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Maxat med hållbarhetskommunikation?
Den här studien syftar till att öka förståelsen för hur den unga konsumenten mottar, tolkar och resonerar kring ämnet hållbarhetskommunikation. Studien utgår från ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv och betraktar de kommunikativa processer som konsumenten för kring ett specifikt fall. Det fall som denna studie utgår från är Max Burger AB’s hållbarhetskommunikation som återfinns i företagets dThis research aims to increase the understanding of how the young consumer receives, interprets and argues about sustainability communication. The study is based on a social constructionist perspective and considers the communicative processes expressed by the consumer in a specific case. The case from which this study is based is Max Burger AB's digital sustainability communication. The purpo
Raman spectroscopy for characterization of soot and other carbonaceous materials
Raman spectroscopy is well known as a method that can be used to study the structural characteristics of carbon materials such as soot and carbon black. In this work, a Raman spectroscopy setup was used to record spectra of various carbonaceous samples under different experimental conditions. The wave-number range of interest was from 900 to 3300 cm-1, which includes the first and second order Ram
EU-valet 2019: Val, valdeltagande & Valmyndigheten
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka det relativt låga valdeltagandet till europaparlamentsvalen i Sverige. Fokus har legat på väljargruppen ungdomar i åldern 18–30 samt på den delvis ansvariga myndigheten att utlysa valet; Valmyndigheten. Vidare har informationsspridningen gällande det i dagsläget stundande valet till Europaparlamentet, den 23–26 maj 2019, undersökts. Studien grundas i teorier This study aims to investigate the relatively low amount of young people voting in the European parliamentary elections in Sweden. Focus has been on the electoral group of young people aged 18–30 and the authority partly responsible to inform about the elections in Sweden; Valmyndigheten. This study focuses on the current election to the European Parliament the 23–26 of May 2019. The study is base
Framväxten av sociala medier har möjliggjort för nya sätt som varumärken kommunicerar med sina konsumenter. Ett framväxande fenomen inom varumärkeskommunikation är möjligheten för konsumenter att samskapa mening av varumärken. En förenklad syn på kommunikationens roll inom litteraturen på samskapande har identifierats och legat till grund för studien. Syftet med studien har således varit att skapaThe rise of social media has enabled brands to communicate with their customers in new ways. A growing phenomenon within brand communication is the opportunity for consumers to co-create meaning for the brand. The basis for this study was the simplified view of co-creation in the field of research. This study aims to gain knowledge of how a brand with fans can, through communication on social medi
Integrationsarbete inom Svenska kyrkan i Lund - En kvalitativ studie av språkcaféverksamheten
The purpose of this study is to do a qualitative investigation of a language café in the setting of the Swedish church in Lund. The aim is to find out how the process of integration is perceived by the migrants and the volunteers and if there is a qualitative difference between opinions on goals, determinant factors, result, and context. The selection was from the chosen study object and its popul
A Logo is Worth a Thousand Words – A Study of Heritage Brands through Logo Redesign
Thesis purpose: The combined research on the effects of logo redesign on heritage brands is underdeveloped. Therefore, we contribute with insights to this nascent subject and provide inspiration for others to continue. Methodology: This thesis uses quantitative methods with a mixed experimental design to test the impact of different logo versions on Brand Attitudes and Perceived Brand Authenticity
Private equity-finansiering och dess påverkan på underprissättning - En studie av IPO:s i Norden
Abstract Title: Private equity-finansiering och dess påverkan på underprissättning - En studie av IPO:s i Norden. Seminar date: 2019-06-05. Course: FEKH89, Corporate Finance Degree Project, Undergraduate level, 15 ECTS. Authors: Henrik Sundström, Fredrik von Plomgren and Sebastian Wigartz. Advisor: Maria Gårdängen. Key words: Initial Public Offering, Underpricing, Private equity, Informatio
The Application of Harvey’s Theories into China’s Urbanization of Capital
China's rapid urbanization since the reform and opening up in 1978 has drawn international attention. Scholars like David Harvey has written a lot regarding the capitalized urbanizaiton in China. After studying Harvey’s books, articles and other related works, I found that it is reasonable to apply them into Chinese spatial context since they provide well-founded reference and enlightenment to
Spelar storleken någon roll? Digitalisering i revisionsprocessen hos revisionsbyråer av varierande storlek
Titel: Spelar storleken någon roll? - Digitalisering i revisionsprocessen hos revisionsbyråer av varierande storlek Seminariedatum: 2019-06-04 Kurs: FEKH 69, Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Ted Hörman, Anna Johansson, Camilla Modén Handledare: Karin Jonnergård Fem nyckelord: Digitalisering, Innovation, Storlek, Revisionsprocess, Revisionsbyrå Syfte: Title: Does size matter? - Digitalization in the audit process in audit firms of varying sizes. Seminar date: 2019-06-04 Course: FEKH 69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) Authors: Ted Hörman, Anna Johansson, Camilla Modén Advisor: Karin Jonnergård Key words: Digitalization, Innovation, Size, Audit Process, A
Disrupting Heritage: A Qualitative Study of how Luxury Fashion Heritage Brands are Perceived by Brand Public Members During a Rebranding
The aim of this study was to determine in what manner a luxury fashion heritage brand can rebrand from the perspective of brand public members. In line with the relativist and social constructivist stance taken in this study, a netnography of posts and belonging comments on the Instagram accounts of this study’s two example companies, Burberry and Gucci, was conducted. A thematic analysis was appl
Villain or scapegoat: New perspectives towards understanding the current management of the human-elephant conflict in Sri Lanka
The conflict between humans and elephants (HEC) in Sri Lanka is severe. Due to habitat fragmentation and resource reduction elephants increasingly roam in areas with human settlements. These human-elephant interactions often lead to losses on both sides, which should be prevented. The Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) holds all decision-making powers which enables them to implement solutio
Museer och politiskt ställningstagande : en undersökning av hur museer ser på ställningstagande och vilken roll de kan spela i att främja en demokratisk och humanitär samhällsutveckling
Taking a starting point in museum activism this thesis explores what it means for museums to take a political stand, which aims to work for a democratic and humanitarian development of society. The research has been done, by interviewing individuals in decision-making positions within the Swedish museum sector. The answers have been analysed by taking a starting point in museum activism, using ins
Välvilliga, men okunniga : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om transinkluderande arbete inom socialtjänsten.
