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Current fire research and design - Particularly in view of mathematical modelling

With the general trends of the international development of codes, specifications and recommendations for a fire engineering design as a background, the rapidly expanding modelling capabilities are demonstrated and exemplified with respect to the fire growth in a compartment, the fully developed compartment fire, the reaction to fire of materials, the fire spread between buildings, and the fire be

Skolan och de kulturella förändringarna

Skolan och de kulturella förändringarna ("School and Cultural Change") consists of discussions on some key concepts in modern cultural studies, used in a pedagogical context.

The Third Gospel for the First Time: Luke within the Context of Ancient Biography

Popular Abstract in Swedish The Third Gospel for the First Time beskriver en förstagångsupplevelse av Lukasevangeliet, en uppläsning inför adressaten Teofilus vänner, vid ett tillfälle då evangeliet var nyskrivet. Den förutsätter att någon av Teofilus vänner kände till antika biografier och uppfattade Lukasevangeliet som en sådan. Dessutom hade han fått en grundläggande undervisning om den kristnaIf Luke’s first audience understood the Gospel as a biography, what would their experience of the text have been? This book invites the reader to accompany the first readers or hearers of Luke’s Gospel and to experience the narrative about the life of Jesus alongside them. It utilises Wolfgang Iser’s theory about reading and readers and focuses on gaps and vacancies in the text. The most important

Nationella forskarskolan i socialt arbete - dess målgrupp och deltagare

Hösten 2008 startade Nationella forskarskolan i socialt arbete (RSSW), som ett samarbete mellan de lärosäten som ger forskarutbildning i ämnet. I den här rapporten beskrivs doktorandgruppen i socialt arbete och doktorandernas eventuella erfarenheter av deltagande i forskarskolans kurser.

Fuel Production From Gasified Biomass-A Feasibility Study

To produce fuel from gasified biomass is a way to manufacture carbon dioxide neutral fuels for transport purposes. The biomass is gasified by heat in a gasification unit, with or without nitrogen, and the resulting mixture consist of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, steam, higher hydrocarbons in low concentration and tars. The gas will also contain nitrogen, argon, ammonia, hydr

Clinical expressions of juvenile hereditary retinal degenerations and macular dystrophies: Electrophysiological and genetic studies

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ärftliga näthinnesjukdomar med tidig debut Elektrofysiologiska och genetiska studier Ärftliga näthinnesjukdomar är den vanligaste orsaken till allvarligt synhandikapp hos unga människor i dagens Sverige. De flesta av dessa sjukdomar kan ännu inte behandlas, men vi har under de senaste åren fått allt större insikt i de bakomliggande sjukdomsmekanismerna, tack vare att Hereditary retinal degenerations are the most frequent reason for severe visual handicap among young people in Scandinavia today. In the six papers included in this thesis the phenotypic expressions, with emphasis on the electrophysiological findings, of five different juvenile hereditary retinal degenerations are described. The diagnoses have been confirmed by genetic analysis. The retinal disord