst is a 16-year old girl. She is very pale: she has been menstruating for several days and is now bleeding to death, the victim of a previously unknown form of hemophilia - 2025-03-13

Practical information

Preparing to come - Arrival guide for exchange students (Lund University's central web page)Health declaration for clinical practice - MRSA-screening and vaccination recordsHousing - Apply for accommodation in Lund (LU Accommodation's website)Insurance for visiting students - Learn more about your insurance cover (Lund University's central web page)Con­fi­den­tial­ity in clinical environmentHygien - 2025-03-13

Con­fi­den­tial­ity in clinical environment

According to Swedish laws, you cannot pass on information concerning a patient's health or other personal conditions, unless revealing the information does not cause any harm or discomfort to the patient or his/her relatives. The confidentiality regulation applies to all medical activities. You will be asked to sign an agreement confirming that you have read and understood the confidentiality regu - 2025-03-13

Hygiene rules and dress codes in clinical environment

Within Region Skåne, all health service staff who have contact with patients (examination, care and treatment) must follow the rules below to reduce the risk of spreading infection and thus improve patient safety.Work clothes / UniformWork clothes are supplied by the employer and include all visible items of clothing except shoes and socks. If a headscarf is worn, it must be fastened up. The heads - 2025-03-13

International Buddy Group

Hello all visiting students out there!The International Buddy Group is a mentor group established to make your study period at the Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, as fun as possible. We host a variety of events during the semester where you can meet other international and Swedish students from our faculty.Previous semesters we have organised visits to water experiences, several parties and - 2025-03-13

How you can support medical research

Do you want to join those who donate to medical research and help society so that people, in Sweden and globally, can have a better and healthier life? There are plenty of ways to give!Make a direct donation to the field of research you are passionate about If you would like to make a donation to a field of research you are passionate about, you can pay money into the University’s bank giro 830-65 - 2025-03-13

Thank you!

The Faculty of Medicine conducts research so that people, in Sweden and globally, can have a better and healthier life. We cannot make significant progress in research on our own. We rely on organisations, foundations and private individuals for their cooperation and invaluable support. Together, we help to find new solutions for global health challenges.   We would like to express our thanks to o - 2025-03-13

Goals and visions

The modern university is one of mankind’s most sophisticated institutions, and it is a privilege for us – the students and employees of the Faculty of Medicine – to help form the foundation for the healthy society of the future.The strategic plan for the Faculty of Medicine defines the strategic choices required for us to sustainably maintain a top-class faculty.Strategic plan for the Faculty of M - 2025-03-13

Strategic plan for the Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, 2019 – 2024

ContentPrefaceUsage and reading instructionsGoals of the Faculty of MedicineVisionsEducation and research shall be intertwined and competitiveActive cooperation aimed at resolving challenges faced by society shall be encouragedInternational and national relations and perspectives shall be strengthenedThe significance of teamwork, leadership and chiefship shall be clarifiedThe faculty’s activities - 2025-03-13

Board of the Faculty of Medicine

The Board of the Faculty of Medicine is responsible for overall guidelines and decisions concerning the activities of the faculty. The members are elected by the faculty’s academic staff following proposals from a nominating committee. The academic staff representatives represent different areas of the faculty’s operations. Undergraduate and postgraduate students appoint their own representatives. - 2025-03-13

Boards and committees

Some of the faculty’s areas of responsibility are dealt with in subject-specific committees which work on matters delegated from the Faculty Board. These are the Readership Appointments Committee, three health, safety and environment committees and the Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities Committee. The board for research and infrastructure’s task is to ensure that financial and infrastructural - 2025-03-13