Former courses Arabic Studies Central and Eastern European Studies Children's Literature Chinese Studies Cognitive Semiotics Comparative Literature Creative Writing Program Danish English Studies European Studies Film Studies French Studies German Greek (Ancient and Byzantine) Greek (Modern Greek) Hebrew Icelandic Italian Studies Japanese Studies Latin Linguistics and Phonetics Middle Eastern Studies Mother Tongue Instruction Other courses (SOL) Polish Studies Public Service Interpreting Romanian Studies Russian Studies Spanish Studies Swedish / Scandinavian Languages Swedish as a Foreign Language Swedish as Second Language Swedish for Exchange Students Theatre Studies Translation Ukrainian Studies Yiddish Swedish / Scandinavian Languages: former courses (not given anymore) FINA01, Finnish, 30 credits FINA11, Finnish. Beginners' Course, 30 credits FINA21, Finnish. Level 2, 30 credits FINA31, Finnish. Level 3, 30 credits FRLB24, Public Service Interpreting II, Dari, 30 credits GEMA30, Swedish for Engineers, 4.5 credits LLYU29, Svenska: Nya perspektiv på svenskan (åk 7-9) (ingår i Lärarfortbildningen), 30 credits LLYU60, Swedish: Level 3 for Upper Secondary School Teachers, 30 credits NOSK01, Scandinavian Languages: Bachelor Course, 30 credits NOSX01, Scandinavian Languages: Master Course, 30 credits SFSUV2, Swedish for Registered Healthcare Professionals, 45 credits SFSUV3, Swedish for Registered Healthcare Professionals, 37.5 credits SVEA01, Swedish: Level 1, 60 credits SVEA10, Swedish: Level 1, 30 credits SVEA11, Swedish Language: Level 1, 30 credits SVEA20, Swedish Language: Level 2, 30 credits SVEA21, Swedish Language: Level 2, 30 credits SVEB01, Swedish: Rhetoric and Analysis of Argument, 15 credits SVEB11, Language Studies: Semantics and Lexicology, 7.5 credits SVEB12, Swedish: Grammar - Level 2, 7.5 credits SVEB13, History of the Swedish Language: Level 2, 7.5 credits SVEB14, Swedish: Sociolinguistics - Level 2, 7.5 credits SVEB15, Swedish: Teaching Swedish as a Second Language, 7.5 credits SVEB16, Swedish: Nordic Dialectology, 7.5 credits SVEB17, Swedish: Nordic Onamotology, 7.5 credits SVEB18, Swedish: Runology, 7.5 credits SVEB19, Swedish: Stylistics in Literature, 7.5 credits SVEB20, Swedish: The Art of Speaking, Writing and Persuasion, 7.5 credits SVEB21, Svenska: Grammatisk problemlösning, 7.5 credits SVEB22, Practical Old Swedish for Historians, 7.5 credits SVEB23, Alfabetisering med svenska som målspråk, 7.5 credits SVEB24, Swedish: Grammar - Level 2, 7.5 credits SVEB26, Swedish as a Second Language: Textual Knowledge, 7.5 credits SVEB28, Swedish: History of the Swedish Language, 7.5 credits SVEB29, Language and Linguistics: Discourse Analysis, 7.5 credits SVEB30, Swedish: Grammar - Level 2, 7.5 credits SVEB34, Swedish: Sociolinguistics, Level 2, 7.5 credits SVEB35, Swedish: Academic Writing, 15 credits SVED01, Swedish/Scandinavian Languages: Work Placement, 30 credits SVED02, Swedish/Scandinavian Languages: Work Placement, 15 credits SVEF01, Swedish for Foreign Students, 30 credits SVEF11, Swedish for Foreign Students, 30 credits SVEF12, Swedish for Foreign Students, 7.5 credits SVEF13, Swedish for Foreign Students, 7.5 credits SVEF14, Swedish for Foreign Students, 7.5 credits SVEF15, Swedish for Foreign Students, 7.5 credits SVEF16, Swedish for Foreign Students: Oral Proficiency, Phonetics and Phonology, 