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Integrating Packaging and Logistics - Improving Supply Chain Performance
Packaging is a fundamental element in logistics systems. It not only affects every logistical activity; it also has a significant impact on logistics costs and performance. In order for packaging and logistics professionals to gain insight into packaging-dependent costs and performance, the interactions between packaging systems and logistics systems must be understood. The presented research prov
Kommentar till Rådets förordning (EEG) nr 2658/87 av den 23 juli 1987 om tulltaxe- och statistiknomenklaturen och om Gemensamma tulltaxan
Similar software systems
During the last ten years or so, much effort has been spent on developing software architecture by analogy with hardware architecture from where the idea seems to originate. Much of the work has been devoted to specifying standard program units, called components, and their connections. The architecture is then the specific organization of these components and connections. In this paper, I suggest
Frågor till det industriella samhället
Condition based maintenance of gas turbines using simulation data and artificial neural network: A demonstration of feasibility
Gas turbine maintenance is crucial due to high cost for the replacement of its components and associated loss of power during shutdown period. Conventional scheduled maintenance, based on equivalent operating hours, is not the best alternative as it can require unnecessary shut downs. Condition based maintenance is an attractive alternative as it decreases unnecessary shut downs and has other adva
Lidelsen för det exakta. Några bidrag till kännedomen om den vetenskapliga terminologins födelse
Some preliminary observations on the rise and development of technical terminologies in Greek and Latin, and their successive influence on the modern European languages and their patterns of word formation
The Tibetan refugee settlement as a model for Nehruvian rural development in India.
Parton dynamics and identified particles at HERA
Multi-particle production in the central and forward (proton) rapidity region is studied in photoproduction and deep inelastic scattering (DIS). The measurements in the forward region are a factor of similar to 2 larger than QCD predictions based on the DGLAP evolution equations. The central rapidity region is rather well described. Searches for instanton induced processes in DIS are presented.
Livets erövring
In vitro contracture testing for the diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia susceptibility
Popular Abstract in Swedish Malign hypertermi, ärftligt och farligt vid narkos – hur diagnostiseras det ? I april 1960 sövdes en yngling i Australien. Han var mycket orolig därför att tio släktingar dött av eter-narkos. Han sövdes i stället med ett nytt medel – halotan, det höll på att kosta även honom livet. En kortfattad fallbeskrivning i Lancet fick stor uppmärksamhet och på andra ställen i väMalignant hyperthermia (MH) susceptibility is a rare inherited muscular disorder, which may cause a lethal increase in metabolism during anaesthesia with certain commonly used anaesthetic. Susceptible individuals are without any signs or symptoms. It is important to identify individuals at risk, since the MH reaction is preventable. Susceptibility to MH is diagnosed with an in vitro contracture te
A resonant tunneling permeable base transistor with Al-free tunneling barriers
Summary form only given. Resonant tunneling based devices are an intriguing set of devices with promising high speed, low power and high functionality capabilities. We have developed an technology to embed metallic features on the nm-scale inside a semiconductor. By combining such metallic features and heterostructures we have developed a new type of tunneling transistor, the so called Resonant Tu
Den nordiska lagstiftningen på välfärdsområdet
Det muslimska arvet och relationen till Europa
Sakrättsliga transfereringar
Serial and parallel concatenations based on faster than Nyquist signaling
We investigate the performance of concatenated coding schemes based on Faster Than Nyquist(FTN) signaling over the AWGN channel. We test both serial and parallel concatenations. In serial concatenation the FTN signaling is considered as the inner encoder and the outer code is a rate b/c convolutional code. In parallel schemes we use two parallel Gaussian channels and transmit FTN pulse trains in b
Miljöpsykologiska aspekter på gruppboende
Routes of HRT administration. When to use oral or transdermal administration
Understanding Security Practices Deficiencies: A Contextual Analysis
This paper seeks to provide an overview of how companies assess and manage security risks in practice. For this purpose we referred to data of security surveys to examine the scope of risk analysis and to identify involved entities in this process. Our analysis shows a continuous focus on data system security rather than on real world organizational context as well as a prevalent involvement of to