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Backward Binding and the C-T Phase : A Case of Syntactic Haplology

The Germanic V2 languages differ from English and Italian in not allowing backward binding. In this paper I have tried to account for this cross-linguistic variation in terms of a recent proposal by Chomsky (2008) that A-chains and A-bar chains should be held strictly apart, and that A-movement and A-bar movement sometimes may take place in parallel. With respect to backward binding, I have claime

Impact of Open source ERP Systems Development on ERP systems Diffusion among SMEs

The interest in open source is high, which also goes for enterprise resource planning (ERPs) systems. In this article, we focus on the combination of open source and ERPs, and specifically on what role open source ERPs plays in the diffusion of ERPs among small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). To be able to explain the interest in open source ERPs, we look into challenges, about which a propri

Klassrummets mikrovärld

Abstract This dissertation examines the educational situation from a social psychological perspective. The study is based on an empirical material from two school classes at a Swedish high school. The data have been collected through video documentation and direct observation. A number of brief episodes have been transcribed in detail, and are interpreted and analyzed in the light of interactioni

Effective Charges Near 56Ni and Production of Anti-Nuclei Studied with Heavy-Ion Reactions

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling diskuteras olika aspekter av kärnreaktioner inducerade med tunga atomkärnor. En beskrivning av de experiment, detektorer och metoder som har använts återfinns tillsammans med en utförlig redogörelse av analysarbetet. De resultat som presenteras är baserade på dels experimentella data men även från simuleringar och teoretiska beräkningar. AvhandlingenThis thesis presents the research performed within two different research groups using heavy-ion induced nuclear reactions. They offer the opportunity to investigate different properties of nuclear matter. The results are based on measurements using a variety of different experimental techniques. The PHENIX experiment measured the production of deuteron and anti-deuterons at mid-rapidity in gold-

Programming support for reconfigurable custom vector architectures

High performance requirements increased the popularity of unconventional architectures. While providing better performance, such architectures are generally harder to program and generate code for. In this paper, we present our approach to ease programmability and code generation for such architectures. We present a domain specific language (DSL) for the programming part, and a constraint programm

Etik som praxis

En del saker berör människor till den grad att gängse normer och idéer ställs på huvudet. Synen på kroppen och hälsan är ett sådant fenomen. Längtan efter en speciell slags kropp är en historiskt välkänd drivkraft med konsekvenser för hur samtiden utformas. Den moderna biovetenskapen utgör i det sammanhanget en betydelsefull arena för mötet mellan människors drömmar och samhällets riktlinjer. Här


Swedish Report on Medical Malpractice

PACAP and orphanin FQ/nociceptin -Distribution, importance and regulation in sensory neurons and spinal cord

Popular Abstract in Swedish Information om vår omvärld förmedlas med hjälp av elektriska och kemiska signaler i kroppens olika nervbanor till hjärnan där vi tolkar signalerna. Dessa s.k. sensoriska signaler förmedlar information om så skilda saker som hur maten smakar till hur varmt det är, hur ett föremål ser ut, känns osv, till smärtinformation som hjälper oss att undvika farliga situationer. I Neuropeptide expression in the nervous system is abundant and plastic, and an altered expression after injury is an example of a functional response, helping the neuron to cope with adverse changes, and involves effects on differentiation, synthesis, repair/regeneration, survival, and modulation of signal transmission. I have investigated the distribution/expression of the neuropeptides, orphanin

Experiments and modelling of fracture initiation at impact

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar olika frågor som var och en är av stor betydelse för förståelsen av dynamiska brott i stål. Särskilt betonas sprickpropageringsförsök, utförda i överslagsområdet mellan segt och sprött beteende, samt de slutsatser som kan dras av försöken. En fråga berör den fysikaliska bakgrunden till viskoplasticitet. Det visar sig att en beskrivning av terThe thesis addresses different questions, each necessary in the understanding of dynamic fracture initiation and crack propagation in steel. Emphasis lays on dynamic crack propagation experiments performed in the ductile to brittle transition region and possible conclusions, that can be drawn from them. One question regards the physical basis for for viscoplasticity. Dislocation slip by thermal a