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Your search for "*" yielded 530929 hits

Historical trends in calls to action : Climate change, pro-environmental behaviours and green social work

Social works’ relationship with the environment and the role of social workers in addressing environmental issues under climate change are usually neglected in mainstream practice. I begin this chapter by discussing the importance of social work as a field of research and practice that needs to actively carve out a position of expertise and engagement with emerging environmental issues at the micr

Review: Experiences and preferences of counselling about living habits in healthcare – a systematic review of studies on the patient perspective

Background Recent policy in Sweden states that patients in every part of health care are to be presented with health counselling concerning living habits: tobacco, alcohol, an inactive lifestyle and eating habits. This review aims to investigate experiences and preferences of counselling about living habits from the patient’s perspective. Method A literature review of six major databases using a

Rökfrihet vid kirurgiska ingrepp. Rökstopp minskar komplikationsrisken drastiskt

Rökare drabbas oftare av post­­operativa komplikationer än icke-rökare. Framför allt inom sår­läk­nings­­området är dokumentationen omfattande. Detta gäller även efter mindre rutiningrepp som bråckoperation eller ­appendektomi. De studier som undersökt snus har inte påvisat någon ökad risk för postoperativa komplikationer hos snusare. Intensivt rökstoppsprogram på 4–8 veckor inför operation medför

Brief preoperative smoking cessation counselling in relation to breast cancer surgery: a qualitative study

AIM: To describe how women smokers with newly diagnosed breast cancer experienced brief preoperative smoking cessation intervention in relation to breast cancer surgery. BACKGROUND: Preoperative smoking cessation intervention is relevant for short- and long-term risk reduction in newly diagnosed cancer patients. Our knowledge of how patients with malignant diagnoses experience preoperative smoking

Long-term recurrence and death rates after acute pancreatitis

The aim of this study was to compare long-term recurrence and death rates after a first episode of acute pancreatitis in patients with and without gallstones. Additionally, it was of interest to find out if there were factors predictive of readmission or death.

Urban preferences, amenities and age : Exploring the spatial distribution of age in Stockholm from 1991 to 2011

Cities exhibit a rich and complex heterogeneity in people and activities. This poses a sizable challenge for planners when planning new neighbourhoods or the reconstruction of old ones as well as when considering the allocation of supply of and demand for amenities, e.g. kindergartens or health facilities. However, individual preferences may also exhibit common denominators that may provide struct

Social capital in epidemiology

Inspired by Putnam’s study of Italy, this chapter develops applications that test the issue of social capital and health in the context of social epidemiology. Three central concepts are explained. The chapter attends to the technical issues, including, for example, the portion of children in subgroups identifying conflicts. The author then comes to his main message: the value of longitudinal expe

Spatio-temporal clustering and forecasting method for free-floating bike sharing systems

Free-floating bike sharing systems are an emerging new generation of bike rentals, that eliminates the need for specific stations and allows to leave a bicycle (almost) everywhere in the network. Although free-floating bikes allow much greater spontaneity and flexibility for the user, they need additional operational challenges especially in facing the bike relocation process. Then, we suggest a m

Quantifying the impacts of horizontal and vertical equity in transit route planning

Equity refers to a fair sharing of costs or resources. Horizontal equity concerns distribution among individuals or groups with the same necessities, whereas vertical equity should be considered in situations with different levels of needs. This paper deals with transit service, looking at how to make it equitable from a spatial and social point of view. Traditionally equity has been neglected in

Risk reduction: perioperative smoking intervention

Smoking is a well-known risk factor for perioperative complications. Smokers experience an increased incidence of respiratory complications during anaesthesia and an increased risk of postoperative cardiopulmonary complications, infections and impaired wound healing. Smokers have a greater risk of postoperative intensive care admission. Even passive smoking is associated with increased risk at ope

Effects of Intravenous Fluid Restriction on Postoperative Complications: Comparison of Two Perioperative Fluid Regimens: A Randomized Assessor-Blinded Multicenter Trial

Objective: To investigate the effect of a restricted intravenous fluid regimen versus a standard regimen on complications after colorectal resection.Summary Background Data: Current fluid administration in major surgery causes a weight increase of 3–6 kg. Complications after colorectal surgery are reported in up to 68% of patients. Associations between postoperative weight gain and poor survival a