Syllabus and literature

A course may be studied within the framework of a study programme or as a free-standing course, whereby the student combines different courses to form his/her own programme of study. The document which regulates the contents of the courses is called a course syllabus and it states the number of credits available on the course and its learning outcomes. It also names the programme of study of which the course can form a part. Moreover, it contains information about the main content of the course and the literature which belongs to it. The course syllabus can be said to be your study ’contract’. You can find a more detailed description of the applicable structure and examination of the course for the current semester in the course description handed out by the teacher.
University studies are counted in credits. The normal study period for a full-time course (40 hrs/week) is one semester (30 higher education credits) or two semesters (60 higher education credits), which corresponds to 1.5 higher education credits per week. 1.5 higher education credits correspond to 1.5 credits according to the ECTS scale (European Credit Transfer System).


As a full time student you study weekdays 8 to 17. There will ususally be some schedule classes, but a large part of the learning process takes place outside the classroom as students read and discuss the course material with each other.

Some of the classes will be mandatory – see your detaild course information. The first class in each course/subcourse is usually mandatory. The teacher will explain the course stucture and  what you need to do to pass an rececive a grade in the course. Please notify your teacher if you cannot participate.

Please note that our classes are not public. Only students enrolled in the course are allowed in the classroom. It is not allowed to record classes, either on campus nor in Zoom, without the consent from the teacher. You cannot bring children to the classes.

Course books for all courses at SOL are available in the SOL Library. You find the reading list at the course's homepage. A reference copy of all the titles in the libraries' course book collections is available for use during opening hours at respective library. In the library, you can also get your course literature in alternative formats, such as talking books or TorTalk. At the Lund University web site, you can find some links about where to find used book (only in Swedish): 

The LU-card

You need the the LU-card both to access the premises after opening hours and for borrowing books at the library. Please make sure you have arranged this before visiting the libraries. All information about how to obtain it can be found at

Reading and writing support

How to download and use Talking Books.

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