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Incidence of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis at a large university hospital in Sweden.

Objective. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) is a rare condition that may follow administration of gadolinium-based contrast media (Gd-CM) in patients with renal insufficiency. This study was initiated to determine the incidence of NSF at Skåne University Hospital, Malmö, in Sweden. Material and methods. During the period January 2001 to December 2008 10 650 patients underwent magnetic resonance

Modelling a Duaul-fuelled Multi-cylinder HCCI Engine Using a PDF based Engine Cycle Simulator

Operating the HCCI engine with dual fuels with a large difference in auto-ignition characteristics (octane number) is one way to control the HCCI operation. The effect of octane number on combustion, emissions and engine performance in a 6-cylinder SCANIA truck engine, fuelled with n-heptane and isooctane, and running in HCCI mode, are investigated numerically and compared with measurements taken

Exile Warriors : Violence and Community among Hutu Rebels in the eastern Congo

This dissertation is an anthropological study of war and violence in the volatile eastern territories of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The ethnographic focus is on one of the largest rebel groups currently operating in the Congo conflicts, the Hutu-dominated Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR). These Hutu rebels arrived in the Congo in 1994, after the genocide in neighboring

Porous Silicon Microbioreactors - Applications and Technology

Microfluidic systems have become one of the most interesting fields in the research of chemical analysis. Miniaturized systems exhibit numerous practical advantages when compared with traditional batch-scale synthesis such as lower sample volumes, increased control of the reactions and higher sample throughput. This thesis describes the development and applications of a parallel channel microreact

Hyperbolic systems with relaxation: characterization of stiff well-posedness and asymptotic expansions

The Cauchy problem for linear constant-coefficient hyperbolic systems ut + ∑j A(j)uxj = (1/δ)Bu + Cu in d space dimensions is analyzed. Here (1/δ)Bu is a large relaxation term, and we are mostly interested in the critical case where B has a non-trivial null-space. A concept of stiff well-posedness is introduced that ensures solution estimates independent of 0 < δ 1. Stiff well-posedness is charact

Underbart är kort

Kulturkrönika om kortfilmerna på 2002 års Fantastisk Filmfestival i Lund.

Structural characterization of an unusually stable cyclic peptide, kalata B2 from Oldenlandia affinis

Kalata peptides are isolated from an African medicinal plant, Oldenlandia affinis, an aqueous decoction of which can be ingested to accelerate uterine contraction during childbirth. The closely packed disulfide core of kalata peptides confers unusual stability against thermal, chemical, and enzymatic degradation. The molecular arrangement may hamper NMR-assisted disulfide connectivity assignment.