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A home built scanner helps to construct a beamline at ESS

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 9 December 2021 Stefanos Athanasopoulos, Samuel Staines and Emanuel Larsson collaborated on the project to develop future beamlines at the ESS research facility. Photo: Noomi Egan Using a torch, a camera, a water bottle and pieces of Lego, Emanuel Larsson built a scanner now used as a prototype to develop future beamlines at E - 2025-03-10

New tool for researchers to take part in the public debate

By ulrika [dot] oredsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Ulrika Oredsson) - published 9 December 2021 Andreas Bergh, Louise Bringselius, Niklas Altermark and Cecilia Cassinger. You have to respect the fact that collaboration takes time and is not always so easy to achieve, according to Louise Bringselius, who recently started the Institute for Public Affairs together with researchers from th - 2025-03-10

Everyone must be included in the crisis planning

By jessika [dot] sellergren [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Jessika Sellergren) - published 9 December 2021 Jonas Borell. What happens if there is a power cut and the heating stops working for a long period of time? Besides the obvious consequences – that technology doesn’t work and it gets cold – how do we, as a society, prepare for such a crisis? Do we know who is supposed to do what when it happens - 2025-03-10

Call for speedy action to finance highly topical research

By louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - published 9 December 2021 Erik Wengström wishes faculties would have a source of money that could be readily available for certain research. Photo: Håkan Röjder Covid-19 turned parts of the ordinary research process upside down. Economist Erik Wengström is among those who have studied Swedes’ behaviour during the pandemic from t - 2025-03-10

Time to prioritize profiling

By maria [dot] lindh [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Lindh) - published 9 December 2021 LU can apply for grants for five profile areas as the government reallocate 500 million SEK from direct government funding. Photo: Kennet Ruona ‟Profiling is an opportunity to gather our strengths and renew our research, increase its societal impact and improve the intertwining of cutting-edge resea - 2025-03-10

Her cancer found its place on Facebook

By maria [dot] lindh [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Lindh) - published 9 December 2021 Evelina Lindén is free of her cancer. She no longer needs a turban. “As though I was driving a fast car but had enough margin to turn before hitting the rock wall.” That is how Evelina Lindén describes her experience of having a cancer tumour that was aggressive but treatable. By being open about he - 2025-03-10

Solving the problem of vaccination certificates for international researchers and students

Published 9 December 2021 Once again, we are now seeing an increase in the spread of infection, in particular in Europe; this week, the Public Health Agency of Sweden announced new recommendations to avoid crowding, among other things. We are still offering on-campus education but everyone is to avoid crowding and large gatherings. We are carefully monitoring the situation and trying to keep the o - 2025-03-10

Researchers on social media share their tips

By anna_v [dot] johnsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Johnsson) - published 10 December 2021 From the left: Hakim Abdi, Louise Bringselius and Magnus Genrup. Welcome to a digital meeting in which Lund researchers who are active on social media will share their insights and tips. For many researchers, social media is an opportunity to interact with wider society, from colleagues in th - 2025-03-10

Collaboration for better packaging

By jessika [dot] sellergren [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Jessika Sellergren) - published 14 December 2021 The research team from LTH and Tetra Pak - Mathias Wallin, Sara Johansson and Johan Tryding. Photo: Kennet Ruona There are many requirements on the food packaging of the future. They must be better and safer than today, while also environment-friendly, cost-effective, and aesthetically pleasing - 2025-03-10

Degree project students appreciate open working climate at Tetra Pak

By erik [dot] andersson [at] design [dot] lth [dot] se (Erik Andersson) - published 14 December 2021 Elif Tiryakioglu, Turkey, Roxanne Mae Targa, the Philippines and Nawapan Boonchum from Thailand did their degree projects at Tetra Pak 2020, within the Erasmus Mundus Master's programme FIPDes, Food Innovation and Product Design. Photo: Erik Andersson "When I was a kid, I said tetra about all the j - 2025-03-10

