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Microsoft Word - Lysaght_REV.docx

Microsoft Word - Lysaght_REV.docx The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Exploring how students’ reflections on their mistakes facilitates learning in a second year kinesiology class J. Lysaght, Harmony Holistics Kinesiology College ABSTRACT: “Failure is not mere failure. It is instructive. The person who really thinks learns quite as much from his failures as from his successes” - 2025-02-10


Lysaght_McCarthy The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Exploring the effect of mapping student learning in the assessment process, in a kinesiology class, using the Teaching for Understanding framework J. Lysaght, Harmony Holistics Kinesiology College, Ireland and M. McCarthy, University College Cork, Ireland ABSTRACT: This study followed a part-time, first year kinesiology clas - 2025-02-10

No title

Kjell Westös Helsingforsromaner i finsk och tysk översättning Manuela Tallberg-Nygård Helsingfors universitet Finska, finskugriska och nordiska institutionen Svensk översättning Den finlandssvenska författaren Kjell Westö är känd för sina Helsingforsromaner. Westös produktion avspeglar den finlandssvenska minoritetskulturen, mötet med den finska majoritetskulturen, förankringen i det tvåspråkiga H - 2025-02-10

No title

Att beskriva översättarstilar - sex svenska översättningar av Madame Bovary Mari Mossberg, Lund Sedan Gustave Flauberts berömda roman Madame Bovary publicerades på franska år 1857 har den översatts till svenska vid ett flertal tillfällen. Den första svenska översättningen av Ernst Lundquist lät vänta på sig och kom inte ut förrän 1883. Då var det svenska mottagandet ljumt. I Aftonbladet (1884-03-0 - 2025-02-10


McConnell1_Marquis2 The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Transforming patterns through the scholarship of teaching and learning C. McConnell, and B. Marquis, University of Brighton, UK, and McMaster University, CA. ABSTRACT: This paper addresses the theme of transforming patterns of learning and behavior, focusing specifically on potential shifts of identity and culture when st - 2025-02-10

ID56 McConnell1Author_etal

ID56 McConnell1Author_etal The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Engaging Students with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Through Peer Learning Programs C. McConnell, L. Bryngfors, J. Hettrick, O. Schofield, and K. Scott International Academic Peer Learning Network ABSTRACT: Peer learning programs such as Supplemental Instruction (SI), Peer Assisted Learning (PAL), and Pe - 2025-02-10

Melén Fäldt_Larsson

Melén Fäldt_Larsson The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Exploring a positive approach in facilitating teachers personal and professional development M. Melén Fäldt and S. Larsson, Kristianstad University, Sweden ABSTRACT: This presentation will reflect on experiences from the perspective of two education developers in an ongoing teacher development project within the Nurse Edu - 2025-02-10


Miliste_Zagura The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Collaborative Teaching Assumes Collaborative Learning M. Miliste and N. Zagura, University of Tartu ABSTRACT: There is a tendency at universities that numerous scholars are involved in teaching a more general, introductory course. This system is certainly a positive approach, as each specialist contributes in terms of their re - 2025-02-10

Microsoft Word - audunmorchabstract.doc

Microsoft Word - audunmorchabstract.doc In Search of the Grand: Pavel Krusanov Audun Johannes Mørch Pavel Krusanov (1961-), a native of St. Petersburg is a prolific and talented writer who is nevertheless little known outside of Russia. His most important works are Ukus angela (The Bite of an Angel) (2000), Bom-Bom (2003 )and Amerikanskaia dyrka (The American Hole) (2005). Krusanov also attracted - 2025-02-10


MoronGarcia_KensingtonMiller_REV The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Metaphor to meaning: narrative inquiry as SoTL tool A. S. Morón-García, University of Central Lancashire, and B. Kensington-Miller, University of Auckland. ABSTRACT: Over a number of years we have conducted a shared narrative inquiry into the nature of our work as SoTL scholars and academic developers: beginn - 2025-02-10


