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The LHCb Muon Control System the DAQ domain

The LHCb Muon System consists of 122000 front-end channels, distributed on about 8000 front-end boards (on detector). 152 Off detector boards (each containing 192 channels) gather information from front-end and send it to the DAQ and trigger systems. The Muon System is highly configurable and is conceived to allow a deep control of the behavior of the whole system during data taking. This results

Neutron Irradiation Techniques

In late 2016, Lund is on the verge of becoming the center of accelerator-based material science in Europe.The MAX IV Laboratory, an electron synchrotron, was inaugurated in June 2016 with a scientific program to commence shortly and the European Spallation Source ERIC (ESS), a spallation neutron source, is presently under construction and anticipated to be fully operational by 2022.These facilitieThe He-3 “crisis” has become a fact in the last decade and large scale neutron detectors based on He-3 technologies have become unaffordable. This new He-3 reality has resulted in a major effort worldwide to develop replacement neutron-detector technologies. Many of these technologies are in their infancy and need to be thoroughly tested before becoming mainstream, while others are approaching com

Brain bioavailability of human intravenous immunoglobulin and its transport through the murine blood-brain barrier

Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) is currently evaluated in clinical trials for the treatment of various disorders of the central nervous system. To assess its capacity to reach central therapeutic targets, the brain bioavailability of IVIg must be determined. We thus quantified the passage of IVIg through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) of C57Bl/6 mice using complementary quantitative and qualitati

Inflammation and neurodegeneration : the story 'retolled'

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play a crucial role in innate immunity by recognizing conserved motifs predominantly found in microorganisms. Increasing evidence supports a role for TLRs in sterile inflammation as observed in neurodegenerative disorders. This includes work suggesting a contribution for these receptors to the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), and rel

Challenges from Integrating Usability Activities in Scrum : Why is Scrum So Fashionable?

Scrum is currently a widely used process in most areas of software development. Conversely, usability activities as prescribed in the area of HCI are not widely used in the software industry, especially not in agile software development projects. Through an analysis of interview and survey data from five studies we scrutinize the reasons for choosing Scrum, consequences of using Scrum, and study tScrum is currently a widely used process in most areas of software development. Conversely, usability activities as prescribed in the area of HCI are not widely used in the software industry, especially not in agile software development projects. Through an analysis of interview and survey data from five studies we scrutinize the reasons for choosing Scrum, consequences of using Scrum, and study t

Professionernas farhågor om införandet av eJournal inom vuxenpsykiatrin i Region Skåne

Hösten 2015 var Region Skåne först i Sverige med att lägga till patientjournaler från psykiatrin till invånartjänsten eJournal. Genom tjänsten, har alla patienter i den vuxenpsykiatriska vården i Region Skåne tillgång till sin journal via nätet. Det finns lite kunskap om hur professioner na inom den psykiatriska vården förväntar sig att deras arbete kommer att påverkas av den ökade transparens som

Biophysical and Human Controls of Land Productivity under Global Change : Development and Demonstration of Parsimonious Modelling Techniques

Nettoprimärproduktionen (NPP), är källan till den mat vi äter, virket vi bygger hus av och veden vi eldar med. NPP spelar också en stor roll i den globala kolcykeln, genom fotosyntesen så binder växterna koldioxid från luften och producerar blad och stammar. Hur mycket växterna producerar styrs till stor utsträckning av klimatet samt hur mycket koldioxid som finns i atmosfären. Detta gör att de föNet primary production (NPP) serves as an indicator for plant-based resources such as food, timber and biofuel for human appropriation. It is defined by the annual production of plant matter and is mainly controlled by climate and human activities. Climate change in combination with human activities is altering NPP. As the controls of NPP are expected to further change in the future, it is vital t

Safer drug use in primary care - a pilot intervention study to identify improvement needs and make agreements for change in five Swedish primary care units

Background: There is an urgent need to improve patient safety in the area of medication treatment among the elderly. The aim of this study was to explore which improvement needs and strengths, relating to medication safety, arise from a multi-professional intervention in primary care and further to describe and follow up on the agreements for change that were established within the intervention. M

Dayglow and auroral emissions of Uranus in H2 FUV bands

Following the recent detection of an auroral signal on Uranus (Lamy et al. [2012]. Geophys. Res. Lett. 39, 7105) during HST/STIS observation performed in November 2011, we analyzed the associated HST/STIS FUV spectral images obtained in 2011 and 2012. Our purpose was to extract any possible H2 emission produced in the upper atmosphere of the planet. To interpret these data, we adapted a version of

Controlling the Swedish state Studies on formal and informal bodies of control

The dissertation aims to develop an understanding of the outcomes and limitations of formal and informal control of the Swedish state, and of the positions and strategies of the social agents involved in this field. The dissertation contributes with new perspectives on controls directed at the state, comparing various control organs (the Parliamentary Ombudsman, the Chancellor of Justice, the UnitThe dissertation aims to develop an understanding of the outcomes and limitations of formal and informal control of the Swedish state, and of the positions and strategies of the social agents involved in this field. The dissertation contributes with new perspectives on controls directed at the state, comparing various control organs (the Parliamentary Ombudsman, the Chancellor of Justice, the Unit

On the Block Error Rate Performance of Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes for Streaming Applications

In this paper, we study the block error rate (BLER) performance of spatially coupled low-density parity-check (SC- LDPC) codes using a sliding window decoder suited for streaming applications. Previous studies of SC-LDPC have focused on the bit error rate (BER) performance or the frame error rate (FER) performance over the entire length of the code. Here, we consider protograph-based constructions

Origin of monocytes and macrophages in a committed progenitor

Monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) are developmentally related regulators of the immune system that share the monocyte-macrophage DC progenitor (MDP) as a common precursor. Unlike differentiation into DCs, the distal pathways for differentiation into monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages are not fully elucidated. We have now demonstrated the existence of a clonogenic, monocyte-

Current developments of the Housing Enabler methodology

Twenty years of methodological development, empirical research and practice application have resulted in an updated version of the Housing Enabler instrument and a screening version. The methodology rests on Lawton’s and Nahemow’s ecological model, with accessibility defined as the relationship between the individual’s functional capacity and the demands of the physical environment. The complete i