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Kritiska framgångsfaktorer för implementation av molnbaserade CRM-lösningar i små och medelstora företag

Fler företag ser värdet av att implementera ett CRM-system för att få konkurrensfördelar. Implementationen har visat sig vara en svår process och en majoritet anses misslyckas. Genom att identifiera kritiska framgångsfaktorer har akademin försökt underlätta för framtida implementationer genom att peka på faktorer som bör beaktas för en lyckad implementation. En stor del av denna litteratur lägger

A small step for emissions accounting, a giant leap for sustainability? Unpacking the debate around the consumption-based emissions accounting method.

This thesis deals with the problem of outsourced emissions, the situation when the consumption of (predominantly Global North) countries with high carbon efficiency drives emissions in (predominantly Global South) countries with low carbon efficiency. The EU as a climate leader and an economic superpower subsumes a large share of outsourced emissions. Outsourcing can be measured by the consumption

Goodwillskydd - Ja, finns det ett sådant? - En kritisk granskning av skyddet och bevarandet av ett varumärkes goodwill.

Goodwill som fenomen kan verka vara allmänt känt, men ur juridiskt perspektiv finns det många frågetecken. - Vad är egentligen goodwill som immateriell rättighet? - Hur skyddas goodwill för varumärken? - Finns det några rättigheter som ser till att man äger ”sin” goodwill och hur långt sträcker sig dessa rättigheter? I dagens samhälle i Sverige och runt om i EU verkar det finnas ett hål i lagstGoodwill as a phenomenon may seem generally known, but when one delves deep into the definition of the concept, there are many question marks. - What is goodwill? - How are goodwill protected for brands? - Are there any legal rights that ensure that you own "your" goodwill, and in particular, how far does these rights extend? In the society today, in Sweden and around the EU, there seems

"Arbete på annan ort” - En utredning i ljuset av HFD 2018 ref. 31 avseende beskattning enligt 57 kap. 4 § första stycket 2 p. IL

Sedan Skatteverket drog igång processerna mot nyckelpersonerna bakom riskkapitalfonderna och den höga inkomst de uppbär i form av s.k. carried interest har en rättsutveckling tagit fart på det skatterättsliga området. Efter att Skatteverket inledningsvis nekats prövningstillstånd valde de en ny linje för att komma åt denna höga inkomst, närmare bestämt genom fåmansföretagsreglerna. Skatteverket mSince the Swedish Tax Agency first pursued the key people behind the venture capital funds regarding the high income they receive as dividend, in the form of so-called carried interest, has a legislative development gained momentum in the Swedish tax law area. After the Swedish Tax Agency initially was denied leave to appeal, they opted for a new strategy to access this high income, through the fr

Har miljörätten kört av vägen? - En analys av förhållandet mellan formell rättssäkerhet och miljörätten genom exemplet rimlighetsavvägningen i miljöbalken 2 kap. 7 §

För människan är en grundläggande miljökvalitet en nödvändig förutsättning för liv och livskvalitet. Eftersom vi vill leva är miljökvalitet eftersträvansvärt. För människan är även förutsebarhet en viktig förutsättning då den gör det möjligt att planera sin tillvaro och känna trygghet. För att få förutsebarhet är juridik ett viktigt medel. Det kan dock finnas ett spänningsförhållande mellan juridiFor humankind, an elementary level of quality in the environment is a necessary precondition for life and life quality. Therefore, it is also desirable since we want to live. For humankind, foreseeability is also an important precondition since it makes it possible to plan one’s life and feel secure. In order to get foreseeability, law is an important means. However, there can be a tension between

Rådgivaransvaret vid fastighetsöverlåtelser - Särskilt om friskrivningsklausuler vid grov vårdslöshet

Fel och brister i fastighet kan leda till mycket kostnader för framför allt en konsu-ment. En köpare av en fastighet har en långtgående undersökningsplikt som gör att köparen inte kan åberopa en avvikelse som köparen borde ha upptäckt vid en sådan undersökning av fastigheten som varit påkallad med hänsyn till fastighetens skick, den normala beskaffenheten hos liknande fastigheter samt omständighetErrors and deficiencies in real estate can lead to excessive costs for the buyer. Particularly if the buyer is a consumer. The buyer of a property has, among other things, a far-reaching obligation to examine the real estate before buying it. The seller can only be liable for defects that the buyer couldn’t have discovered through a thorough examination of the real estate with regard to the proper

Women and Water in the Lake Chad Area: Participation and Influence in Water Management Processes

The riparian countries of Lake Chad River Basin – Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon and Chad – suffer from environmental degradation as the lakes surface water has decreased with 90 percent since the 1960’s. This has put pressure on the population around the lake as the livelihood for many of them is dependent of the lake’s water. The area has during the last decade also been characterized by increased vio

Timingen av post-konfliktuella val- En fallstudie av Libyens försök att demokratiseras mellan två inbördeskrig

A decade has almost passed since former dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi was toppled after an 8-month long civil war in Libya and the outlook of democratization looked bright for the Northern African state. This process turned out to be more than complicated and eventually led the country back to violent hostilities. In this study the parliamentary election of 2012 is studied to see if the sequencing o

The (Un)changing Hamas: A 'New' Hamas in a New World?

