Present research projects
- Acceptability judgement on object shift and subject shift byLn-learners of Swedish
- A critical edition of Francesco Pipino's Latin translation of Marco Polo
- Adverbial placement in Swedish
- Affektiv populism: om betydelsen av emotioner i populistisk diskurs på TikTok
- Analytiskt tänkande och grammatikundervisningens utmaning (Gunlög Josefsson)
- Arctic Research Centre for Children and Youth at Risk
- A remote history of literature. On Gustaf-Otto Adelborg (Helena Nilsson)
- Ars cosmetica
- Aspects of Spoken Dialogue
- A Study on the Development of Accent Stereotypes. A Tale of Two Cities
- ‘A thing in motion will always be better than a thing at rest’ 1 : The Contemporary Anglophone Novel-Essay and Transformations of Knowledge
- ‘A thing in motion will always be better than a thing at rest’ 1 : The Contemporary Anglophone Novel-Essay and Transformations of Knowledge (Sara Dahlberg)
- At the End of the World: A Transdisciplinary Approach to the Apocalyptic Imaginary in the Past and Present
- Att utbildas till svensklärare i teori och praktik (Katarina Lundin)
- Beyond Sacred/Secular Cities - Exploring Politics of Memory, Space, and Religion in Middle Eastern Nationalisms
- Bilden av Europa i den polska nationalkonservativa diskursen (Mattias Nowak)
- Biodiversity in Literature – a thermometer for ecological literacy and nature connection
- Causation in Livy and Gregory of Tours - a pilot study
- Checkpoints and liminality in Syrian literature after 2011
- Conceptual traces in the language of Skepticism
- COST - New Exploratory Phase in Research on East European Cultures of Dissent
- Den första vanliga kvinnan
- Den olympiske nyhetsförmedlaren. Merkurius i tidigmodern press
- Development and validation of a conceptual span task in Swedish
- Digital Integration Across Disciplines: Advancing Cultural Heritage Documentation DIAD (Niclas Burenhult, Nicolo Dell'Unto)
- Diktning i rörelse(n). Nationalism och nazism i parnassens marginal (Bibi Jonsson)
- Discourses and value creation in an evolving genre Consolidated accounts of state-owned enterprises 1981–2017
- Education in Transition (Helen Avery)
- Eine prekäre Liebe - Zum Liebesdiskurs der Beziehungsunfähigkeit in den Werken gegenwärtiger deutschsprachiger Schriftstellerinnen im spätkapitalistischen und spätmodernen Kontext (Maja Lindholm)
- Emotionality of Dissent and Continuity of the (Un)Changed in Belarus: Ethnography of Political Protests in Minsk, 2015-2017
- En mötesplats för genrer och diskurser Verksamhetsberättelser och årsberättelser för statligt ägda företag i Sverige och Finland 2008-2016
- ESMOR:Emergency preparedness for Small MOdular nuclear Reactors (SMRs)
- Experimenting on Factivity. An investigation into the prosody of factive sentences
- Film and the Political Philosophy of Ambiguity (Anette Svane)
- Film music (Ann Kristin Wallengren)
- Foreign language anxiety and enjoyment in classroom and out-of-class L2 usage
- Fornsvenska textbanken
- Frictional humanitarian homebuilding - Swedish Civil Society Actors in the Occupied Palestinians Territories from 1967 to the Present
- Frictional Humanitarian Homebuilding – Swedish Civil Society Actors in the Occupied Palestinian Territories from 1967 to the present
- Functional Analysis of Meaning Generation during Writing
- Gender-fair language in French: Influence on representation of women and on processing cost in reading (Julia Tibblin)
- Georg Stiernhielm och det makaroniska (Carl Magnus Juliusson)
- Grammatisk utveckling i vuxnas inlärning av svenska som ett andraspråk. En jämförelse mellan illitterata och litterata inlärare.
