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Kvinnors upplevelser av sexuell hälsa och ohälsa efter bröstcancer

Bakgrund: Kvinnor med bröstcancer är en patientgrupp som löper stor risk att få problem med sin sexuella hälsa till följd av behandlingen av sjukdomen. Ämnet är viktigt att beforska eftersom sexuell hälsa efter bröstcancer är något som vården tenderar att inte uppmärksamma. Syfte: att beskriva kvinnors upplevelser av sexuell ohälsa efter bröstcancer. Metod: Arbetet har genomförts som en litteratur

Attached dead wood, an overlooked resource: The amount of attached dead wood increases with increased diameter at breast height in temperate oak and beech forests

Döda grenar i levande trädkronor – en förbisedd resurs Döda grenar i levande trädkronor utgör en kontinuerlig resurs av död ved under ett träds hela livstid som kan utnyttjas av organismer beroende av denna. Denna resurs har dock till stor del förbisetts i forskning eftersom trädkronor är svårtillgängliga för studier. Istället undersöks främst grov död ved (>10 cm i diameter) på marken. Den forskAlthough attached dead branches in tree canopies provide a continuous supply of dead wood throughout the lifetimes of trees it is a resource often neglected in dead wood research due to the inaccessibility of tree crowns. Biotic and abiotic factors in canopies differ from the ones on the forest floor and provides different living conditions for organisms associated with dead wood. In this study I

"Nobody puts Baby in a corner" : an analysis of Dirty Dancing with a gender and class perspective

This paper analyzes how Hollywood portrays gender and class in films through dance, more specifically in Emile Adrolino’s Dirty Dancing (1987). Due to the film’s immense popularity, it has become a cultural phenomenon and a part of the fabric of our society’s cultural context. This paper examines how Hollywood uses certain narratives to tell a story and how the art of dancing can be used as a tool

Rekvisitet verksam i betydande omfattning i förhållande till förvaltande fåmansföretag

I det svenska skattesystemet beskattas fåmansföretag enligt specifika regler. För att förhindra att arbetsinkomst omvandlas till kapitalinkomst med en lägre skattesats, regleras utdelning och kapitalvinst från fåmansföretag. För att omfattas av reglerna krävs att andelarna är kvalificerade. Kvalifikation uppstår när ägaren är verksam i betydande omfattning enligt 57 kap. 4 § inkomstskattelagen. GäIn the Swedish tax system, close companies are subject to special rules. In order to prevent an owner from transforming his or her salary to a capital income with a lower tax rate, dividend and capital gain is regulated. The rules are only applicable on qualified shares. The shares become qualified when the owner is active to a significant extent according to chapter 57, section 4 of the Swedish I

"Hon sade visserligen inte att hon ville, men hon sade inte heller att hon inte ville": En kvalitativ studie om hur män dömda för våldtäkt uppfattat sexuellt samtycke.

ABSTRAKT Författare: Linnèa Åsengård Titel: ”Hon sade visserligen inte att hon ville, men hon sade inte heller att hon inte ville”: En kvalitativ studie om hur män dömda för våldtäkt uppfattat sexuellt samtycke Kandidatuppsats: SOCK04, 15 hp Handledare: Agneta Mallén Sociologiska institutionen, höstterminen 2020 Den 1:a juli 2018 införde Sverige en ny sexualbrottslagstiftning byggd på frivilligh

Från åker till artrik gräsmark? - Vegetationsanalys av igenlagd åker vid Hörjelgården, sydöstra Skåne

Den här studien undersöker om en tidigare åkermark i sydöstra Skåne har potential att utvecklas till en artrik gräsmark. En inventering av kärlväxter utfördes i ett målområde för att undersöka vilka gräsmarksarter från den omedelbara omgivningen som lyckats etablera sig i den igenlagda åkern. Med hjälp av ekologiska indikatorvärden undersöktes vad som utmärkte de arter som förekom i målområdet med

Robocop + medtech = ? Exploring the possibilities of Augmented Reality in the training of future emergency responders

This master thesis is aimed to evaluate how this current generation augmented reality glasses can enhance the experience for emergency response personnel during practice scenarios. How to design a suitable interface for people in the industry. Planning and developing a functioning system for the Microsoft Hololens G1 (Generation one) to feature such an application. This project was split into two

Diversity of the innate immune receptor TLR2 in field voles (Microtus agrestis)