Terrorism seems to have changed character in the wake of globalization and the modern world. The unclear magnitude of these changes has given rise to a debate on whether terrorism today can be labeled as ‘new’. This thesis examines how the terrorist organization Hamas should be defined in this debate on the character of contemporary terrorism. The study is carried out as a theory-testing case stud

The security threat for Northern Ireland: In the views of six political leaders

This thesis examines in what way Brexit is constructed as a security threat with regards to the Irish border. If the UK were to leave the EU a border would have to be installed, but installing a border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland would violate the Good Friday Agreement. Brexit has resulted in a prolonged process because the politicians cannot agree on a withdrawal agreemen

Möjligheter till försoning i Myanmar?: En studie av rohingyernas och buddhisternas narrativ och möjligheten till försoning

During the last couple of years Myanmar has attracted international media attention for what is known as the “Rohingya crisis”. Rohingya have been fleeing the country after clashes between Rohingya and Buddhists in Rakhine state which have been followed by increased violence and oppression. The clashes and tensions between the Buddhist majority and the Rohingya minority in the country aren’t new o

Oulu Biovillage: Exploring Blue Bioeconomy Ecosystem Opportunities in Oulu, Finland

By the year 2030, the world will need 50% more food, 45% more energy and 30% more water. This growth in demand will increase pressure on our natural resources. Ingenuitive and adaptive thinking will therefore be required in the ways we build our cities. Finland, with its abundance of natural resources: its forest, its lakes and its aquatic resources, as well as its expertise in sustainable resourc

Simulation of solidification and cooling of a casting product using COMSOL Multiphysics

STYRD KYLNING AV GJUTGODS – ett allt hetare ämne Många industrier står idag inför stora utmaningar angående resurseffektivitet och energi-användning, inte minst de som involverar väldigt energikrävande processer. Metall- och gjuteriindustrin står idag för ungefär 15% av energi-användningen i Sverige. Därför finns det intresse att utreda möjligheterna för att återanvända värme som i dagsläget går tIn this project, the cooling and solidification processes for a Valmet Foundry product have been simulated in order to shorten the cooling time. The study has also been done in cooperation with RISE Swecast in Jönköping, as a part of finding ways to make casting procedures more energy efficient. Another scope of the study is to evaluate how well COMSOL Multiphysics can be used to simulate these ty

The Problem With Problematising Rural Electrification

The modernisation of the Global South is a complex and often overwhelming task. However, one of the most cross-cutting issues is often overlooked. The arena of energy poverty – specifically electric poverty in rural areas and how state policies tackle this problem - is one that often discussed in the wider development discourse. By answering the questions ‘How is the problem of access to electrici

Examining Domains of Psycholinguistics

This study set out to investigate relations between language and cognition. More specifically, to examine if language fluency had any effects on measures of attention. Eighty participants with varying linguistic fluencies were recruited on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and completed the study on Qualtrics. Three measures were implemented to gather data: an image-recognition task, a non-verbal scale of

The dangerous path to school and empowerment: a case study investigating the difficulties of empowerment in education for girls in West Kalungu County District, Uganda

Getting girls to go to and ​stay​ in school is a worldwide issue - predominantly in the global south where it is a particular problem in Sub-saharan Africa where poverty is particularly high. This issue is also one of gender, as the majority of children who do not have access/go to school are female. This paper investigates this problem in central western Uganda, in the west county of the Kalungu

"Nu känner jag att jag är så fri jag kan bli" - En fenomenologisk studie om hur psykoterapeuter förändras i möten med klienter

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur erfarna psykodynamiskt inriktade psykoterapeuter upplever och förändras av känslomässigt nära möten med klienter. Negativa aspekter av det psykoterapeutiska arbetet är mer belysta i psykoterapiforskningen, varför studien fokuserade på hur psykoterapeuter upplever övervägande positiva och meningsfulla förändringar inom sig själva. Tre psykodynamiskt inriktadThe aim of the study was to investigate how experienced psychodynamic psychotherapists experience close encounters with their clients and how they can change as a result of it. Since negative aspects of the psychotherapeutic work are more highlighted in psychotherapy research, this study focused on how psychotherapists experience positive and meaningful changes. Three experienced psychodynamic the

Feasibility Study for Autovalidation of Blood Cells in a Digital Morphology System

This thesis was carried out at CellaVision, a company within digital blood analysis, with the aim of investigating the possibility of autovalidation of blood cells using neural networks. The thesis started with preparing a dataset for training and validation, including cell features and binary labels indicating if the cell is easy or difficult to classify. This dataset consisted of 122 227 cell im