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Recent aging studies for the ATLAS transition radiation tracker

The transition radiation tracker (TRT) is one of the three subsystems of the inner detector of the ATLAS experiment. It is designed to operate for 10 yr at the LHC, with integrated charges of /spl sim/10 C/cm of wire and radiation doses of about 10 Mrad and 2/spl times/10/sup 14/ neutrons/cm/sup 2/. These doses translate into unprecedented ionization currents and integrated charges for a large-sca

Airway epithelial shedding: Morphological and functional aspects in vivo.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inflammatoriska luftvägssjukdomar såsom astma och rinit är några av de folksjukdomar som trots den moderna läkarvetenskapen uppvisat en ökad prevalens de senaste decennierna. En allergisk reaktion och efterföljande inflammation tros ligga bakom många av de förändringar som karakteriserar astmatiska luftvägar tex infiltration av vita blodkroppar och extravasering av plasEpithelial damage may contribute to the pathology in airway diseases such as asthma and rhinitis. However, the distribution of epithelial shedding in inflammatory airway diseases and, particularly, the ensuing repair processes are largely unknown. In the present studies we have developed novel in vivo techniques to explore epithelial repair mechanisms and associated tissue responses occuring in gu

Approximating the maximum independent set and minimum vertex coloring on box graphs

A box graph is the intersection graph of a finite set of orthogonal rectangles in the plane. The problem of whether or not the maximum independent set problem (MIS for short) for box graphs can be approximated within a substantially sub-logarithmic factor in polynomial time has been open for several years. We show that for box graphs on n vertices which have an independent set of size Ω(n/logO(1)n

Some effects of maternal anxiety on the fetus and on pregnancy outcome

The aim of this thesis was to study maternal emotional impact on the fetus and on pregnancy outcome. The thesis comprises five papers, which emanate from a prospective study regarding life situation, the experience of pregnancy, anxiety (Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety),and life events in nulliparous women, conducted in Malmö during 1988-1989. Examinations of fetal hemo-dynamics, fetal movements,

Contact activation on bacterial surfaces - a virulence mechanism

Popular Abstract in Swedish En bakteries förmåga att orsaka sjukdom beror till viss del på vilka molekyler, så kallade virulensfaktorer, som bakterien kan utsöndra eller har på sin yta, samt på hur effektivt värdens immunförsvar är. I människans försvar mot infektioner spelar inflammation och koagulation en stor roll. Exempelvis kan infektionen avgränsas med ett olösligt koagel och vita blodkroppaLife-threatening conditions from bacterial infections are a major clinical problem. During a severe infection, the host responds by a massive release of pro-inflammatory mediators together with a systemic activation of systems such as the coagulation, fibrinolytic, and complement systems. These events could result in the development of complications such as disseminated intravascular coagulation a

Recombinant protein purification using thermoseparating aqueous two-phase systems

The biotechnology industry has grown considerably over the past twenty years, and the revolution within the field of molecular biology has dramatically improved the possibilities of producing proteins and other important biomolecules. The product of interest will be obtained in a multi-component solution and some challenging purification work has to be performed to recover the target molecule in a