
Course 90 credits • LLYU80

Study period: spring semester 2025
Semester: 4
Type of studies: part time, 50 %, distance course
Study period: 2023-08-28 – 2026-06-07
Language of instruction: Swedish
Eligibility: General requirements for university studies in Sweden

Introductory meeting: Thursday, 23 January at 16.00 – 18.00

Teachers: Mathilda Danelius Matz, Petter Thörnqvist

Information on included parts

  1. Swedish as a Second Language as a School Subject , 6 credits
  2. Multilingualism: Society and Identity , 6 credits
  3. Reading and Writing Academic Texts , 3 credits
  4. Swedish from a Second Language Perspective , 9 credits
  5. Written Proficiency for Teachers of Swedish as a Second Lang , 6 credits
  6. Pupils' and Adults' Second Language Acquisition , 6 credits
  7. Language Teaching for Newly Arrived Pupils , 6 credits
  8. Digital Persp. in the Teaching of Swedish as a Second Lang. , 3 credits
  9. Pupils' Learning of Reading and Writing , 6 credits
  10. Didactic Perspectives on Word Acquisition , 3 credits
  11. Pupils' written Production: Analysis and Feedback , 6 credits
  12. The Theory and Practice of Teaching Pronounciation , 7.5 credits
  13. Grading and Assessment , 7.5 credits
  14. Didactic Persp. on Literature and the Sec. Lang. Reader , 15 credits

Swedish as Second Language

More about the subject, research, staff etc.

Page Manager: webmastersol.luse | 2020-06-15