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Your search for "*" yielded 533142 hits

Forests : the cross-linguistic perspective

Do all humans perceive, think and talk about tree cover (‘forests’) in more or less the same way? International forestry programs frequently seem to operate on the assumption that they do. However, recent advances in the language sciences show that languages vary greatly as to how the landscape domain is lexicalized and grammaticalized. Different languages segment and label the large-scale environ

A Measurement Based Multilink Shadowing Model for V2V Network Simulations of Highway Scenarios

Shadowing from vehicles can significantly degrade the performance of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication in multilink systems, e.g., vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs). It is thus important to characterize and model the influence of common shadowing objects like cars properly when designing these VANETs. Despite the fact that for multilink systems it is essential to model the joint effects on t

The evolution of innate immune genes : Purifying and balancing selection on β-Defensins in waterfowl

In disease dynamics, high immune gene diversity can confer a selective advantage to hosts in the face of a rapidly evolving and diverse pathogen fauna. This is supported empirically for genes involved in pathogen recognition and signalling. In contrast, effector genes involved in pathogen clearance may be more constrained. b-Defensins are innate immune effector genes; their main mode of action is

Nuclear spectroscopy with GEANT4 : The superheavy challenge

The simulation toolkit Geant4 was originally developed at CERN for high-energy physics. Over the years it has been established as a swiss army knife not only in particle physics but it has seen an accelerated expansion towards nuclear physics and more recently to medical imaging and y- and ion-therapy to mention but a handful of new applications. The validity of Geant4 is vast and large across man

Distributed Approach to the Holistic Resource Management of a Mobile Cloud Network

The Mobile Cloud Network is an emerging cost and capacity heterogeneous distributed cloud topological paradigm that aims to remedy the application performance constraints imposed by centralised cloud infrastructures. A centralised cloud infrastructure and the adjoining Telecom network will struggle to accommodate the exploding amount of traffic generated by forthcoming highly interactive applicati

Fundamental bounds on MIMO antennas

Antenna current optimization is often used to analyze the optimal perfor-mance of antennas. Antenna performance can be quantied in e.g., minimumQ-factor and maximal gain over Q-factor ratio. The performance of MIMOantennas is more involved and a single parameter is, in general, not sucientto quantify it. Here, the capacity of an idealized channel is used as the mainperformance quantity. An optimiz

Making research data possible : negotiating between disciplinary cultures, temporalities, data policies, professional interests and education and training

The workshop brings together differing perspectives on what makes research data possible. How data is made represents an on-going negotiation between a number of elements. It reflects, firstly, the nature of disciplines and thecomplex way this is linked to cultures of research data and data sharing. Secondly, data is made across the complex temporalities within different practices of its managemen

Status of insertion device measurement systems at MAX IV Laboratory

An insertion device lab was setup at MAX IV Laboratory and the production of insertion devices, mainly outof-vacuum is ongoing and aided by new magnetic measurement systems. A new 5.5 m long Hall probe bench is used for field map measurements and a new hybrid flip coil and stretch wire system will be used for field integrals of full devices as well as individual magnet blocks characterisation. Thi

Fast tracking of nonlinear dynamics in the ESS linac simulator via particle-count invariance

Real-time beam modeling has been used in accelerator diagnostics for several decades. Along the way, the theory for matrix calculations of linear forces has matured, allowing for fast calculations of a beam's momentum and position distributions. This formalism becomes complicated and ultimately breaks down with high-order beam elements like sextupoles. Such elements can be accurately modeled with

Genetic variants in CETP increase risk of intracerebral hemorrhage

OBJECTIVE: In observational epidemiologic studies, higher plasma high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) has been associated with increased risk of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). DNA sequence variants that decrease cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) gene activity increase plasma HDL-C; as such, medicines that inhibit CETP and raise HDL-C are in clinical development. Here, we test the

Synaptic retrogenesis and amyloid-beta in Alzheimer's disease

Pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD) include synaptic and neuronal degeneration and the presence of extracellular deposits of amyloid-beta (Abeta) in senile plaques in the cerebral cortex. Although these brain lesions may be seen also in aged non-demented individuals, the increase in brain Abeta is believed by many to represent the earliest event in the disease process. Accumulating

Restricted cortical and amygdaloid removal of vesicular glutamate transporter 2 in preadolescent mice impacts dopaminergic activity and neuronal circuitry of higher brain function

A major challenge in neuroscience is to resolve the connection between gene functionality, neuronal circuits, and behavior. Most, if not all, neuronal circuits of the adult brain contain a glutamatergic component, the nature of which has been difficult to assess because of the vast cellular abundance of glutamate. In this study, we wanted to determine the role of a restricted subpopulation of glut