7.5 credits SVEF17, Swedish for Foreign Students: Written Proficiency, 7.5 credits SVEF18, Swedish for Foreign Students, 7.5 credits SVEF21, Swedish for Students with a Foreign Background, 30 credits SVEF23, Swedish for Students with a Foreign Background: Written Proficiency, 7.5 credits SVEF26, Swedish for Students with a Foreign Background: Academic Writing, 7.5 credits SVEF28, Swedish for Students with a Foreign Background: Phonetics and Pronunciation II, 7.5 credits SVEG14, Swedish: Present-Day Swedish, 7.5 credits SVEK01, Swedish: B. A. Degree Essay, 15 credits SVEK11, Swedish Language: Level 3 - B. A. Course, 30 credits SVEM21, Swedish: Semantics and Lexicology, Level 4, 7.5 credits SVEM22, Swedish: Grammar, Level 4, 7.5 credits SVEM23, Swedish:, 7.5 credits SVEM24, Swedish: The Theory of Word Formation, 7.5 credits SVEM25, Swedish: Grammar in Theory and Practice, Level 4, 7.5 credits SVEM26, Swedish: Discourse Analysis, 7.5 credits SVEM27, Swedish: Theories of Language Change, 7.5 credits SVEM28, Swedish: Stylistics in Literature, 7.5 credits SVEM29, Swedish: The History of Scandinavian Languages, Level 4, 7.5 credits SVEM30, Linguistic Variation in the Scandinavian Languages, 7.5 credits SVEM31, Swedish: Generative Grammar, 7.5 credits SVEM32, Swedish: Linguistic Variation within Germanic, 7.5 credits SVEM34, Swedish: Texts in Theory and Practice, 7.5 credits SVEM36, Language and Linguistics: Theories of Language Change, 7.5 credits SVEM37, Language and Linguistics: Generative Syntax, 7.5 credits SVEM39, Language and Linguistics: Discourse Analysis, 7.5 credits SVEM46, Swedish/Scandinavian Languages: Specialised Grammar, 7.5 credits SVEU02, Advanced Medical Swedish for Registered Healthcare Professionals whose First Language is not Swedish II, 7.5 credits SVEU05, The Global Classroom - Introduction to Swedish as a Second Language for Teachers in Municipal Adult Education, 7.5 credits SVEU07, The Global Classroom - Introduction to Swedish as a Second Language for Teachers in Upper Secondary Education, 7.5 credits SVEU08, Swedish as a Foreign Language: Written and Oral Proficiency, 5 credits SVEUF1, Advanced Medical Swedish for Registered Healthcare Professionals whose First Language is not Swedish, 7.5 credits SVEX01, Swedish as a Second Language: Master Course, 30 credits SVEY01, Swedish: Linguistic Orientation - Master Course, 30 credits ÖVSB11, Professional Skills for Translators 1, 1.5 credits ÖVSB12, Grammar and Semantics from a Translation Perspective, 7.5 credits ÖVSB13, Swedish Stylistics, Focusing on Non-fiction Prose and Linguistic Correctness, 6 credits ÖVSB14, Translation into Swedish 1: General Non-fiction Prose, 7.5 credits ÖVSB15, Text Analysis, 7.5 credits ÖVSB21, Professional Skills for Translators 2, 1.5 credits ÖVSB22, Translation into Swedish 2: Technical Language, 7.5 credits ÖVSB23, Technical Language and Terminology, 6 credits ÖVSB24, Translation into Swedish 3: Fiction, 7.5 credits ÖVSB25, Translation Theory, 7.5 credits ÖVSB31, Professional Skills for Translators 3, 1.5 credits ÖVSB32, Translation into Swedish 4: Independent Translation, 7.5 credits ÖVSB33, Translation Studies Theory and Methodology, 6 credits ÖVSD61, Translation into Swedish - in Theory and Practice, 60 credits ÖVSK01, Translation: Bachelor's Degree Project, 15 credits This page shows only courses which are not given anymore.