
Doctoral Student
- Film Studies
- Centre for Languages and Literature
Contact information
E-mail asa.bergstromlitt.luse
Room SOL:H232B
Visiting address
Helgonabacken 12, Lund
Postal address
Box 201, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 20
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My profile in Lund University research portalPublications
Articles in scientific journals
Bergström, Åsa, “Att iscensätta det onämnbara: Bertil Malmbergs ‘Excellensen’ och kontroversiella manifest”, Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 2012:3.
Book chapters
Bergström, Åsa, “Att närvara, verka och synas: Rädda Barnens filmiska mediestrategier 1945–1951” in Norén, Fredrik & Emil Stjernholm (eds.), Efterkrigstidens samhällskontakter, Lund: Mediehistoriskt arkiv, 2019.
Bergström, Åsa, & Mats Jönsson, “Screening War and Peace: Newsreel Pragmatism in Neutral Sweden, September 1939 and May 1945” in Chambers, Ciara, Mats Jönsson& Roel Vande Winkel (eds.), Researching Newsreels: Local, National and Transnational Case Studies, Cham, Swizterland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
Bergström, Åsa, “A Means to An End: Media Strategies and Films Comissioned by Svenska Europahjälpen in the Late 1940s” in Cronqvist, Marie & Lina Sturfelt (eds.), War Remains: Mediations of Suffering and Death in the Era of the World Wars, Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2018.
Bergström, Åsa, “Swedish Docudrama: In the Borderlands of Fact and Fiction” in Ebbrecht-Hartmann, Tobias & Derek Paget (eds.), Docudrama on European Television: A Selective Survey, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
Bergström, Åsa, “Krig och dess konsekvenser i scenisk historieförmedling” in Hessérus, Mattias & Peter Luthersson (eds.), Krig: Tjugotvå försök, Stockholm: Axel och Margaret Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse för allmännyttiga ändamål, 2016.
Bergström, Åsa, “‘Ninas resa’: I gränslandet mellan fakta och fiktion” in Hedling, Erik & Ann-Kristin Wallengren (eds.), Den nya svenska filmen: Kultur, kriminalitet och kakofoni, Stockholm: Atlantis, 2014.
Bergström, Åsa & Anders Wilhelm Åberg, “Från rännsten till förort: Etnicitet, klass och könsroller i tre svenska barnfilmsmelodramer 1944–2006” in Kärrholm, Sara & Paul Tenngart (eds.), Barnlitteraturens värden och värderingar, Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2012.
Online publications/open access
Bergström, Åsa, “Att närvara, verka och synas: Rädda Barnens filmiska mediestrategier1945–1951” in Norén, Fredrik & Emil Stjernholm (eds.), Efterkrigstidens samhällskontakter, Lund: Mediehistoriskt arkiv, 2019.
Bergström, Åsa, “A Means to An End: Media Strategies and Films Comissioned by Svenska Europahjälpen in the Late 1940s” in Cronqvist, Marie & Lina Sturfelt (eds.), War Remains: Mediations of Suffering and Death in the Era of the World Wars, Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2018.
Bergström, Åsa, “Att iscensätta det onämnbara: Bertil Malmbergs ‘Excellensen’ och kontroversiella manifest”, Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 2012:3.
Bergström, Åsa, “Från ord till handling: Adaptioner av ett svenskt verklighetsdrama”, IASS 2010: Översättning – Adaption, interpretation, transformation (Translation – Adaptation, Interpretation, Transformation), 2010.
Conference presentations
1. “News in Transition: ‘Six Years after the War’ and ‘We Assisted Them’”, paper presented at the conference “The Concept of News: Scandinavian and Global Perspectives” within the project “Screening Identities: National Newsreel in International Perspectives 1930–1965”, TNN (The Newsreel Network), The Danish Film Institute, Copenhagen, 20–21 May 2014.
2. “Crimes, Lawsuits, and Political Controversy: Artistic License in the Swedish Borderlands of Fact and Fiction”, paper presented in the project panel “Docudrama, Affect, and Social Mobilisation” at the conference Visible Evidence XX (The International Documentary Studies Conference), The Department of Media Studies, Stockholm University, The Film House, Stockholm, 15–18 August 2013.
3. “Early Newsreel Representations of the Holocaust”, paper presented at the conference “Mediating News” within the project “Screening Identities: National Newsreel in International Perspectives 1930–1965”, ”, TNN (The Newsreel Network), Lund University, Lund, 21–22 May 2013.
4. “Swedish Televised Docudrama: A Historical Journey through the Borderlands of Fact and Fiction”, paper presented at the conference “103rd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study”, SASS (The Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study), University of California, Berkeley, San Francisco, 2–4 May 2013.
5. “Swedish Visual Representations of the Holocaust”, paper presented at the Swedish National Conference in Film Studies “Fokus forskarutbildningen”,, Linnaeus University, Växjö, 30 November–1 December 2012.
6. “Swedish Mediated Memories: A Historical Journey through the Borderlands of Fact and Fiction”, paper presented in the project panel “Docudrama and the Reprocessing of History” at the conference “Time Networks: Screen Media and Memory”, NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies), New University of Lisbon and University of Coimbra, Lisbon, 21–23 June 2012.
7. “Editing Expressions: Emphasizing Body Language in ‘The Beasts of Belsen on Trial’ (1945)”, paper presented at the conference “Body Language in the Moving Image”, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen 16 December 2011.
8. “Swedish Media and the Holocaust”, paper presented at the conference “Media History and Cultural Memory”, IAMHIST (International Association for Media and History), University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 6–10 July 2011.
