
erik.zillenlitt.luse | 2025-01-09
Erik Zillén

Associate Professor

  • Comparative Literature
  • Centre for Languages and Literature

Senior Lecturer

  • Children's Literature
  • Comparative Literature
  • Centre for Languages and Literature

Contact information

E-mail erik.zillenlitt.luse

Phone +46 46 222 84 81

Room SOL:H225

Visiting address
Helgonabacken 12, Lund

Postal address
Box 201, 221 00 Lund

Internal post code 20

Knowledge, dialogue, and understanding are key concepts for me as academic teacher. Giving classes in literary studies resembles, in my experience, being on a never-ending group excursion through times, thoughts, and texts. As literary scholar I activate a broad range of problems and perspectives: literature as language game, genre questions, intertextuality, myth theory, reception history, moral normativity, the intersection of man and animal, etc. To the centres of my research belong the works of the Swedish fin-de-siècle poet Gustaf Fröding and the history of the Aesopic fable in early modern Europe; in an ongoing project I investigate the role of the Roman god Mercury in early European news press. Of daily importance to me are my international networks, springing partly from working periods as Swedish lecturer at the university in Cracow and as guest researcher at the university in Munich, partly from engagement in scholarly associations such as International Reynard Society.

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My profile in Lund University research portal
Erik Zillén

Associate Professor

  • Comparative Literature
  • Centre for Languages and Literature

Senior Lecturer

  • Children's Literature
  • Comparative Literature
  • Centre for Languages and Literature

Contact information

E-mail erik.zillenlitt.luse

Phone +46 46 222 84 81

Room SOL:H225

Visiting address
Helgonabacken 12, Lund

Postal address
Box 201, 221 00 Lund

Internal post code 20

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