Field voles fight against pathogens Why did we study field voles (Microtus agrestis)? Well, field voles can tell us how the immune system develops in wild mammals. The immune system develops because pathogens develop, it’s like an arms race. If pathogens increase their infectivity, the field voles need to increase their immune defense. If not, the species will not survive. How do field voles pro

The economic logic behind the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union: A gravity model estimation

This paper estimates the impact of the processes of the Eurasian integration in the post-Soviet space that led to the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) in 2015 over the exports of the member countries and their main partners outside the EEU and its predecessor, the Customs Union (CU). Applying the gravity model technique over the dataset for 1995-2015 obtained from UNESCAP Trade Analyt

Chinese Digital Diasporic Media and The Shaping of Identity: The Case of UKzone

The expansion of Chinese media’s global influence has attracted many attentions around the world. When scholars focus on describing how the state-owned media extend beyond borders to reach audience around the globe, the long-existed Chinese diasporic media overseas are lack of discussion. How have they performed and shaped the imagination in-between China, host societies and transnational space? I

Refusing to Play the Game - An exploration of transnational decolonial feminist resistance to neoliberal corporate power

This thesis examines the decolonial feminist approach of the transnational feminist collective, Feminists for a Binding Treaty (FBT), as they advocate for the inclusion of a gender perspective in a Binding Treaty to curb corporate power. Drawing on Freeden’s ideology theory and Transnational Feminist Theory, this thesis highlights what a decolonial transnational feminist collective should look lik


I ett nytt och mer pluralistiskt medielandskap, med plattare strukturer, har en ny typ av informationsanvändning växt fram. Denna verkar genom att skapa osäkerhet och därigenom möjlighet till implausible deniability snarare än den plausible deniability som tidigare varit vanlig och intimt förknippad med covert action. På detta område har den ryska staten ansetts vara en föregångare men mindre är k

EU's Securitized Aid: a case study of the EU's counterterrorism regulations' effects on aid delivery in Palestine

Following 9/11, an explosion of transnational counterterrorism regulations aimed at countering the financing of terrorism has been established. These have since had suffocating effects on aid delivery in areas where designated terrorist organizations are present, resulting in the denying of aid to the most vulnerable. Regardless, transnational regulations have only grown more assertive during the

Preserving the Precariat in the Name of the Innovation Economy. Case Study: Online Motorcycle Taxis in Indonesia

This research explains the distribution of rewards within the innovative economic practice of online motorcycle taxi services in Indonesia. Those analyzed are online transportation platforms and their driver-partners. These two are analyzed using the theoretical framework of the innovation economy, which is conceptualized as cumulative, uncertain, and collective economic processes by Mariana Mazzu

The new man bland tyll och pärlhalsband: En studie av samtidens nya maskulinitet i modeartiklar

This essay focuses on the phenomenon of the new man and new masculinity and how it is used and described in fashion articles. The phenomenon points at something new but within a historical context we see that the new man goes back in history. The aim of this essay is to find what the new man and its new masculinity is today according to fashion journalism. The empirical data consists of ten fashio

Synthesis of Linearly Fused Tröger’s Base Analogues

Tröger’s base is a chiral molecule with a unique V-shaped cavity. The molecules can be fused together in a linear fashion to form either tubular structures or zigzag structures. These structures can be applicable in different fields. Following this, linear fused tris-Tröger’s base analogue has been synthesized, following a nine- step synthetic route. Furthermore, characterizations of the reaction

Svenska investmentbolags hållbarhetsrapportering

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om investmentbolags och deras portföljbolag rapporterar om liknande aspekter i sin hållbarhetsrapportering, genom att identifiera likheter och skillnader i rapporteringen. Vidare kommer studien även undersöka varför dessa likheter och skillnader finns. Metod: Denna studie jämför hållbarhetsrapporteringen i fyra svenska investmentbolag och deras börs

Identification of Driving Scenarios and Driving Styles Using Machine Learning

The data-based verification of autonomous driving functionalities requires the detection of driving scenarios and driving styles. Driving scenarios define the tasks that the functionalities have to master, whereas the driving style has an impact on the traffic and thus the recorded traffic scenarios. In this thesis we consider two machine learning models which extract driving scenarios and driving

More crop for every drop - A holistic analysis of Indian water stress through Virtual Water Trade and Policy

ndia ranges among the countries experiencing most water stress in recent years, while being a major virtual water net exporter. The country’s position relative to its water sources exacerbated since its trade liberalization in the early 1990’s, which calls for a future national water crisis. To comprehend India’s water stress, this study aims to examine the country’s agricultural water use at thre