Johanna Akujärvi, Greek (Ancient and Byzantine)
+46 46 222 96 63
Mohammed Al-Fattah, Arabic Studies
Maria Alm, German
Lena Ambjörn, Arabic Studies
+46 46 222 36 57
Lars Gustaf Andersson, Film Studies
+46 46 222 84 75
Henriette Arndt, General Linguistics
Panos Athanasopoulos, English Studies
Mari Bacquin, French Studies
+46 46 222 72 99
Alexander Bareis, German
+46 46 222 91 63
Barbara Barrow, English Studies
Fabian Beijer, English Studies
+46 46 222 84 44
Birgitta Berglund, English Studies
Kerstin Bergman, Comparative Literature
Petra Bernardini, Mother Tongue Instruction, Italian Studies
Katarina Bernhardsson, Comparative Literature
+46 46 222 84 66
Loren Billings, General Linguistics
Martina Björk, Latin
Elisabet Björklund, Film Studies
Fiona Björling, Russian Studies
+46 46 222 47 87
Juhan Björn, Arabic Studies
Johan Blomberg, General Linguistics, Cognitive Semiotics
+46 46 222 99 02
Jerker Blomqvist, Greek (Ancient and Byzantine)
Karin Blomqvist, Greek (Ancient and Byzantine)
+46 46 222 83 77
Michael Bossetta, European Studies
Christine Bozier, French Studies
Niclas Burenhult, General Linguistics
+46 46 222 88 17
Katarina Båth, Comparative Literature
Anna Cabak Rédei, Cognitive Semiotics
Pei-Ju Chien, Phonetics
Urszula Chowaniec, Polish Studies
Christian Claesson, Spanish Studies
+46 46 222 03 17
Monika Class, English Studies
Oren Cohen Roman, Yiddish
Roberta Colonna Dahlman, Italian Studies
Lara Culev, General Linguistics
Mariam Dalhoumi, Comparative Literature
Sandra Debreslioska, General Linguistics
Lars-Olof Delsing, Swedish
+46 46 222 87 22
Nikolaos Domazakis, Greek (Ancient and Byzantine)
Cian Duffy, English Studies
Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, European Studies
+46 46 222 88 21
Verner Egerland, Italian Studies
+46 46 222 88 03
Lena Ekberg, Swedish
+46 70 712 22 67
Lars-Johan Ekerot, Swedish
Inger Enkvist, Centre for Languages and Literature
Niklas Erben Johansson, General Linguistics
Sara Farshchi, English Studies
Peder Flemestad, Greek (Ancient and Byzantine)
Anna Flyman Mattsson, Swedish as Second Language
+46 46 222 87 01
Joakim Forsberg, Creative Writing Program
Torbjörn Forslid, Comparative Literature
+46 46 222 84 73
Sindija Franzetti, English Studies
Johan Frid, Phonetics
+46 46 222 84 46
Elisabeth Friis, Comparative Literature
Alexandro Garcia Laguia, General Linguistics
Sabine Gosselke Berthelsen, General Linguistics
Jonas Granfeldt, French Studies
+46 46 222 88 02
Maria Graziano, General Linguistics, Italian Studies
Anders Grønlund, Film Studies
Marianne Gullberg, General Linguistics
+46 46 222 03 89
Anna W Gustafsson, Swedish
+46 46 222 98 46
Henrik Gyllstad, English Studies
+46 46 222 75 57
Elisabet Göransson, Latin
Eva Haettner Aurelius, Comparative Literature
Jenny Hartman, English Studies
Rika Hayashi, Japanese Studies
Elsa Hedling, European Studies
Erik Hedling, Film Studies
+46 46 222 84 87
Ernö Heidel, Central and Eastern European Studies
Fredrik Heinat, English Studies
Daniel Helsing, Comparative Literature
Carlos Henderson, Spanish Studies
+46 46 222 87 99
Henrik Henriksson, German, Swedish as a Foreign Language
+46 46 222 40 71
Alastair Henry, English Studies
Lars Hermerén, English Studies
+46 46 222 99 11
Mason Hoadley, Centre for Languages and Literature, Chinese Studies
+46 46 222 31 83
Lisa Holm, Swedish
+46 46 222 98 85
Arthur Holmer, General Linguistics
+46 46 222 99 08
Jytte Holmqvist, Spanish Studies
Merle Horne, General Linguistics
Anna Hultman, Comparative Literature
Isak Hyltén-Cavallius, Comparative Literature
Gisela Håkansson, General Linguistics
Sara Håkansson, English Studies
+46 46 222 49 33
Christian Høgel, Greek (Ancient and Byzantine), Greek (Modern Greek), Latin
Shinichiro Ishihara, Japanese Studies
+46 46 222 97 18
Oscar Jansson, Comparative Literature
+46 46 222 49 78
Evelina Johansson, English Studies
Ingela Johansson, Spanish Studies
+46 46 222 89 22
Victoria Johansson, General Linguistics
+46 46 222 84 36
Matthew Johnson, Yiddish
Jorunn Joiner, English Studies
Bibi Jonsson, Comparative Literature
+46 46 222 84 72
Gunlög Josefsson, Swedish
+46 46 222 94 26
Marit Julien, Swedish
+46 46 222 87 07
Arne Jönsson, Latin
Carla Killander Cariboni, French Studies, Italian Studies
+46 46 222 32 72
Joyce Kling, English Studies
Eva Klingvall, English Studies
Nicole Kruspe, General Linguistics
