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Potential Silvoarable Agroforestry Regions for Corylus avellana and Juglans regia in Scania, Sweden

Conventional agriculture in Sweden is facing challenges with low resilience to a changing climate and decreased biodiversity. Silvoarable agroforestry is an alternative land use practice that contain a woody perennial and crop in the same field. Trees on cultivated land break up large monocultures, increase biodiversity, creates functional diversity, and produces more commodities. This land use pr

Streamlining Building Energy Modelling Using Open Access Databases—A Methodology towards Decarbonisation of Residential Buildings in Sweden

The building sector is a major contributor to greenhouse gases, consuming significant energy and available resources. Energy renovation of buildings is an effective strategy for decarbonisation, as it lowers operational energy and avoids the embodied impact of new constructions. To be successful, the energy renovation process requires meaningful building models. However, the time and costs associa

Venetoclax-Resistant T-ALL Cells Display Distinct Cancer Stem Cell Signatures and Enrichment of Cytokine Signaling

Therapy resistance remains one of the major challenges for cancer treatment that largely limits treatment benefits and patient survival. The underlying mechanisms that lead to therapy resistance are highly complicated because of the specificity to the cancer subtype and therapy. The expression of the anti-apoptotic protein BCL2 has been shown to be deregulated in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemi

Abrahamavtalens implikationer för fred i Mellanöstern

The Abraham Accords’ implications for peace in the Middle EastThe Abraham Accords, signed by Israel and four Arab states in 2020, were one of President Donald Trump’s most renowned foreign policy successes. They were also one of few of his administration’s policies that enjoyed bipartisan support in the US. But what type of peace has emerged following the Abraham Accords? In what ways do the Abrah

Exoproducts of the Most Common Achromobacter Species in Cystic Fibrosis Evoke Similar Inflammatory Responses In Vitro

Achromobacter is a genus of Gram-negative rods, which can cause persistent airway infections in people with cystic fibrosis (CF). The knowledge about virulence and clinical implications of Achromobacter is still limited, and it is not fully established whether Achromobacter infections contribute to disease progression or if it is a marker of poor lung function. The most commonly reported Achromoba

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the environmental sustainability strategies of listed firms in Sweden

How crises affect firms’ environmental sustainability strategies is an open question. We study the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the environmental sustainability strategies of firms listed on the OMXNasdaq stock exchange in Sweden. The analysis is based on a survey distributed twice, once during the summer of 2020 and once during the summer of 2021 with detailed questions related to the firmsHow macroeconomic crises affect firms' environmental sustainability strategies is an open question. We study the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the environmental sustainability strategies of firms listed on the OMXNasdaq stock exchange in Sweden. The analysis is based on a survey distributed twice, once during the summer of 2020 and once during the summer of 2021 with detailed questions relate

Inte kan väl morfar slå mormor?

This study aims to shed light on the personal understanding of domestic violence among elderly women. The study is based on women's personal experiences, but also on the statements of professionals who have met abused women in their work. To our aid we constructed a question; how do elderly women explain their understanding of domestic violence? The method chosen for this study was qualitative

Flame Extensions Under Ceilings

In this Master thesis project the factors affecting flame extension under flat and curved ceilings have been investigated. An experimental campaign was carried out in Lund University’s Fire Lab using a propane gas burner and heptane pool fire in different positions and heat release rates within the setups. A flame recognition Python script was developed to identify the flame length in the videos t

Current understanding of formation mechanisms in surfactant-templated materials

Surfactant-templated materials are created through self-assembly in solutions containing both surfactant micelles and an inorganic species. The resulting materials are composites containing an organized surfactant micelle array encapsulated in the inorganic material. Removal of the surfactants generates nanoscale pores which replicate the highly organized micelle phase, producing high surface area

Exploring energy justice concerns in the energy transition of Kosovo - a qualitative analysis of governance and challenges in the implementation of renewable energy technologies

The advancement of global warming and climate change are viewed as catalysts for the energy transition, which is not only technological, but also embedded in broader socio-ecological and political dynamics. Decarbonizing Kosovo, a country heavily reliant on coal production, presents major challenges. Using qualitative interviews with stakeholders of the energy transition, this thesis examines the

The BECCS Doughnut: A strong sustainability framework for assessing implementation strategies for Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)

Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) is a largely promoted, but also heavily contested solution to the problem of climate change. Whilst removing carbon from the atmosphere, it potentially leads to detrimental side effects. This thesis provides guidance for NGOs, industry and policymakers in Germany and the wider EU context on how to assess the sustainability of BECCS implementation p