Oona_etal The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Designing an E-learning Course: Immunisation Training for Healthcare Professionals M. Oona, J. Haar, S. Heidmets, P. Hütt, K. Kesküla, M. Pihu, and M. Talumäe, Dept of Family Medicine, University of Tartu, Estonia ABSTRACT: Background: In Estonia, every healthcare worker (HCW) administering vaccines has to attend a special continuo - 2025-02-10


OruaasRiina_REV The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Formative assessment and academic writing skills in theatre history course R. Oruaas, University of Tartu ABSTRACT: In my paper, I will analyse and sum up the results of a research taken place in year 2016/17 during my course on General Theatre History in University of Tartu, Institute for Cultural Research and Arts. The resu - 2025-02-10


PooleHeather_etal_mod The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Disrupting the calendar: Measuring the impacts of a week- long fall break on stress and academic success in undergraduate students H. Poole, University of Ottawa, A. Khan, M. Agnew, I. Ghilic, and A. Smith, McMaster University ABSTRACT: The mental health of post-secondary students has received recent attention as popula - 2025-02-10

No title

ENSO V is an interdisciplinary conference concerning social ontology. Possible topics include but are not limited to • The metaphysics of social reality • Team reasoning, coordination problems, preference and value aggregation • The nature of collective intentionality and agency • Moral and legal aspects of collective agency • Social conventions, norms, and power • Non-human sociality Deadline for - 2025-02-10


Prescott_mod The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Interpreting the concept of students as partners in a large distance-learning institution L. Prescott, The Open University, UK ABSTRACT: The concept of students as partners is becoming increasingly prominent in higher education, as institutions seek to articulate innovative but durable pedagogies that will improve teaching and l - 2025-02-10

Slide 1

Slide 1 Studies of the Byzantine Greek texts in Latvia (Eduard Kurtz) Dr.philol. Brigita Kukjalko November 8–10, 2012 Colloquium Balticum XI Lundense Lund University * Eduard Kurtz (1845–1925) * * Eduard Kurtz (1845–1925) the Baltic German classical philologist the first and the only one so far Byzantinist in the territory of present-day Latvia born in Mitau (in Latvian Mitava or Mītava, today Jel - 2025-02-10

Slide 1

Slide 1 Amber in Pliny the Elder’s Natural History Dalia Andziulytė University of Vilnius What was the price (pretium) of amber? I. Monetary value Pliny speaks about amber next to the pearls, crystal, spar (murrinum), emeralds, and says, that a small human made of amber could be more pretious than a slave, alive and strong: C. Plinius Secundus. Naturalis Historia. XXXVII.30 Proximum locum in delic - 2025-02-10

Skaidrė 1

Skaidrė 1 Gintaras Dautartas Vilnius University 2012 Rhythmical The rhythm of a musical composition is determined by the metre of the verse. Melodic The pattern of the ancient Greek pitch accents becomes the substructure of the melody. Influence of text on the structure of a musical composition Tithonus fragment Diagram I On the accented syllable the voice is raised by a fifth Three accents: High - 2025-02-10

Slide 1

Slide 1 Definitions of Rhetorical Concepts in the Late Latin Poetry   Ilze Rūmniece Department of Classical Philology and Anthropological Studies Faculty of Humanities, University of Latvia Colloquium Balticum Lund 2012 POETAE LATINI MINORES recensuit et emendavit Aemilius Baerens Lispiae MDCCCLXXX Incerti carmen de figuris vel schematibus ΚΟΜΜΑ/PARTICULA ΚΩΛΟΝ/MEMBRUM ΠΕΡΙΟΔΟΣ/CIRCUITUS ΑΝΑΚΛΑΣΙΣ - 2025-02-10

Alba amicorum at Lund University library

Alba amicorum at Lund University library Alba amicorum at Lund University Library Complete list of Alba amicorum (-1700) at Lund University Library Krištof Kulicka (1556), German Daniel Hermann (1566), German Christian Poulsen Noviomagus (1589), Danish Jonas Latomus (1597), German Petrus Hieronymi Glandius (1603), Swedish Michael Mauritius (1613), Danish (only copies at Lund University Library, or - 2025-02-10