+46 46 222 83 41
Tanja Kupisch, General Linguistics
Liubov Kuplevatska, Central and Eastern European Studies
Marie Källkvist, English Studies
+46 46 222 75 54
Björn Larsson, French Studies
+46 46 222 38 23
Filip Larsson, General Linguistics
Johanna Lindbladh, Russian Studies
+46 46 222 73 76
Kiki Lindell, English Studies
Annika Lindskog, English Studies
+46 46 222 48 67
Rikard Loman, Theatre Studies, Comparative Literature
+46 46 222 84 79
David Lorenz, English Studies
+46 76 720 10 15
Katarina Lundin, Swedish
+46 46 222 87 02
Benjamin Macaulay, Phonetics, Division of Linguistics and Cognitive Semiotics, English Studies, General Linguistics
Kamal Makili-Aliyev, European Studies
Agnes Malmgren, Central and Eastern European Studies
Satu Manninen, English Studies
+46 46 222 75 52
Anders Marklund, Film Studies
+46 46 222 84 68
Tornike Metreveli, European Studies
Valéria Molnar, Centre for Languages and Literature
Anders Mortensen, Comparative Literature, Children's Literature
+46 46 222 84 82
Mari Mossberg, Swedish, French Studies
+46 46 222 91 57
Anna Mrozewicz, Film Studies
Sara Myrberg, Swedish
Daniel Möller, Comparative Literature
Astrid Nilsson, Latin
Lene Nordrum, English Studies
+46 46 222 75 59
Karin Nykvist, Comparative Literature
Mikael Nystrand, German
+46 46 222 91 66
Karolin Obert, General Linguistics
Anders Ohlsson, Comparative Literature
+46 46 222 84 67
Anders Palm, Comparative Literature
+46 46 222 99 11
Carita Paradis, English Studies
Maria Persson, Arabic Studies
David Petersson, Swedish
Luiza Petre, Romanian Studies
Anders Piltz, Latin
Aske Damtoft Poulsen, Latin
Nele Pöldvere, English Studies
Duska Radosavljevic, Theatre Studies
Henrik Rahm, Swedish
+46 46 222 87 03
Sanimir Resic, Central and Eastern European Studies, European Studies
+46 46 222 84 54
Mikael Roll, Phonetics
+46 46 222 99 05
Jonathan Rozenkrantz, Film Studies
Vassilios Sabatakakis, Greek (Modern Greek)
Mehdi Sabzevari, Division of Linguistics and Cognitive Semiotics
+46 76 220 62 42
Cristine Sarrimo, Comparative Literature
+46 46 222 84 88
Valentyna Savchyn, Ukrainian Studies
Michael Schoenhals, Chinese Studies
Jan Schwarz, Yiddish
+46 46 222 73 93
Sanna Melin Schyllert, English Studies
Rikard Schönström, Comparative Literature
Susanne Schötz, Phonetics
Halldor Sigurdsson, Icelandic, Danish, Swedish
+46 46 222 78 47
Vasiliki Simaki, English Studies, Greek (Modern Greek)
Birthe Sjöberg, Comparative Literature
Cajsa Sjöberg, Latin
+46 46 222 93 55
Christina Sjöblad, Comparative Literature
+46 46 222 31 83
Sanna Skärlund, Swedish
+46 46 222 94 26
Marianna Smaragdi, Greek (Modern Greek)
+46 46 222 83 75
Tomas Sniegon, Central and Eastern European Studies, European Studies
+46 46 222 33 93
Frida Splendido, Swedish as Second Language
+46 46 222 96 76
Johan Stenström, Comparative Literature
Paul Strand, Swedish as a Foreign Language
Sven Strömqvist, General Linguistics
+46 70 345 45 32
Jan-Olof Svantesson, General Linguistics
Anette Svensson, Comparative Literature
Johanna Svensson, Latin
Lars-Håkan Svensson, English Studies
Malin Svensson Lundmark, Phonetics
Pelle Söderström, General Linguistics
Paul Tenngart, Comparative Literature, Children's Literature
+46 46 222 84 70
Birgitta Theander, Comparative Literature
Marianne Thormählen, English Studies
Christian Isak Thorsen, Film Studies
Mechtild Tronnier, Phonetics
+46 46 222 84 40
Ellen Turner, English Studies
+46 46 222 75 51
Barbara Törnquist-Plewa, European Studies
+46 46 222 83 79
Joost van de Weijer, General Linguistics
+46 46 222 84 47
Antonio Vázquez, Spanish Studies, Mother Tongue Instruction
Arsenii Vetushko-Kalevich, Latin
Louise Vinge, Centre for Languages and Literature, Comparative Literature
Rutger von Seth, European Studies
Cecilia Wadsö-Lecaros, English Studies
+46 46 222 94 40
Ann Kristin Wallengren, Film Studies
+46 46 222 84 76
Bo Wendt, Swedish
Jenny Westerström, Comparative Literature
+46 46 222 31 83
Eva Wiberg, Italian Studies
+46 46 222 38 26
Margareth Wijk, French Studies
Maria Wiktorsson, English Studies
Erik Zillén, Comparative Literature, Children's Literature
+46 46 222 84 81
Jordan Zlatev, Cognitive Semiotics
+46 46 222 84 41
Robert Zola Christensen, Danish
+46 46 222 87 13
Malin Ågren, French Studies
+46 46 222 48 79
Sandy Åkerblom, Swedish as Second Language
John Öwre, English Studies