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Kommunala kapaciteter och strategier för en hållbar kommunal framtid – ett nationellt kommunforskningsprogram

Av kefu [at] kefu [dot] se (Mats Brangstrup) - publicerad 14 december 2023 Nu startar ett nytt nationellt kommunforskningsprogram i ett samarbete mellan KEFU, CERUM (Umeå universitet), CKS (Linköpings universitet), och KFI (Förvaltningshögskolan i Göteborg med en övergripande ambition att bygga ett långsiktigt starkt nationellt forskningsnätverk. Initiativet stöttas också finansiellt av Kommuninve - 2025-03-17

Ekonomistudenter från Lund till finalen i världens mest prestigefulla business case-tävling

Av linnea [dot] morth [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Linnea Mörth) - publicerad 23 januari 2024 Studenterna från Ekonomihögskolan tillsammans med coachen och läraren Mats Urde. Foto: Privat Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds universitet kom hem med flera medaljer från 2024 års upplaga av världens största casetävling i Kanada. Laget säkrade tredje plats i finalen, läraren Mats Urde fick priset som årets coach - 2025-03-17

Primula – systemet som vi älskar att hata (eller i alla fall klaga på)

Av louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - publicerad 19 februari 2021 Systemen ska underlätta vårt arbete, men ibland kan man som medarbetare uppleva att det snarare är tvärtom. I artikeln ges flera perspektiv på ett välanvänt system vid Lunds universitet och flera andra lärosäten och organisationer: Primula. Foto: Istock Säg ”Primula” och en del tänker på en blomma. An - 2025-03-17

Ekonomihögskolan rankas bland de bästa handelshögskolorna i Europa

Publicerad 7 december 2020 För första gången kvalar Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds universitet in på ”Financial Times European Business Schools 2020 ranking”. I stark konkurrens rankas nu skolan som nummer 75 i Europa. Måndagen den 7 december riktade tidningen Financial Times (FT) återigen strålkastarna mot de europeiska handelshögskolorna. Ekonomihögskolan i Lund har två magisterprogram som nyligen r - 2025-03-17

”Sverige var det minst demokratiska landet i Västeuropa i början av 1900-talet”

Av louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - publicerad 3 juni 2019 Bilden till höger: demonstration i Lund 1950 på valborgsmässoafton eller 1 maj. Firma Hagblom-Foto, från Lunds universitets bildarkiv. Bilden till vänster: Erik Bengtsson. I en vetenskaplig artikel slår ekonomihistorikern Erik Bengtsson hål på myten om Sverige som ödesbestämt att bli (social)demokratiskt. - 2025-03-17

Uhlin on Civil Society and Regional Governance in Southeast Asia

Published 20 September 2016 Anders Uhlin has authored the book ”Civil Society and Regional Governance: The Asian Development Bank and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations”. Information about the book:”Through detailed comparative case studies of civil society engagement with two major regional international organizations in Southeast Asia this book demonstrates the potentials and limitations - 2025-03-17

Aggestam and Bergman Rosamond on Swedish feminist foreign policy

Published 26 September 2016 Karin Aggestam and Annika Bergman Rosamond have co-authored the article ”Swedish Feminist Foreign Policy in the Making: Ethics, Politics and Gender” published by Ethics and International Affairs. Abstract:"In 2015, the world's first self-defined feminist government was formed in Sweden with the explicit ambition of pursuing a feminist foreign policy. This essay seeks to - 2025-03-17

Aggestam and True on gender in foreign policy at PRIO

Published 23 September 2016 Karin Aggestam and Jacqui True will give a talk on gender equality in foreign policy at PRIO in Oslo. About the seminar:Recently the Norwegian Government launched an action plan on women's rights and gender equality in foreign policy and development cooperation.  At this seminar leading international scholars on gender and foreign policy have been invited to discuss som - 2025-03-17

Research grant for two projects

Published 30 September 2016 Researchers from our Department have gained research money for two different projects. The first one is on conflict prevention in vulnerable cities and the other one is on the new urban challenge. Annika Björkdahl has together with Ivan Gusic (Lund University), Johanna Mannergren Selimovic (The Swedish Institute of International Affairs) and Kristine Höglund (Uppsala Un - 2025-03-17

Elgström and Rosén Sundström on EU Agricultural Negotiations

Published 5 October 2016 Ole Elgström and Malena Rosén Sundström have published the Sieps (Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies) report "Success Factors in EU Agricultural Negotiations". The authors presented their findings at a seminar in Stockholm last Friday.The report can be found on Sieps’ websiteOle Elgström’s personal pageMalena Rosén Sundström’s personal page - 2025-03-17

Jönsson on Diplomacy

Published 10 October 2016 Christer Jönsson has authored the chapter "States Only? The Evolution of Diplomacy" in ”The Transformation of Foreign Policy” (edited by Gunther Hellmann, Andreas Fahrmeir & Milos Vec). Learn more on Oxford University Press’ websiteHe has also authored the chapter "Diplomacy, Communication and Signaling" in ”The SAGE Handbook of Diplomacy” (edited by Costas M. Constantino - 2025-03-17

Sofie Gustafsson has defended her thesis

Published 11 November 2016 Sofie Gustafsson defended her dissertation "Medborgarskapande på olika villkor. Självbild, skolkoder och syn på kunskap i den svenska gymnasieskolan" on November 11 at 10:15 in Edens Hörsal, Paradisgatan 5h, Lund. Medborgarskapande på olika villkor. Självbild, skolkoder och syn på kunskap i den svenska gymnasieskolanSofie Gustafsson’s personal page - 2025-03-17

Research grant for ”Peace and the Politics of Memory”

Published 21 October 2016 Annika Björkdahl has together with Johanna Mannergren Selimovic (UI), Stefanie Kappler (Durham University) and Susanne Buckley-Zistel (Marburg University) received a research grant for the project ”Peace and the Politics of Memory”. The project "Peace and the Politics of Memory" investigates how a post-conflict society harbours conflicting memories and experiences and how - 2025-03-17

Bäck on coalition governments and policy-making

Published 24 October 2016 Hanna Bäck is one of the authors of the article ”Multiparty government and economic policy-making. Coalition agreements, prime ministerial power and spending in Western European Cabinets” which has been published in the journal Public Choice. AbstractMultiparty government has often been associated with poor economic policy-making, with distortions like lower growth rates - 2025-03-17

Outreach in New Delhi

Published 28 October 2016 Catarina Kinnvall is keynote speaker at three universities in New Delhi (India) this week; South Asia University, O.P. Jindal University och på Delhi University. She will give talks on:”The position of the Ahmadiyyas: Minority Rights in Pakistan” at South Asia University”Ontological Security and the Political Psychology of Radicalization” at O.P. Jindal University”Feeling - 2025-03-17

8.2 million SEK funding

Published 9 November 2016 Martin Hall has together with Ted Svensson and Annika Bergman-Rosamond gained research money from Vetenskapsrådet for the project ”Världsarvets politik”. Part of abstract:The project identifies two tensions that characterise global modernity and investigates how these can help to explain the contemporary design and pursuit of the politics of WH. Our research purpose is tw - 2025-03-17

Zelli will chair leading environmental governance conference in Nairobi

Published 15 November 2016 Fariborz Zelli will chair the Earth System Governance conference in Nairobi on December 7-9. This year’s conference, the seventh in the series, is the first one in Africa. The overarching theme “Confronting Complexity and Inequality” will be discussed in panel and plenary sessions over three days. Environmental governance research in and about Africa will be at the heart - 2025-03-17