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Automated Interpretation of Lung Ultrasound for COVID-19 and Tuberculosis diagnosis

BACKGROUND. Early and accurate detection of infectious respiratory diseases like COVID-19 and tuberculosis (TB) plays a crucial role in effective management and the reduction of preventable mortality. However, molecular diagnostic tests for these infections are expensive and not easily implementable in resource-limited settings, which suffer the majority of the burden. Lung Ultrasound (LUS) presen

Bil, gång, cykel eller buss? En studie av lösningar för att skifta från bil till hållbara färdmedel i Järfälla kommun.

Som sanden i timglaset rinner tiden iväg för att stoppa de globala klimatförändringarna, med ödesdigra konsekvenser för nuvarande och kommande generationer. En av de största utmaningarna är att minska utsläppen från transporter som utgör en tredjedel av de svenska växthusgasutsläppen. Privatbilismen är en av de största klimatbovarna där andelen resor fortsätter öka trots vidtagna samhällsåtgärder.Achieving a transport emission reduction in line with global reduction targets is considered as one of the greatest environmental challenges societies are facing today. As car use continues to increase, there is a need to better understand what influences individuals' choice of transportation and how to bring about behavioural change where fewer choose to travel by car. This study addresses th

Straffskärpning för flerfaldig brottslighet & återfall som verktyg i brottsbekämpningen

Kriminalpolitiken har under senare år riktat allt större fokus mot straffskärpningar. I media presenteras ofta en bild av att kriminaliteten ökat och blivit allt grövre. Av denna anledningen blir responsen att öka straffen med syftet att minska kriminaliteten. Under de senaste två åren har lagförslag tagits fram med fokus på flerfaldig brottslighet och återfall. Dessa lagförslag tar sikte på brottThe public interest for Criminal law has spiked in recent years, especially with a focus on tougher penalties. The media often sends the message that crime has increased and become more violent. The response seems to be a desire to increase punishment in hopes of reducing crime. Over the past two years, bills have been drafted focusing on repeat offending and recidivism. These legislative proposal

Optical potentials for the rare-isotope beam era

We review recent progress and motivate the need for further developments in nuclear optical potentials that are widely used in the theoretical analysis of nucleon elastic scattering and reaction cross sections. In regions of the nuclear chart away from stability, which represent a frontier in nuclear science over the coming decade and which will be probed at new rare-isotope beam facilities worldw

Utreda brott utan verktyg - när teorin hindrar praktiken: En granskning av tvångsmedelsanvändningen i resningsärenden

De senaste decenniernas tekniska utveckling öppnar upp nya möjligheter för de brottsbekämpande myndigheterna att utreda brott. Att exempelvis få fram en sökbar DNA-profil från en 25 år gammal spermafläck ger dessutom hopp till att lösa kalla fall. I situationer där en misstänkt har friats i domstolen och det först senare uppdagas nya omständigheter eller bevis, kan det bli aktuellt med resning tilThe technological development of recent decades opens up new opportunities for the law enforcement authorities to investigate crimes. As an example, obtaining a searchable DNA-profile from a 25-year-old sperm stain also provides hope for solving old cases. In situations where a suspect has been acquitted in court and new circumstances or evidence arise, it may be relevant to petition for a new tri

Blod är tjockare än LAS - eller? Om anställningsskyddet för medlemmar i arbetsgivarens familj

Section 1(2) of the Employment Protection Act (EPA) states that members of the employer’s family are exempt from most of the provisions of the Act. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how private relations between the parties to the employment affect the employment relationship. Using a legal dogmatic method, the essay answers the following questions: (i) how has the exemption of the emplo

Ne Bis In Idem in EU Competition Law – The Application of the Principle on the Relationship Between Article 102 TFEU and the Digital Markets Act

Under processen före och efter antagandet av Digital Markets Act (DMA) har det uppstått diskussioner om förordningens förhållande till förbudet mot missbruk av dominerande ställning i artikel 102 FEUF. Ett orosmoln är tillämpligheten av principen om ne bis in idem. DMA ska tillämpas utan att det påverkar tillämpningen av artikel 102 FEUF, vilket innebär att ett företag kan omfattas av skyldigheterDuring and after the adoption of the Digital Markets Act (DMA), concerns have been raised regarding the regulation’s relationship with the prohibition on abuse of dominant position in Article 102 TFEU. One possible concern regards the principle of ne bis in idem. The DMA is to be applied without prejudice to Article 102 TFEU. It is thus possible for an undertaking to be subject to obligations impo

Laboratory Experiments on Soil Stabilization to Enhance Strength Parameters for Road Pavement

Clay soils can cause significant distress in road construction due to their low strength. Stabilizing such soil improve with binder agents prior to the geotechnical works can significantly its performance and ensure safety and stability of roads while exploitation. This research envisaged the use of five different binders (lime, energy fly ash, bio fly ash, slag, cement) as an additive stabilizing

