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Japanese Universities’ High Policy Implementability: The Introduction of Law Schools

In Japan, education has often been used by the government as a means of introducing social changes, due to its high policy implementability. The Japanese law school system is a good example to illustrate Japanese universities' high policy implementability because it was introduced when Japan needs numerous talented lawyers to operate a rule-of-law society. The idea of introducing a law school syst

Folket, yxan och orättvisans rot. Betydelsebildning kring demokrati i den svenska rösträttsrörelsens diskursgemenskap, 1887-1902.

Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen presenteras en analys av den svenska rösträttsrörelsens diskursgemenskap mellan åren 1887 och 1902. Studien fokuserar huvudsakligen på rörelsens kärna; Sveriges allmänna rösträttsförbund. Denna organisation, ledd av en överstyrelse och ett verkställande utskott i Stockholm, fungerade som rörelsens nationella ramverk under perioden 1890-1900. TraditionelltThe People, the Axe and the Root of Injustice: the Swedish Suffrage Movement's Discourse Community 1887?1902, its Production of Meaning and the Concept of Democracy In this thesis, I present a study of the Swedish suffrage movement's discourse community. The analyses focus primarily on the core of this movement, the Swedish Public Suffrage Association (Sveriges allmänna rösträttsförbund). This as

South Swedish diphthongisation: an articulographic and acoustic study of /u:/ in the Malmöhus dialect

We investigated lip and tongue movements of diphthongisation of /uː/ in the Malmöhus dia- lect, which is spoken in the very south of Swe- den. Articulographic and acoustic data of ten native speakers were collected and analysed. Acoustic analysis revealed fairly stable F1 and F3, but a considerable F2 movement through- out the diphthongisation, indicating that /uː/ is realised dynamically. Articul

Large eddy simulation of unsteady combustion

The present study concerns the application of a large eddy simulation (LES) model, capable of dealing with chemical reactions described by multistep reaction mechanisms and thermal radiation. The LES model, based on prefiltering of the balance equations of mass, momentum, and energy contains a variety of submodels far representing the residual stress tensor and flux vectors and the filtered reacti

Car-to-car radio channel measurements at 5 GHz: Pathloss, power-delay profile, and delay-Doppler spectrum

We carried out a car-to-infrastructure (C2I) and car-to-car (C2C) 4x4 multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) radio channel measurement campaign at 5.2GHz in Lund, Sweden. This paper presents first results on pathloss, power-delay profiles, and delay-Doppler spectra in a C2C highway scenario, where both cars were traveling in opposite directions. A pathloss coefficient of 1.8 yields the best fit wit

Växla upp kompetensen - så klarar vi generationsväxlingen i offentliga fastighetsföretag

Det finns ingen anledning att varna längre om en förestående generationsväxling och kommande kompetensförsörjningsproblem. Den tiden är nu! 40-talisterna har alla snart gått i pension samtidigt som personalomsättningen ökar på hela arbetsmarknaden. Kompetens inom fastighetsbranschen har blivit en färskvara som det nu finns för lite av då det också råder brist på utbildningsmöjligheter. Brukare a

The Motherhood of the Road : From Paradise Lost to Paradise

The Judeo-Christian tradition is a common cultural womb for many Westerners; in its literary registers travel replicates, metaphorically as well as metonymically, the story of creation: birth, living, death, or: Genesis, Exodus, the Final Judgment. Life – the exilic wandering forced upon Adam and Eve after the Fall – is an oft cited ‘first journey’ of humankind which transports a compelling ancest

The Dilemma of Law: An Examination of Cotrovertial Judicial Decisions in Ethno-Culturally Based Legal Disputes

In October 1989, a 24-year-old Kurdish immigrant from Iraq was brought before the Sandviken Lower Court in Sweden charged with assaulting, coercing and threatening his pregnant ex-girlfriend who had left him to live with another man. Although, the court found the defendant guilty as charged, it nevertheless released him on a suspended sentence and a fine of 3000 Swedish Kronor. Conviction on this

Recommendations for Speed Management on European Roads

Results of a recent European research project MAnaging Speeds of Traffic on European Roads (MASTER) are presented. Speed management is described as a two-step process where target speeds for different kinds of roads are determined first, and then various measures and tools are applied in order to adopt such speed. Current practice and main problems in speed management are described. The various im

Civic identity and net activism: the frame of radical democracy

The chapter makes use of the theoretic horizons of radical democrac, especially as found in the works of Chantal Mouufe, to conceptually explore the emergence of citizens' identities as active agents in the context of extra-parliamentarian political engagement using the Internet

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Epidemiological and Pan-airway Aspects

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) är en allvarlig folksjukdom vars huvudsakliga orsak är tobaksrökning. Det är den enda av de viktigaste dödsorsakerna som ökar och år 2020 beräknas KOL utgöra den 4:e vanligaste dödsorsaken i världen. Flera studier har försökt att bestämma förekomsten (prevalensen) av KOL i befolkningen men tyvärr har de oftast använt olika metoder oBackground – Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. However, there is little information on the prevalence and particularly on the incidence of COPD. Also, apart from the importance of tobacco smoking and a1-antitrypsin deficiency, information on contributing risk factors for the development of COPD is limited. Hypotheses – 1. Spirometry