Clearly, the amended Aliens Act has a considerable impact on researchers

Published 17 December 2021 The amended Alien’s Act, which came into effect in the summer, proved to have a considerable impact on possibilities for international doctoral students and researchers to obtain a permanent residence permit in Sweden. This is a group that in general, and especially in the early career stage, has different fixed-term positions in and outside academia and there is a risk - 2025-03-10

New plan for the University’s work on equal opportunities

By Charlotte [dot] Hedin [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Hedin) - published 17 December 2021 Lund University consists of the people who work or study here. We have various roles, we are in different locations, carrying out different duties but together, we form a successful university with great breadth. We are to be a world-class university that works to understand, explain and improve our w - 2025-03-10

Professional development opportunity together with our EUGLOH partners – spring 2022

By carina [dot] holmberg_pousette [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Carina Holmberg Pousette) - published 16 December 2021 Get to know your counterpart at one of the EUGLOH Alliance's universities – participate in a webinar and online workshops & make a staff exchange funded with an Erasmus+ grant in the spring of 2022! On 15-16 February, a webinar will be held on the theme "The Future of Higher Educatio - 2025-03-10

Torbjörn von Schantz awarded Lund University’s gold medal

By anna [dot] akesson [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Åkesson) - published 20 December 2021 Lund University has a tradition of awarding its gold medal to express appreciation for commitment shown to the institution. The medal was awarded for the first time in 1967. The vice-chancellor has now decided to award Lund University’s gold medal to former vice-chancellor Torbjörn von Schantz for great - 2025-03-10

Lund students’ prize for excellence in teaching for 2022

Published 20 December 2021 The Lund students’ prize for excellence in teaching is awarded for outstanding contributions to education. The vice-chancellor appoints the winners after a proposal by the students’ unions. In addition, a grant of SEK 25 000 each is awarded to the departments to enable study trips for the prize-winners. This year, the prize goes to senior lecturer Amanda Sonnerfeldt, Dep - 2025-03-10

Message to international students and staff from the Vice-Chancellor at Lund University

By Ida [dot] Thelander [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Ida Thelander) - published 20 December 2021 Vice-Chancellor Erik Renström addresses the questions international students and staff may have regarding the Swedish strategy to handle the pandemic in comparison with other countries’ strategies. Based on legal as well as cultural conditions the Swedish strategy relies on willingness and mutual trust be - 2025-03-10

Time to ring out the old year and ring in the new!

Published 22 December 2021 It is time to summarise 2021, a year in which nothing was the same as before, if a year can ever be like another. For me personally, it has been transformative to take over as vice-chancellor of Lund University together with a new management team: deputy vice-chancellor Lena Eskilsson and the five pro vice-chancellors Per Mickwitz, Kristina Eneroth, Ann-Kristin Wallengre - 2025-03-10

New plan for gender equality and equal opportunities approved

Published 19 January 2022 In early December, the University’s new plan for gender equality and equal opportunities was approved. It extends over a six-year period and is based on the University’s strategic plan. Its aim is to meet the government’s gender mainstreaming requirements as well as the EU Commission’s requirements for a gender equality plan. Above all, the plan reflects the goals towards - 2025-03-10

Arrival Day spring 2022

By Ida [dot] Thelander [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Ida Thelander) - published 17 January 2022 On Monday, January 10, 240 new international students arrived to Lund University. This was slightly fewer than expected, but still more than in January 2021. Lund University expects around 600 international students this spring. Just like the previous number of semesters during the ongoing pandemic, it is - 2025-03-10

Opportunities and challenges of European collaboration on education

Published 19 January 2022 LU intends to extend and broaden its commitment to the European university initiative EUGLOH. Work on writing an application for continued European university collaboration beyond 2022 started just before Christmas. The EUGLOH initiative is now in its third and final year within the framework of the EU’s first pilot round. The continued collaboration will build on our exi - 2025-03-10