Mesoporous silver films from dilute mixed-surfactant solutions by using dip-coating

A dilute mixed-surfactant solution to synthesize mesoporous silver films by using a dip-coating method was used for the creation of films over a large area of substrate. The method allows facile creation of films over a large area of substrate, unlike electrochemical deposition, and uses smaller amounts of surfactant than typical LLC syntheses. The silver ions in the solution, deposited in the int

Om insiderinformation och hur den bör hanteras - Särskilt vid byte av emittents verkställande direktör

Tillgång till information är en förutsättning för en effektiv och väl fungerande aktiemarknad för finansiella instrument. För att denna marknads tillgång till information är emittenter skyldiga att dela med sig av kurspåverkande information, även kallad insiderinformation. Insiderinformation ska vara korrekt, specifik och relevant för att marknadens aktörer ska kunna fatta välgrundade investeringsAccess to information is the foundation for an efficient and well-functioning stock. In order to secure the market’s access to information, issuers are obligated to disclose price-sensitive information, also known as insider information. Insider information must be correct, specific, and relevant to enable market participants to make well-informed investment decisions. This is a step in maintainin

Prefigurative Monies: Utopian and Dystopian Imaginaries in an Argentinian Complementary Currency Organization

Prefiguration refers to realizing imaginaries of a radically alternative future in the present (e.g., Yates 2015; Monticelli 2021; Schiller-Merkens 2022). It is an embodied anticipation of an alternative future, "of the not-yet reality" (Dinerstein 2022: 52), in social practices, coupled with an embodied critique of the present. Prefiguration is commonly linked to real and concrete utopia (Wright

“Vem vill vara med en person som är sjuk?” En kvalitativ studie om hur kvinnor med endometrios upplever sitt sociala liv och sin framtid

Endometrios, en kronisk gynekologisk sjukdom, drabbar cirka 10% av de som föds med en livmoder. Trots detta saknas idag tillräcklig kunskap, vetenskaplig evidens och finansiering för att erbjuda en jämlik och effektiv vård vid endometrios. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur kvinnor som lever med endometrios upplever att deras symtom påverkar deras sociala liv och tankar om framtiden. Studien ämnEndometriosis, a chronic gynecological disease, affects about 10% of those born with a uterus. Despite this, there is currently insufficient knowledge, scientific evidence and funding to provide equal and effective care for endometriosis. The purpose of the study was to explore how women living with endometriosis experience that their symptoms affect their social life and thoughts about the future

Determination of the percolation properties and pore connectivity for mesoporous solids using NMR cryodiffusometry

Using a model disordered mesoporous solid with a spatial arrangement of pore sizes analogous to a macroscopic 'ink-bottle', it has been shown that the hysteresis observed in NMR cryoporometry can be deconvoluted into separate single pore and pore-blocking contributions. The suggestion of pore-blocking effects has been confirmed using PFG NMR. Hence, percolation theory has been used, for the first

Macroscopic, mesostructured cationic surfactant/neutral polymer films : Structure and cross-linking

Mesostructured films of alkyltrimethylammonium bromides or cetylpyridinium bromide and polyethylenimines that spontaneously self-assemble at the air/water interface have been examined using a range of surface sensitive techniques. These films are unusual in that they can be micrometers thick and are relatively robust. Here we show that the films can be cross-linked and thus removed from the liquid

Farming without animals? The outlook for Biocyclic Vegan Agriculture as an alternative approach to food production in Sweden

Conventional agriculture and animal husbandry are leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions,environmental degradation, and biodiversity loss. Biocyclic Vegan Agriculture (BVA) is an approach that aims to address the concerns of modern agriculture and provide a sustainable and ethical alternative. Through the heuristic lens of the Multi-Level Perspective, where BVA serves as a potential niche, thi

Implementing the chirality-flow formalism for tree-level massless QCD in MadGraph

En partikelfysikers arbete är att beskriva hur naturens minsta beståndsdelar, subatomiska partiklar, interagerar. Detta är väldigt svårt då interaktioner är fundamentalt slumpmässiga. Inte ens den bästa fysikern kan därför säga exakt vad som händer när två partiklar kolliderar, men hon eller han kan istället räkna ut sannolikheten för alla olika händelser. Detta bygger på att fysikern har tillgångThe chirality-flow formalism provides a simple but efficient way to rewrite and evaluate Feynman diagrams and has recently been shown to also optimize automated numerical scattering matrix element evaluations in massless tree-level QED. In this thesis we extend the numerical QED model to massless tree-level QCD in the MadGraph5_aMC@NLO framework. It is shown that a good gauge choice for external g