Benevolent, but uninformed : a qualitative interview-study on trans-inclusive behavior within the Swedish social services. The transgender community is a heterogenic group of gender diverse individuals who are at greater risk of societal oppression and maltreatment by the welfare system. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to assess the degree of trans-inclusive behavior of five social service w
Fiscal Sovereignty and State Aid in the field of Direct Taxation of EU Law
This thesis investigates if the recent decisions by the Commission on State aid in direct tax law are intruding on the EU Member States’ fiscal sovereignty. The author concludes that the Commission’s basic legal arguments of the reference system, being the corporate income tax system of the relevant Member States, as well as the arm’s length principle as a tool to assess selectivity in article 107
Hedonic Motives: Influencing players’ impulse buying purchases of virtual goods
Thesis purpose: This thesis aims to investigate the broad and well-established phenomenon of impulse buying from a different and unexplored angle. Furthermore, it seeks to explore if players purchase virtual goods on impulse. In addition to this, the purpose of the study is twofold, and it focuses on the examination of certain hedonic motives and if they influence players to purchase on impulse. T
The Celebrity Cake Phenomenon in Indonesia. Understanding Self and Identity Construction and Its Potential Contribution to The Destination Image and Identity Formation
Souvenir shopping is inseparably a part of tourist activity. Recently, Indonesia has observed the phenomenon where famous Indonesian celebrities engage in entrepreneurship and open their own cake shops in tourist destination cities. They describe their product as a novel specialty food souvenir. The tourist activity of purchasing and gift-giving celebrity cakes to others is linked to a consumption
E-legitimationsbedrägerier: Balansgången mellan förtroende och vilseledning
Studien omfattar bedrägerier som utförs via den svenska e-legitimationen BankID. Konceptet social engineering presenteras i denna studie och används som en förklaringsmodell för att kunna utforska huruvida BankID-bedrägerierna faller inom ramen för SE. Vidare diskuteras ett antal mänskliga faktorer som har en påverkan i dessa sammanhang, vilka är målgrupp, medvetenhet och tillit. Genom en intervjuThe study covers fraud that is carried out via the Swedish e-ID BankID. The concept of social engineering is presented in this study and is used as an explanatory model to investigate whether the BankID fraud falls within the scope of SE. Furthermore, several human factors such as target group, awareness and trust are discussed to understand what type of impact they have in this context. An interv
Förädling av vildsvinskött genom torkning
Tanken med examensarbetet var att skapa grund för en framtida torkad produkt baserad på vildsvin. Vildsvin är idag en outnyttjad klimatsmart resurs som det finns gott om i våra skogar. Idén med att göra en produkt av vildsvinskött kom under vårterminen i kursen produktutveckling, som ingår i utbildningen Livsmedelsteknisk. Vildsvinsköttet är ett magert och näringsrikt kött. Enligt VärldsnaturfondeThe idea behind the thesis was to create a basis for a future dried product based on wild boar. Wild boar is today an untapped climate smart resource that there are plenty of in our forests. The idea of making a product from wild boar meat came during the spring term in the product development course, which is part of the Food Technology program. Wild boar meat is lean and nutritious. According to
Self-Service Business Intelligence: Towards a CSF Model for SSBI Success
Utilizing Business Intelligence (BI) technologies is becoming increasingly important in order to make data-driven decisions enabling organizations to stay competitive. However, with long lead times, organizations are not able to take those time-critical data-driven decisions in order to stay ahead. With the introduction of Self-Service Business Intelligence (SSBI) systems, more and more organizati