
Course 30 credits • SFSA30

This course requires proficiency in Swedish. You can find information about the course on the Swedish pages. If you are looking for beginner's courses in Swedish, they are called Study Abroad: Swedish as a foreign language. level 1–4 or 1–8. You can find these courses at

Study period: autumn semester 2022
Type of studies: full time, day
Study period: 2022-08-29 – 2023-01-15
Language of instruction: Swedish
Application code: LU-37002

Teachers: Magdalena Domeradzka, Fredrik Persson, Sandy Åkerblom

Information on included parts

  1. Swedish as a foreign language - level 5 , 7.5 credits
  2. Swedish as a foreign language - level 6 , 7.5 credits
  3. Swedish as a foreign language - level 7 , 7.5 credits
  4. Swedish as a foreign language - level 8 , 7.5 credits


More about the subject, research, staff etc.

Swedish as a Foreign Language

More about the subject, research, staff etc.

Page Manager: webmastersol.luse | 2020-06-15