Manager of RRE

Manager of RRE, Comparative Literature

karin.nykvistlitt.luse | 2023-09-14
Karin Nykvist

Associate Professor, Manager of Research and Research Education, Senior Lecturer

  • Comparative Literature
  • Centre for Languages and Literature

Contact information

E-mail karin.nykvistlitt.luse

Room SOL:H223

Visiting address
Helgonabacken 12, Lund

Postal address
Box 201, 221 00 Lund

Internal post code 20

Ph D and senior lecturer of literary studies.

When I decided to pursue a career in comparative literature I knew that I wanted to do research as well as teach. That is also how things have turned out, and I find that the combination of the two is very rewarding. At present, I divide my time between teaching, writing a book on the construction of childhood in Swedish literature and teaching. I find all aspects of my work inspiring and challenging, and my main problem is that I want to be everywhere at once.

I wrote my doctoral thesis on the metapoetic strategies of Swedish contemporary poet Jesper Svenbro. Later, I have returned to the question of metapoetry in various articles. I have also studied the notion of mimesis from different perspectives.

In my spare time I work as a literary critic, a great occupation as I am what T.S Eliot called a historical provincialist: I enjoy reading newly published literature and keeping up with the new - good as well as bad.

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My profile in Lund University research portal
  • Manager of Research and Research Education at Comparative Literature
  • Member, Board of Section 2, Centre for Languages and Literature
Karin Nykvist

Associate Professor, Manager of Research and Research Education, Senior Lecturer

  • Comparative Literature
  • Centre for Languages and Literature

Contact information

E-mail karin.nykvistlitt.luse

Room SOL:H223

Visiting address
Helgonabacken 12, Lund

Postal address
Box 201, 221 00 Lund

Internal post code 20

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