Alumni (after your studies)

After you graduate, the Lund University Alumni Association helps you to keep in touch with the University. As an alumnus of Lund University, and especially as an international student, you are an ambassador for our university all over the world and make a major contribution for us by sharing your experiences of Lund with others. As a registered alumnus you will receive
  • the latest news from Lund University,
  • up-to-date research news,
  • invitations to inspirational lectures, courses and seminars,
  • invitations to international alumni networking events. 
Lund University Alumni Association: Sign up at:

Get help with your career!

Are you thinking about your future carreer? About what you can do to increase your chances of getting a job and where where to find it? Get help from our eminent Careers Services!

[Translate to English:] Arbetslivsforum broschyr

Careers Services at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology 

Page Manager: marina.anderssonslav.luse | 2020-11-26