9. “Sonic Pasts: Soundscapes in Swedish Representations of the Holocaust”, paper presented at the conference “Sonic Futures: Soundscapes and the Languages of Screen Media”, NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies) Birkbeck and King’s College, University of London, London, 23–26 June 2011.
10. “Från ord till handling: Adaptioner av ett svenskt verklighetsdrama”, paper presented at the conference “Translation – Adaptation, Interpretation, Transformation”, IASS (International Association for Scandinavian Studies), Lund University, Lund, 3–7 August 2010.
11. “Malmö or Stockholm, the Place to Be?: From Gutter to Suburb in Three Swedish Children’s Film Melodramas”, paper presented at the conference “Urban Mediations”, NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies), Kadir Has University, Istanbul, 24–27 June 2010.
12. “Locating Targets: Adaptations of the First SMS-Murder in History”, paper presented at the conference “Locating Media”, NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies), Lund University, Lund, 25–28 June 2009.
Conference participation
1.”Broens betydning – dengang, nu og i morgen”, CSS (Center for Scandinavian Studies), University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 12 December 2014.
2. “Body Language in the Moving Image”, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 20–21 November 2013.
3. “European Film Cultures”, ECREA Film Studies Section Interim Conference, Lund University, Lund, 8–9 November 2013.
4. “Minnet och minnandet i litteraturen”, Lund University, Lund, 26 April 2013.
5. “Kulturhistorisk medieforskning III – nordiska perspektiv”, Lund University, Lund, 23–24 April 2013.
6. “Media and Passion”, Lund University, Lund, 21 March 2013.
7. “In Memory of Raoul Wallenberg: The Transformation of Memory – Jewish Perspectives” The Association for Jewish Culture in Sweden, Stockholm, 28–30 October 2012.
8. “Raoul Wallenberg: Symbol or Mystery?”, The Living History Forum, Stockholm, 18–19 October 2012.
9. “Scandinavian Spaces: Memory – Art – Identity”, CSS (Centre for Scandinavian Studies Copenhagen and Lund), Lund University, Lund, 7–9 June 2012.
10. “Towards a Common Past?: Conflicting Memories in Contemporary Europe”, Lund University, Lund, 14–16 May 2012.
11. “Media and Participation”, Lund University, Lund, 29 March 2012.
12. “Filmens 1900-tal: En konferens om och kring”, The National Library of Sweden/The Swedish Film Institute, Stockholm, 1–2 December 2011.
13. “EU-SCREEN: Use and Creativity”, The National Library of Sweden, Stockholm, 15–16 September 2011.
14. “Skandinaviske engagementer 1945–1967”, CSS (Centre for Scandinavian Studies Copenhagen and Lund) University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 20–21 June 2011.
15. “Historia i Sverige: Fångad i nationen?” Svenska historikermötet/Svenska historiska föreningen, Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, 5–7 May 2011.
16. “Kropssprog i levende billeder”, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 14 January 2011.
17. “The 5th Swedish National Conference in Film Studies”,, Stockholm University, Stockholm, 8–9 October 2010.
18. “Mapping, Memory and the City”, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, 24–26 February 2010.
19. “Rethinking American Studies”, The National Library of Sweden, Stockholm, 19–20 March 2009.
20. Visible Evidence XV (The International Documentary Studies Conference), University of Lincoln, Lincoln, 4–8 August 2008.
21. “The 3rd Swedish National Conference in Film Studies”,, Lund University, Lund, 16–17 May 2008.
22. “Perspectives and Challenges for Cinema and Media Studies”, NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies), The University of Vienna, Vienna, 21–23 June 2007.
23. “Inter: A European Cultural Studies Conference in Sweden”, ACSIS (The Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden), Linköping University/Campus Norrköping, Norrköping 11–13 June 2007.
Pedagogical qualifications
2016–: Teacher in Film Studies on the bachelor course “Film Analysis: Theory and Method”, Lund University.
2015–: Teacher in Film Studies on the undergraduate course “Early Film”, Lund University.
2014–: Teacher in Film Studies and one of the course directors on the undergraduate course “Film, Identity, and Society”, Lund University.
2014–: Teacher in Film Studies and one of the course directors on the undergraduate course “Film Theory”, Lund University.
2013–: Supervisor for Bachelor theses in Film Studies, Lund University.
2011–: Teacher in Film Studies and one of the course directors on the undergraduate course “Images in the Digital Age”, Lund University.
2006: Supervisor for second term essays in Film Studies, Örebro University.
2005: Mentor for first year students in Film Studies, Örebro University.
Administrative assignments
2018–2021: The College of Supervisors, Film Studies, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
2015: The College of Supervisors, FilmStudies, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
2015: The Steering Committee, The Female Network at HT, The Faculties of Humanitiesand Theology, Lund University.
2014: The Steering Committee, FOKS (Forum for Female Researchers at Centre forLanguages and Literature), Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
2014: The Working Committee, The Doctoral Student Council, Centre for Languagesand Literature, Lund University.
2012–2014: The Advisory Group of the Board for Third Cycle Studies, The Facultiesof Humanities and Theology, Lund University.
2012–2014: The Research Board, The Faculties of Humanities and Theology, LundUniversity.
2012–2013: The Working Group for Post Graduate Recruitment 2014–2016, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
2011–2014: The Board, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
2011–2014: The Working Committee, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
2009: Invited investigator and author of an analysis of the conditions forinitiating a program in film production and scriptwriting, Örebro University.

Doctoral Student
- Film Studies
- Centre for Languages and Literature
Contact information
E-mail asa.bergstromlitt.luse
Room SOL:H232B
Visiting address
Helgonabacken 12, Lund
Postal address
Box 201, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 20