Past events: Master projects
Inga ansökningar om medel för masters-projekt inkom inom ramen för utlysning våren 2021. Hösten 2021 utlystes endast medel till doktorander och konferensarrangörer.
Inga utlysningar gjordes under år 2020 pga. pågående pandemi.
- "Inclusive Writing in French - Differences in attitudes between French and Belgian Speekers"
- ”Gestures and Gender: Their influence on speech-gesture production in Greek”.
- "Översättning från kinesiska till svenska och en analytisk uppsats inom Översättarprogrammet vid Lunds universitet"
- "Referential Iconicity in Music and Speech Within and across Sensory Modalities"
- "Similarities and/or differences between genders in the production of a narrative text"
"Who Is Taking Charge? The Character of the Party Branch Secretary and the Practice of Local Governance in Beijing Shequ"
"A Picture is worth a thousand words: Chinese Editorial Cartoons and the Visualization of Politics"
- "Unagi-sentences in Japanese and Korean. A comparative study based on acceptability judgments"
- "Temporal and Spatial Concepts in German and Chinese - a contrastive Analysis of Speech accompanying Gestures"
- "KVINNA-MAT-metaforen: hur manlighet, kvinnlighet och sex konstrueras i reggaetontexter"
- "Anti-corruption and State Capacity in north rural China in the 1960s and 2010s"
- "The Gendered Character pf Climate Change: Migrated Men's Perspectives on Household Gender (in)equality, in Xiamen and Beijing"
- "Soft Power in China"
- Green Consumption and Ant Forest: the study of business strategies and individual attention of the personal carbon program in China"
- "Keigo and its effects on aizuchi usage in native Japanese conversation"
- "The encoding of Chinese imperative Discourse (CID)".
- "Context dependent Topic-Comment Relations in Japanese and Korean"
- "Voice quality and tone in Chichimeco Jonaz"
- "Lean, clean and green: The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and its manifestation of China's Normative Power in International Financial Governance Landscape"
- "The Power Balance in the Upper Mekong Basin, China´s rising Influence"
- "Tongzhi and China: Social Picture of being LGBT in One-Party State China"
- "A comparison of French liaison acquisition strategies between monolingual and already multilingual L2 learners"
- "An investigation about the influence of native language in learning Chinese lexical tones"
- "Intra-Party Democracy in the People’s Republic of China"
- "Perspectives of feminism in the Chinese society"
- "Language Policy in Ukraine: Ideological representations on the Ukrainian Linguistic Landscape and in Ukrainian, Russian and Western English Language News Media"
- "What is the extent and characteristic of code-switching between vernacular North African Arabic and French?"
- "Wine Consumption and Urban Middle Class Identity in China - Imported Wine Consumption in Beijing"
- "Internationalization of Higher Education in China - Experiences, Rationales, and Attitudes"
- "The Graffiti Language on the Modern Greek Urban Landscape"