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Your search for "*" yielded 123235 hits

Exploring challenges for New Big Science: The realization of ESS and MAX IV in Lund

Research project in Economic Geography Project's title: Exploring challenges for New Big Science: The realization of ESS and MAX IV in LundProject's duration: 2014-2015Contact person: Josephine RekersOverviewThe aim of this Pufendorf theme (2014-2015) is to contribute empirically, analytically and theoretically to the understanding of New Big Science by investigating central challenges and opportu - 2025-03-15

Enabling the transition to a bio-economy: innovation system dynamics and policy

Research project in Economic Geography Project's title: Enabling the transition to a bio-economy: innovation system dynamics and policyProject's duration: 2014-2016Contact person: Teis HansenOverviewFinanced by The Swedish Energy Agency and The Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Transportation Fuels. - 2025-03-15

Social risks, civil society transformation and strategic risk management

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: Social risks, civil society transformation and strategic risk management, funded by the Swedish Civil Contingencies AgencyProject's duration: 2011-2014Contact person: Nicklas GuldåkerResearchers in the project:Mona Tykesson Nicklas Guldåker Per-Olof Hallin  Tuija Nieminen-KristoferssonAnnika Nilsson Richard Ek Presentation (in Swedish) - 2025-03-15

M-database – a research database at Malmö University and Lund University

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: M-database – a research database at Malmö University and Lund UniversityProject's duration: 2011-Contact person: Nicklas Guldåker and Mona Tykesson Researchers in the project:Mona Tykesson Nicklas GuldåkerOla HallMarkus RasmussonPresentation (in Swedish) - 2025-03-15

Residential fires in metropolitan areas - spatial differences and fire safety work in the socially fragmented city

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: Residential fires in metropolitan areas - spatial differences and fire safety work in the socially fragmented city Project's duration: 2014-2016Contact person: Nicklas Guldåker Researchers in the project:Mona Tykesson Nicklas GuldåkerPer-Olof Hallin  Jerry NilssonPresentation (in Swedish) - 2025-03-15

UrbanData2Decide - Integrated Data Visualisation and Decision Making Solutions to Forecast and Manage Complex Urban Challenges

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: UrbanData2Decide - Integrated Data Visualisation and Decision Making Solutions to Forecast and Manage Complex Urban ChallengesProject's duration: 2014-2016Contact person: Nicklas Guldåker and Markus RasmussonResearchers in the project:Nicklas GuldåkerPer-Olof Hallin  Markus RasmussonOverviewCities and urban areas are complex systems and interact - 2025-03-15

Agriculture Lifestyle in Eastern Taiwan: Going back to the ‘Land’ or Rural Gentrification?

Research Student: Chia-Sui HsuDuration: 2011 – 2015 In the Western countries, the term back-to-the-land is associated with a counter-culture movement in the 1960s and 1970s. The radical and environmental consciousness embedded rural in-migration has received increased academic and public attention due to an increase in various initiatives of alternative food networks. In highly urbanized East Asia - 2025-03-15

Diversification Patterns and Livelihood Strategies of Rural Households: Characterization and the Role of Non-Farm Activities in Relation to Farm Activities. A Comparative Perspective from Senegal and Kenya

Research Student: Sarah Harriet Alobo LoisonDuration: 2012 - 2015Supervisor: Magnus JirströmAssistant supervisor: Agnes Andersson DjurfeldtDiversification of incomes, assets and activities is a common livelihood strategy among rural households in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is viewed as a way through which farm households can mitigate risk and stabilize their incomes, thereby offering a strong option f - 2025-03-15

Structural transformation of agriculture in Vietnam

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: Structural transformation of agriculture in Vietnam - a longitudinal study of diversification, including income-diversification, among rice farmers in the Mekong and Red River Deltas.Contact person: Magnus JirströmResearchers in the project:Magnus JirströmFranz-Michael RundquistOverviewThe project, which has been going on since 1997, focuses on - 2025-03-15