- Hidden writing, treasures revealed: Philological and historical deep dive through French works preserved by the Swedish aristocraty from the 15th to the 19th century. (Gwénaëlle Beynet Fröjd)
- Histoire d'une puce, traduite du plat allemand en francois: Tirée d'un manuscrit très digne de foi, et qui fait connoître cette manière de parler si usitée de nos jours, j'ai la puce à l'oreille, et dans quelle circonstance l'on peut et doit le dire. Par (Gwénaëlle Beynet Fröjd)
- Hyfs för pojkar. Erasmus etikettbok i det tidigmoderna Sverige
- Irony and war: a cognitive semiotic approach (Vladislav Zlov)
- Johannes Magnus och den gotiska identiteten i Historia de omnibus Gothorum Sueonumque regibus (1554)
- Knowledge, Magic and Horse Medicine in Late Antiquity (Elisabet Göransson)
- Kommunikation i språkligt heterogena idrottskontexter
- “Lessons from Communist and Nazi History. A Genealogical Approach” (Klas-Göran Karlsson)
- Literature and sustainability across teacher education in English
- Ludvig Holberg and the History of Knowledge
- Lyssningsnjutningar: Sexuell hälsa och ljudfiktion i den digitala intimitetens tid
- Mångfald och kulturarv i europeiska städer Approaching Diversity as Cultural Heritage in European Cities
- Mapping genre blending in popular romance: A digital humanities project
- Medel för pedagogiskt utvecklingsprojekt
- Memory representations and language processing (Eva Klingvall)
- Meningsindelning i elevers skriftliga och muntliga språk
- Metaphrasis and Gender. The Fluid Lives of Female Saints in Greek Menologia
- Motivation in Modern Languages (Jonas Granfeldt)
- Multimodal language processing in the L2 context
- Narrating Climate Futures (Johannes Stripple)
- Neo-Latin and Humanist Greek Poetry in the Baltic Region: An Anthology
- Nya minnen längs de glömda fronterna: Minnen av Första världskrig i europeiska "splitterzonen" New memories along the forgotten fronts: WWI memory in Europe’s memorial shatter zones (Eleonora Narvselius)
- Objects, Bodies, and Places: Material Approaches to Ancient Roman Oath-Taking (Olivia Peukert Stock)
- On Italian compounds and the role of syntax (Irene Lami)
- På väg mot en förståelse av fenomenet inkongruent predikativ - Ett försök att beskriva och förklara fenomenet samt skildra dess forskningshistoria
- Pluriliterary Spain (Det flerlitterära Spanien) (Christian Claesson)
- Project Podcast
- Projekt
- Projekt: Att översätta komplexitet – nominalfraser i engelsk-svensk-tysk kontrast
- Pronouns and pronominal features (Halldor Sigurdsson)
- Punctuation at the edges of the clause (Alexander Katourgi)
- Quantification in Swedish (Fredrik Heinat)
- Retracing Connections
- Samlade verk
- Searching for a new national identity. The construction of Swedish cultural memory in Carl Snoilsky’s poems "Svenska bilder” (1881–1897)
- Sensory meanings
- Sentient Bodies of Land and Water – An ecocritical study of conceptual metaphor theory in the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop and W.H. Auden (Elena de Wachter)
- Sound of Hand
- Speech, Information, and the Brain (Jinhee Kwon)
- Språk i idrottskontext - medel för makt, lärande, demokrati? (Katarina Lundin)
- Språklig kompetens i det digitala samhället (Anna W Gustafsson)
- STAGE - STarting AGe and Extramural English: Learning English in and outside of school in Norway and Flanders
- Starting Age and Extramural English
- Substitutes of equal ability: Education, class and gender in texts of British Women Writers in the 1790s
- Swedish Embodied Pronunciation Training
- Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies (Petra Bernardini)
- Swedish language use and foreign language anxiety in a one-year intensive Swedish course
- Swedish literature in Greek and Spanish translation
- Teaching and learning in popular genre fiction
- Textual constructions of the child and child space in children's urban fantasy
- The Collected Poems of Olof Wexionius (Daniel Möller)
- The Forager's Index: Complex demonstrative systems among Southeast Asia’s last hunter-gatherers (Niclas Burenhult)
- The literary geography of the ocean (Viktor Emanuelsson)
- The Middle East in the Contemporary World (MECW) 2.0
- The Relationship between Brain Structure and Language Competence
- The Video Store's Cultural-historical Significance in Sweden
- The Visual in George Eliot
- Towards a new model of communicative competence in multilingual higher education
- Transdisciplinary Approaches to Learning, Acquisition, Multilingualism (TEAM) (Marianne Gullberg)
- Trösklar inom grammatiken - i teori och praktik
- Universitetslärares praktiker och attityder på språkligt heterogena professionsutbildningar (Kristoffer Holmquist)
- Uppmaningens realisering i en idrottspedagogisk kontext
- V2 in main and embedded clauses in English and Danish over the last thousand years (Freja Lauridsen)
- Verbal and non verbal-indicators of choice awareness and manipulation blindness
- Walking while Talking: A Cross-Linguistic Study of the Moving Speech Situation among Mobile Foragers
- When is the Union Complete? Sense-making of the European Union Enlargement (Iveri Kekenadze Gustafsson)
- Witnessing the War Against Ukraine: European Challenges of Configuring the Crisis in Literature, Theatre and Museums (WIWAR-U) (Eleonora Narvselius)
- Women's rooms. Material worlds and literary form in Fredrika Bremer's novels (Magdalena Malmfors)
- Worrisome words: a cross-linguistic study of the dynamics and diversity of lexical taboo, with particular reference to the Aslian languages of Southeast Asia (Nicole Kruspe)
- Writing for multiple addressees: linguistic features of Swedish medical records (Anna Smålander)