Exam registration

On the course webpage, you will find the link "Exam schedule", which lists the exams to take place in the current semester. You are to register via Ladok for all invigilated exams on campus and online. If you do not find the exam you wish to register for, please contact the education administrator responsible for your subject. The registration period starts three weeks before the exam session and closes one week before. 

If you have a receipt of a decision to take adapted invigilated exams, you must make a request to your study counsellor so we can arrange the adaptations. Please do this no less than two weeks ahead. Remember to also sign up for the exam in Ladok.

News autumn 2023

As of autumn semester 2023

  • you are allowed to arrive no more than 30 minutes late to an exam on campus. After 30 minutes, the doors will be definitively closed.
  • the LU-card is not valid as identification card

What counts as ID?

Don't forget to sign up for your exam in Ladok.

Page Manager: webmaster@sol.lu.se | 2023-08-18