Formation of mesophase surfactant-templated silica thin films from acidic solutions

The formation of mesophase silica-surfactant thin films at the air/solution interface has been studied in situ using off-specular X-ray reflectivity, Brewster angle microscopy and small angle scattering. Results for cetyltrimethylammonium bromide-templated films suggest that the formation mechanism is strongly dependent on the silica:surfactant ratio, and this is confirmed by studies on the subpha

Structural evolution of surfactant - Silica film-forming solutions, investigated using small-angle neutron scattering

Time-resolved small-angle neutron scattering has been used to investigate the evolution of micelles in the subphase of surfactant-templated silica film-forming solutions. Two samples have been prepared using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTABr), as the structure-directing agent, and different amounts of tetramethoxysilane (TMOS) (CTABr/TMOS molar ratio 0.093, 0.139). The solutions have been repr

Growth and characterization of mesoporous silica films

The synthesis of surfactant-templated silicate materials has developed rapidly over the past decade. The uniform controlled pore sizes created in the amorphous silicate framework by this method show promise as catalyst supports, sensors, filtration membranes and in a variety of optoelectronic applications. Formation of these materials in a thin-film or membrane geometry is therefore an active area

Enhancing Performance Management System for improved employee satisfaction

An effective performance management system plays a crucial role in fostering employee engagement and productivity, which are essential for an organization's success. Employee satisfaction is one of the most important factors. However, the critical aspect of employee satisfaction has been largely overlooked in the existing literature. This study aims to bridge the gap by examining the relations

Brunifiering av akvatiska ekosystem: En experimentell studie som undersöker tröskelvärde för predator- och bytesförhållande vid en gradient från klart till brunt vatten

Du har säkerligen någon gång funderat över varför vissa sjöar och hav är brunare än andra. Troligtvis är första instinkten att ”usch här vill jag inte bada!” eller ”är det farligt att bada i dessa akvatiska ekosystem?”. Faktum är att man snarare väljer att bada i klart vatten för att det känns ohygieniskt att sätta foten i brunt vatten samtidigt som det förstör naturupplevelsen. Tänkt dig då att dBrowning of water has increased over the last couple of decades on the northern hemisphere. Research show that possible drivers for this change are land use change, climate change, increased precipitation and increased temperatures. Browning of water can affect important interactions in the aquatic ecosystem which in turn can affect the whole structure of the ecosystem. Furthermore the loss of a t

On the road to grid stability - Using batteries in heavy vehicles and charging infrastructure as frequency reserves

Background: Climate change and increasing threats that come with it fosters a need for changing from fossil sources of energy to renewable ones. Sweden aims to have net zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year of 2045. One of the sectors that need to take part in this shift towards fossil free energy is the transport industry. Electrification of vehicles is an important part of this shift. As a r

Hiding In Plain Sight? Conceptualizations of Databases in Migration Law and International Tax Law

Databases are increasingly used in international law settings. This requires new strategies for those who want to critique international legal practices and their effects. In this essay, we claim that legal scholarship tends to conceptualize the database in ways that leave older and inadequate ideas of legal method(s) and sovereignty in the context of international law largely unquestioned or even

Analys av LAS-reformen - En utvärdering av de nya turordningsreglerna vid arbetsbrist och deras påverkan på flexibiliteten på arbetsmarknaden

Under våren 2022 genomförde anställningsskyddslagen en förändring och den svenska arbetsrätten anses vara reformerad. En förändring av den svenska arbetsrätten har inte varit så omfattande sedan anställningsskyddslagen infördes 1973. Arbetsmarknaden präglas av kraven på flexibilitet och rörlighet samtidigt som anställningsskyddet behöver vara en trygghet för arbetstagare. Den svenska arbetsmarknadIn the spring of 2022, the Employment Protection Act implements a change and Swedish labor law is considered reformed. The transformation of Swedish labor law has not been as extensive since the introduction of the Employment Protection Act in 1973. The labor market is characterized by demands for flexibility and mobility, while employment protection needs to provide security for employees. The Sw

Varnishing of Fiber-based Closures

This research aims to investigate water-based varnishes and technologies to coat fiber-based closures to attain water barrier properties. To ensure recyclability the repulpability of coated and uncoated lids is tested. The research approach is exploratory. The investigation begins with the application of varnishes using a spray gun, brush, and dip coating followed by spraying equipment from Sprayi

Differential Effects of Iron Chelates vs. Iron Salts on Induction of Pro-Oncogenic Amphiregulin and Pro-Inflammatory COX-2 in Human Intestinal Adenocarcinoma Cell Lines

We previously showed that two iron compounds that are orally ingested by humans, namely ferric EDTA and ferric citrate, can induce an oncogenic growth factor (amphiregulin) in human intestinal epithelial adenocarcinoma cell lines. Here, we further screened these iron compounds, plus four other iron chelates and six iron salts (i.e., 12 oral iron compounds in total), for their effects on biomarkers