Sign-up form: UTVC13, Examination, February 20th 2015

The UTVC13 Mid-Term exam takes place on Friday, February 20th, in GEM Sparta C + D. Please sign up for this exam by filling in the form below. The deadline for signing-up is Wednesday, February 18th, before 13:00. If you missed the deadline, but still intend to attend the exam, please send an email to bids [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se. Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. L - 2025-03-15

Managerial and administrative staff

Managerial StaffHead of Department: Ola HallDeputy Head of Department: Josephine RekersDirector of Studies: Mikhail Martynovich Director of Studies for the PhD education in Human Geography and Human Ecology: Henrik Gutzon LarsenResponsible for the undergraduate education in Human Ecology: Thomas MalmAdministrative staffProgramme CoordinatorsBachelor's in Urban and Regional Planning (SGSPP): Karin - 2025-03-15

Sign-up form: UTVC13, Mid-Term Re-Examination, March 12th 2015

The UTVC13 Mid-Term Re-exam takes place on Thursday, March 12th, in Eden025, 08:00-10:00. Please sign up for this exam by filling in the form below. The deadline for signing-up is Monday, March 9th, before 23:00. If you missed the deadline, but still intend to attend the re-exam, please send an email to bids [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se. Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. - 2025-03-15

Sign-up form: UTVC13, Final Exam, March 19th 2015

The UTVC13 Final Exam takes place on Thursday, March 19th, in Victoriastadion 3C+3D, 08:00-10:00. Please sign up for this exam by filling in the form below. The deadline for signing-up is Monday, March 16th, before 23:00. If you missed the deadline, but still intend to attend the exam, please send an email to bids [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se. Name (required) First name, Last name Swerish Personal N - 2025-03-15

Sign-up form: UTVC13, Final Re-Exam, April 23rd 2015

The UTVC13 Final Re-exam takes place on Thursday, April 23th, in Eden025, 08:00-10:00. Please sign up for this exam by filling in the form below. The deadline for signing-up is Monday, April 20th, before 23:00. If you missed the deadline, but still intend to attend the re-exam, please send an email to bids [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se. Name (required) First name, Last name Swerish Personal Number (Y - 2025-03-15

BIDS Graduation Ceremony 2015

Dear BIDS students graduating this year,We would like to gladly inform you that your graduation ceremony is scheduled for June 8th 2015, at 14:00 in the main university building assembly hall (Aula, Universitethuset). The official invitation would be sent by email before the end of April, however we kindly ask you to provide some preliminary information so that we can successfully proceed with pla - 2025-03-15

Statement of Intent to Register: Bachelor of Science Programme in Development Studies, Autumn semester 2015

The form must be submitted before May 15th 2015! Name (required) First Name, Last Name. F.ex.: Anna Black Birth Date (required) Contact email (required) Contact phone number Please choose one of the following statements: (required) I ACCEPT my offer of admission and I intend starting my studies at Lund University. If I cannot start my studies at Lund University, I will inform the programme adminis - 2025-03-15

BIDS, Year 1: Discussion of Class Dynamics

Dear first year students,At the BIDS Steering Committee meeting held last Friday (10 April), the student representatives brought to our attention that there have been some problems with the class dynamics (i.e. peer criticism and how to handle it,  poor collaboration and communication). We take this seriously and want to do our best to find a way forward. At the meeting it was proposed that at lea - 2025-03-15

Work for us

Join our team! All job openings are announced at the University website. Our department advertises all the doctorates, teaching positions, administrative and technical positions through the common University database. Applications to available jobs are made at the Lund University Job application portal. If you register yourself there, you can also subcribe to information about new job openings. Lu - 2025-03-15

LUMID Graduation Ceremony 2015

Dear LUMID students graduating this year,We would like to gladly inform you that your graduation ceremony is scheduled for June 8th 2015, at 10:00 in the main university building assembly hall (Aula, Universitethuset).The official invitation would be sent by email in the beginning of May, however we kindly ask you to provide some preliminary information so that we can successfully proceed with pla - 2025-03-15