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Value Relations
The objective of this paper is to provide a general account of value relations. But it takes its departure is a special type of value relation, parity. The notion of parity is due to Ruth Chang. According to her, two items may be evaluatively comparable even when neither is better than, worse than, or equally good as the other. There is a fourth kind of comparability: being on a par. Recently, Jos
Effects of Nesting Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) on Soil Chemistry, Microbial Communities and Soil Fauna
Seabirds act as vectors transporting marine nutrients to land by feeding on fish while nesting and roosting on islands. By depositing large amounts of nutrient-rich guano on their nesting islands they strongly affect island soils, vegetation and consumers. However, few studies have investigated how nesting seabirds affect soil communities. In this study, we investigated how cormorant nesting colon
From the editors: In praise of multidisciplinary scholarship and the polymath
Diatoms: Their strange evolution and remarkable properties
We review some new literature on diatoms, with emphasis on genomics, evolution, ecology and biomimetic nanotechnical applications. Diatoms account for a substantial part of the photosynthetic production on this planet, and their genome is a mosaic of contributions from different sources. They occupy very diverse ecological niches, and may have been the first organisms to carry out C4 photosynthesi
Respiratory Tract Infections: Aspects of Aetiology, Virulence, and Communicable Disease Control
Popular Abstract in Swedish Barn ar ofta bärare av luftvägsbakterien pneumokocker i de övre luftvägarna och det är barnen som anses vara den största reservoaren för bakterien i vårt samhälle. Vanliga pneumokockinfektioner såsom öron-, bihåle- eller lunginflammation föregås av att man bär på bakterien. De flesta barn som är bärare blir dock inte sjuka. Vuxna är mer sällan bärare av bakterien. PneuThe paediatric nasopharyngeal flora is regarded as the largest reservoir for Streptococcus pneumoniae, and the carrier state is always antecedent to infection and a prerequisite for dispersion of these bacteria. Pneumococci are the predominant aetiology of bacterial respiratory tract infections and a major cause of morbidity and mortality, in the most severe cases due to invasive pneumococcal dise
Massive MIMO for Next Generation Wireless Systems
Multi-user MIMO offers big advantages over conventional point-to-point MIMO: it works with cheap single-antenna terminals, a rich scattering environment is not required, and resource allocation is simplified because every active terminal utilizes all of the time-frequency bins. However, multi-user MIMO, as originally envisioned, with roughly equal numbers of service antennas and terminals and freq
Multifractal analysis of multiple ergodic averages
In this Note we present a complete solution to the problem of multifractal analysis of multiple ergodic averages in the case of symbolic dynamics for functions of two variables depending on the first coordinate. (C) 2011 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Recension av Food in Nineteenth-Century Denmark
ASPECTS OF FLUID THERAPY: An experimental study of the effects of systemic inflammation, microvascular permeability, blood pressure and plasma volume
Adequate circulating blood volume is a prerequisite for circulatory stability. Fluid therapy aims at correcting hypovolaemia, and is an important part of the haemodynamic management of perioperative and critically ill patients. The efficacy of plasma volume substitution largely depends on the pharmacological properties of the colloid solutions used. However, according to the 2-pore theory for tran
Moving beyond the systems approach in SCM and logistics research
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide a paradigmatic reflection on theoreticalapproaches recently identified in logistics and supply chain management (SCM); namely complex adaptive systems and complexity thinking, and to compare it to the dominant approach in logistics and SCM research, namely the systems approach. By analyzing the basic assumptions of the three approaches, SCM and log
Cognitive impairment in medical inpatients
Popular Abstract in Swedish Befolkningsutvecklingen i Sverige medför att allt fler människor blir äldre. Detta är ett positivt resultat till följd av att befolkningen är vid bättre hälsa. Dock innebär det att fler människor kommer att uppnå en ålder där multisjuklighet (att ha flera kroniska sjukdomar samtidigt), oförmåga att klara sig själv och kognitiv svikt är vanligt förekommande. Detta kommerBackground: People aged over 80 years is the most rapidly growing segment of the population in Sweden. This group is susceptible to multimorbidity, disability and cognitive impairment. Managing these issues will be essential in order to obtain a sustainable healthcare system in the near future. Aim: To determine if increased acknowledgement of cognitive impairment could improve healthcare for el
Musculoskeletal Injury in Professional Dancers: Prevalence and Associated Factors: An International Cross-Sectional Study.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence and factors associated with injury in professional ballet and modern dancers, and assess if dancers are reporting their injuries and explore reasons for not reporting injuries. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Participants were recruited from nine professional ballet and modern dance companies in Canada, Denmark, Israel,
CO adsorption on Au(310) and Au(321): 6-Fold coordinated gold atoms
The adsorption of CO on Au(310) and Au(321) was studied using a combination of thermal desorption spectroscopy and high resolution core level photoemission spectroscopy. These vicinal Au surfaces both have 6-fold coordinated atoms at the step edges but have a different terrace structure. The CO adsorption behavior was found to be very similar for both surfaces. Three different desorption peaks due
Identification of triaxial strongly deformed bands in Hf-168
Possible decay pathways associated with three candidates for triaxial strongly deformed (TSD) bands in Hf-168 have been investigated. The spin and excitation energy of the strongest band, TSD1, were determined approximately based on gamma-ray coincidence relationships. Discrete links were established for the second band. The overall agreement between the observed properties of the bands and cranki
A noble gas and cosmogenic radionuclide analysis of two ordinary chondrites from Almahata Sitta
We present the results of a noble gas (He, Ne, Ar) and cosmogenic radionuclide (10Be, 26Al, 36Cl) analysis of two chondritic fragments (#A100, L4 and #25, H5) found in the Almahata Sitta strewn field in Sudan. We confirm their earlier attribution to the same fall as the ureilites dominating the strewn field, based on the following findings: (1) both chondrite samples indicate a preatmospheric radi
Discrepant Serologic Abo Typing In An Unusual Para-Bombay Ab(H) Sample Caused By Compound Heterozygosity For Different Fut1 Mutations
Ungdomars övergång från skola till arbetsliv - aktuella utmaningar och lokala erfarenheter
I denna forskningsrapport presenteras studier som berör ungdomars arbetsmarknadsetablering. Stor uppmärksamhet ägnas offentliga regelverk och insatser som görs för att underlätta för unga individer att fullborda en gymnasieutbildning respektive att ta steget från skola till arbetsliv. Den nationella problembilden speglas och fördjupas via erfarenheter från tio olika kommuner. Sammantaget visar u
Nattfjärilsdiversitet i jordbrukslandskapet: markanvändning som en nyckel till ökad mångfald i slättbygd
Abstract is not available
Measuring perceived meaningfulness in day centres for persons with mental illness
Rationale: As support in leading a meaningful and active life, a person with mental illness is often given the opportunity to attend a day centre. However, few studies have investigated the meaningfulness perceived by the person visiting a day centre. For such a purpose, a self-report instrument was developed. Aims: To explore whether perceived meaningfulness, as expressed in the recently develope