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Start-up Optimization of a Combined Cycle Power Plant
In the electricity market of today, with increasing demand for electricity production on short notice, the combined cycle power plant stands high regarding fast start-ups and efficiency. In this paper it has been shown how the dynamic start-up procedure of a combined cycle power plant can be optimized using JModelica. org, proposing a way to minimize the start-up time while maximizing the power pr
Utdanning : Sverige
Vikenpolska : Betraktelser av en skapandeprocess
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The roads to reproduction: Comparing life course trajectories in preindustrial Eurasia
Characterization of aerosol nanoparticles by transmission electron microscopy
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The meaning of meaning in biology and cognitive science. A semiotic reconstruction.
Abstract. The essay aims at integration of different concepts of meaning developed in semiotics, biology, and cognitive science, in a way that permits the formulation of issues involving evolution and development. The concept of sign in semiotics, just like the notion of representation in cognitive science, have either been used so broadly as to become almost meaningless, or they have been outrigh
Vibration Excitated Low Pressure Casting: a New Route to Produce Preform Based Metal Matrix Composites
A Chemometric Approach to Process Monitoring and Control - With Applications to Wastewater Treatment Operation
Popular Abstract in Swedish För att styra, övervaka och utvärdera processer inom processindustrin, samlas stora mängder data från mätgivare i olika delar av processen. Den tekniska utvecklingen inom mätteknik- och datorområdet har gjort det möjligt att mäta många olika storheter. Inom processindustrin kan antalet vara mycket stort; hundratals och ibland tusentals värden loggas kontinuerligt med inIn this work, various aspects of multivariate monitoring and control of wastewater treatment operation are discussed. A number of important difficulties face operators and process engineers when handling online measurements from wastewater treatment processes. These include, for instance, a high number of correlated measurement variables, non-stationarities, nonlinearities and multiscale process b
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I historiens ljus
This chapter deals with Drottningholm Palace during the 19th century and examines issues concerning architecture and interiors.
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Towards a Green Energy Economy?
The global financial crisis provided an opportunity for countries to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. Green energy technologies were heavily promoted as a way to reinvigorate economies, create jobs and reduce CO2 emissions. However, despite multiple policy efforts, data show that emissions continue to rise. The limited progress made in many parts of the world has been insufficient to offse